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Dorian Owen imageBSc(Hons), MSc, PhD (Wales)

Tel: 64 3 479 8655
Room 620, 6th Floor, Otago Business School

Dorian's research interests are mainly in the areas of empirical modelling of economic growth and development, sports economics, and applied econometrics. Current interests include the fundamental determinants of economic growth and development, health and economic growth, and competitive balance and competition design in sports leagues. He has previously taught at the University of Reading (UK) and the University of Canterbury and his teaching at Otago has included econometrics, macroeconomics and monetary economics.

Teaching responsibilities

Dorian's teaching responsibilities include:


Triguero-Ruiz, F., Owen, D., & Avila-Cano, A. (2023). The minimum concentration of points in sports leagues without ties. Sports Economics Review. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.serev.2023.100019 Journal - Research Article

Millin, M., Fielding, D., & Owen, P. D. (2023). Education spending, economic development, and the size of government. Public Sector Economics, 47(3), 285-333. doi: 10.3326/pse.47.3.1 Journal - Research Article

Avila-Cano, A., Owen, P. D., & Triguero-Ruiz, F. (2023). Measuring competitive balance in sports leagues that award bonus points, with an application to rugby union. European Journal of Operational Research, 309, 939-952. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2023.01.064 Journal - Research Article

Haug, A. A., Nguyen, A. T. N., & Owen, P. D. (2023). Do the determinants of foreign direct investment have a reverse and symmetric impact on foreign direct divestment? Empirical Economics, 64, 659-680. doi: 10.1007/s00181-022-02263-z Journal - Research Article

Owen, P. D., & Vu, T. V. (2022). State history and corruption. Economics Letters, 218, 110774. doi: 10.1016/j.econlet.2022.110774 Journal - Research Article

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