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About the Dean

Joanne Baxter photo 2022
Professor Joanne Baxter.
Photo: Alan Dove

Professor Joanne Baxter (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Mamoe, Waitaha, Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō) commenced in the role of the Dean of the Dunedin School of Medicine on 1 July 2022.

Joanne is a Public Health Medicine physician with a 30-year background in health and education sectors. She has over 20 years of experience working in the Dunedin School of Medicine, concurrent with more than 10 years in roles in the Division of Health Sciences.

Joanne is recognised for her leadership and research on Māori health and mental health, public health, health inequity, medical education and health workforce development. She is committed to supporting the DSM to realise its vision to contribute to health and health science, fostering equity and response to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, partnering with health services and supporting its students and staff to thrive.

Māori values underpin my approach to leadership including values of whakawhanaungatanga – strong relationships and connections, whakamana – upholding mana and integrity, and manaakitanga – generosity, support and looking after.”


Co-director, Māori Health Workforce Development Unit


Joanne is recognised for her research on Māori mental health, ethnic health inequalities, indigenous medical education and Māori health workforce development.

Details of her research

Contact details

Tel +64 3 470 9907 (Dunedin Hospital extension 59907)

Dean's Department

Academic staff

Professional staff

Heads of academic departments

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