The department is heavily involved in undergraduate teaching in the medical programme at the Dunedin School of Medicine.
More about the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB ChB) at Otago
Second- and third-year students
The Obstetrics and Gynaecology section is involved in teaching in the second- and third-year Health in the Community course, and the third-year Reproduction and Aging course and clinical skills program. Staff from both sections participate in guest lectures for other areas of the curriculum as required.
Fourth-year students
Each fourth-year student follows a woman through the last weeks of her pregnancy, is involved with her care during labour and delivery, and after delivery.
Fifth-year students
During the fifth year of medical training there is an seven week attachment to Women's and Children's Health. During this attachment students are exposed to the chronic nature of many childrens' illnesses by following both a healthy baby and a child with a chronic illness or disability with home visits regularly over a nine-month period.
All the relevant information about this seven week clinical attachment is contained in the Clinical Attachment Book, which may be found on Otago Medical School's Moodle site.
Sixth-year students (trainee interns)
In the sixth year of medical training (the trainee intern year) there is a four week rotation in paediatrics with a focus on practical involvement in the management of infants in neonatal intensive care, the paediatric ward, and outpatient settings.