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Dunedin Campus

University of Otago College of Education
145 Union Street East
PO Box 56
New Zealand 9054

Enquiries: 8:30am–5:00pm
Freephone 0800 TO TEACH (0800 86 83224 within New Zealand)
Tel +64 3 479 4914
Fax +64 3 479 4295
Contact AskOtago

Dunedin Campus Google map

Invercargill Campus | Ahuahu te Mātauranga

University of Otago College of Education
100 Nelson Street
Invercargill  9812
New Zealand

From 9am to 2pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays the reception desk will be staffed and entry is open.
Outside of these times, the reception door will be closed and students will need to use their ID card to swipe into the building.
Tel +64 3 211 6724

From 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday, an Administrator is available by phone.
Tel +64 3 211 6805 or
Freephone (0800 80 80 98 within New Zealand), and ask to be put through to the Southland Campus reception desk.

Contact AskOtago

Information about the Invercargill Campus

Invercargill Campus Google map

Education Support Services

157 Union Street East
PO Box 56
New Zealand 9054

Enquiries: 8:30am–4:30pm
Tel +64 3 479 4900

The Robertson Library

The Robertson Library
135 Union Street East
University of Otago
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9054

Tel +64 3 479 3793

Request a statement of completed qualification and/or academic transcript

Former students and graduates of the College of Education are able to request a statement of completed qualification and/or academic transcript via My eQuals.

My eQuals webpage

Visit the Certified digital degree or diploma certificate web page for more information on:

  • Enquires about obtaining a digital certificate via the My eQuals portal, if your certificate was issued at a graduation ceremony held prior to September 2017
  • Requesting a copy of your qualification certificate (testamur), if you graduated prior to October 2017
  • Enquiries about obtaining a hard-copy replacement of your certificate - this can be produced only if the original certificate has been lost, damaged, or destroyed.

Email if you are a University of Otago student who studied prior to 1977 or a former student of the Dunedin College of Education, to request a copy of your transcript, and/or Kindergarten qualification prior to 1974, as they are not available via My eQuals.

Request information relating to initial teacher education (ITE) programmes

To request and pay for specific information relating to the initial teacher education (ITE) programme you studied, please complete the form linked to below.

Request for ITE programme information form

PLEASE NOTE: If you are unable to 'proceed to payment' when using either Chrome or Internet Explorer please use Firefox as your Internet browser.

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