Tel +64 3 479 8648
Email nathan.berg@otago.ac.nz
Room 610a, 6th Floor, Otago Business School
Dr Berg specializes in behavioral economics. He teaches microeconomics, financial economics, psychology and economics, business statistics and econometrics. In 2014, Berg received a 156,000 AUD grant with Toby Handfield (Monash University) to collect experimental data and produce new theoretical findings as part of the project: "Pathologies of Moral Cognition." Berg was invited to become a member of the International Social Science Council (United Nations) Food Futures Network in 2013. Since moving to University of Otago in 2012, Berg has published 15 new scholarly works.
Berg's articles in the field of behavioral economics appear in journals such as Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Psychological Review, and Social Choice and Welfare and his joint work with the Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition at the Max Planck Institute-Berlin is published by Oxford University Press. Berg serves as Associate Editor for Global Economics and Management Review (Elsevier) and is an Associate Editor for Review of Behavioral Economics. He sits on the Editorial Boards of Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly Journal of Socio-Economics) and Global Business and Economics Review. Berg was a Fulbright Scholar in 2003 and Visiting Research Scientist at the Max Planck Institute-Berlin in 2005 and at Osaka University in 2008 and 2009. His research has been cited in the Financial Times, Business Week, Canada's National Post, The Village Voice, The Advocate and Atlantic Monthly.
Before becoming an economist, Berg recorded and toured internationally with jazz trumpeter Maynard Ferguson. He performed with Clark Terry, John Scofield, Alan Broadbent, Stephen Scott, Burnadette Peters, Larry Goldings, Bill Stewart, Christy Moore, and many others. His songwriting was featured in the 2012 feature film Coin De Rue. He performs regularly in Dunedin.
Nathan's CV
Teaching responsibilities
Selected publications
Berg, N. and Kim, J.Y. (2020), Should refusal to sell be illegal? Australian Economic Papers 59(1), 1–12. [B]
Berg, N. and Watanabe, Y. (2020), Conservation of behavioral diversity: Nudging, paternalism-induced monoculture, and the social value of heterogeneous beliefs and behaviors. Mind and Society 19, 103–120.
Berg, N. and Kim, J.Y. (2019), A good advisor. Bulletin of Economic Research 71(3), 558-572. [B]
Kim, J.Y. and Berg, N. (2017), Reexamining the Schmalennsee Effect. Economics: The Open-Access,Open-Assessment E-Journal. [B]
Berg, N and Gabel, T. (2017), Did tax cuts on earned income reduce Social Assistance participation in Canada?. Australian Tax Forum 32(1) 2017. [A]
Akhtaruzzaman, A., Berg, N. and Hajzler, C. (2017), Return Of Capital Dominates Return On Capital?: FDI in Developing Countries. European Journal of Political Economy. [A]
Akhtaruzzaman, A., Berg, N. and Lien, D. (2017), Confucius Institutes and FDI flows from China to Africa. China Economic Review. [A]
Berg, N and Gabel, T. (2017), Did tax cuts on earned income reduce Social Assistance participation in Canada?. Australian Tax Forum 32(1) 2017. [A]
Kim, J.Y., Lee, M.H. and Berg, N. Peak-load pricing in duopoly. Economic Modelling. [A]
Lim, Y., Kim, J.Y., and Berg, N. (2015), Price asymmetry revisited from a marketing perspective. Economic Modelling 49, 314–319.
Berg, N. and Kim, Jeong-Yoo Harsh norms and screening for loyalty. Bulletin of Economic Research. [B]
Hertwig, R, Hoffrage, U., & The ABC Research Group* (2013). Simple Heuristics in a Social World. New York: Oxford University Press. (*includes N Berg)
Todd, P. M., Gigerernzer, G., & the ABC Research Group* (2012). Ecological Rationality: Intelligence in the World. Oxford University Press. (*includes N Berg)
Berg, N. and Hoffrage, U. (2010) Compressed environments: Unbounded optimizers should sometimes ignore information, Minds and Machines 20(2), 259-275.
Berg, N. (2007) It shouldn't take a road trip to shop, Dallas Morning News, November 15, p. 21A.
Berg, N. (2006) Behavioral labor economics, In Altman, M., ed., Handbook of Contemporary Behavioral Economics, M.E. Sharpe, New York, pp. 457-478.
Berg, N. (2005) Decision-making environments in which unboundedly rational decision makers choose to ignore relevant information, Global Business and Economics Review 7(1): 59-73.
Berg, N. (2005) Finance, psychology, economics and the design of successful institutions. In W. Jingping (Ed.), Shanghai Forum 2005, Economic Globalization and the Choice of Asia: Finance (pp. 502-509). Shanghai: Fudan University Press.
Berg N. (2005) Psychological economics and the size of government: On anti-, anti-anti-, ... , (anti-)n, In Yasin, Y. (ed.), Economic Modernization and Cultivation of Institutions (Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of the State University - Higher School of Economics, Moscow), HSE Publishing House, pp. 367-375.
Berg, N. and Hoffrage, U. (2005) Environmental determinants of simple decision rules: No cognitive limitations needed, In Opwis, K. and Penner, I. (eds.) Proceedings of KogWis05: The German Cognitive Science Conference 2005, Schwabe, Basel, pp. 9-14.
Berg, N. (2003) Normative behavioral economics, Journal of Socio-Economics 32, 411-427.
Berg, N. (2003) Sometimes we have to choose between freedoms, Dallas Morning News, February 21, p. 23A.
Berg, N. (2003) We must discuss who gets what, Dallas Morning News, January 10, p.21A.
Berg, N. (2003) Review of Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word, by Kennedy, R., in Magill's Literary Annual 2002: Essay-Reviews of 200 Outstanding Books Published in the United States During 2002, pp. 586-589, Pasadena, CA, Salem Press.
Berg, N. (2003) Review of Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire, by Kaufman, M.T., in Magill's Literary Annual 2002: Essay-Reviews of 200 Outstanding Books Published in the United States During 2002, pp. 794-798, Pasadena, CA, Salem Press.
Berg, N. (1998), Review of Logical Dilemmas: The Life and Work of Kurt Gödel, by Dawson, J.W. Jr., in Magill's Literary Annual: Books of 1997, pp. 517-521, Pasadena, CA, Salem Press.
Working papers
Berg, N., Berg, Charles M., and Ungor, M. (2016), Hedonic Aspiration Control.
Berg, N. and Buckles, B. (2013), Do residential real estate values over-react to the announcement of court-ordered scattered-site public housing?: Dallas case study.
Berg, N., and Buckles, B. (2012), Utility-controlled power grids Versus Independent System Operator (ISO)s: Measuring the effect of ISOs on electric transmission line capacity.
Berg, N. (2014), Imitation in location choice.
Gigerenzer, G. and Berg, N. (2007) [German language] Kommentar zum Vortrag von Klaus M. Schmidt.
Trinh, K. A., Berg, N., Garces-Ozanne, A., & Knowles, S. (2022). Why did they not borrow? Debt-averse farmers in rural Vietnam. Developing Economies, 60(4), 228-260. doi: 10.1111/deve.12336 Journal - Research Article
Berg, N., & Kim, J.-Y. (2022). Optimal online-payment security system and the role of liability sharing. Economic Modelling, 110, 105805. doi: 10.1016/j.econmod.2022.105805 Journal - Research Article
Akhtaruzzaman, M., Berg, N., Lien, D., & Wu, Y. (2022). News coverage of Confucius Institutes in the pre-Trump era. Economic & Political Studies, 10(2), 155-180. doi: 10.1080/20954816.2020.1870025 Journal - Research Article
Rakhmah, T., Connelly, S., & Berg, N. (2021). Firm-level barriers to geothermal power project development in New Zealand. Proceedings of the 15th Otago Energy Research Centre (OERC) Symposium: The Challenge of Net Zero by 2050. Retrieved from https://www.otago.ac.nz/oerc/symposia Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Berg, N., Kim, J.-Y., & Lee, K. M. (2021). Why is parochialism prevalent?: An evolutionary approach. Journal of Economic Interaction & Coordination, 16, 769-796. doi: 10.1007/s11403-021-00328-3 Journal - Research Article