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02 Jun 2022

Researcher’s road trip to talk about spiritual care

Researcher’s road trip to talk about spiritual care


18 May 2022

College of learning inspires PhD journey

College of learning inspires PhD journey

12 May 2022

Decline in the number of people diagnosed with HIV in New Zealand

The number of people being diagnosed with HIV in New Zealand continues to declin...

Flash glucose monitor_tn

11 May 2022

Using continuous glucose monitors for managing type 1 diabetes: a meta-analysis

EDOR reseachers conducted a meta-analysis to see if continuous glucose monitorin...

Jim Mann and GG tn

06 May 2022

Knighthood for EDOR Co-Director Professor Jim Mann

Professor Jim Mann receives his Knight Companion of the New Zealand Order of Mer...

Gavin Bishop image

21 Apr 2022

Gavin Bishop - Mixing it up in medicine

Medical student Gavin Bishop is taking a year out from the traditional medical s...

World Sleep Day thumbnail

18 Mar 2022

Watch Professor Alister Neill's World Sleep Day presentation

EDOR celebrated World Sleep Day 2022 with a presentation by Professor Alister Ne...

14 Mar 2022

Prevalence of chronic kidney disease “alarmingly” high

Chronic kidney disease is “alarmingly” more prevalent among Auckland’s Pacific p...

Christine Jasoni thumb

17 Feb 2022

Professor Christine Jasoni following leadership trend

Many EDOR researchers hold leadership positions at the University and around the...

Joanne Baxter 650 x 400 Image

14 Feb 2022

Otago appoints new Dean to Dunedin School of Medicine

Professor Joanne Baxter has been appointed as the new Dean of Dunedin School of...

Joanne Baxter 650 x 400 Image

10 Feb 2022

Otago appoints new Dean to Dunedin School of Medicine

Professor Joanne Baxter (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Mamoe, Waitaha, Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō)...

03 Feb 2022

3 February 2022 Long-term cannabis use damages lungs, but in a different way from tobacco

Smoking cannabis leads to lung damage, but in a different way from tobacco, new...

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