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Kirsten Addie image Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Support Facilitator

Bachelor of Education, University of Otago
Postgraduate Diploma in Education with Distinction (Reading Recovery specialisation), University of Auckland

Tel | Waea +64 21 477 137
Email | Īmēra

Professional profile

As a Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Support Facilitator, I train experienced junior school kaiako to provide intensive, supplementary teaching and learning for tamariki who are not yet underway with their literacy learning. In the year-long training kaiako learn to:

  • Develop an understanding of reading and writing processes
  • Become skilled at using a range of systematic observation techniques to assess and guide children's reading and writing progress
  • Work in partnership with children’s whānau
  • Learn how to design individual instruction that assists the tamaiti to produce effective strategies for working on text
  • Gain experience with critically evaluating their work and that of their teaching peers
  • Provide three tiers of early literacy support, extending kaiako expertise to benefit more tamariki
  • Learn how to implement Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Support effectively and report regularly on its operation in their schools

After the year-long training, I continue to work with Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Support kaiako through ongoing professional development, observations, and shared reflective dialogue. I work alongside school leadership teams to support literacy teaching and learning for tamariki in their first few years of primary schooling. I keep abreast of current research in literacy teaching and learning and am passionate about growing teachers’ expertise to help tamariki become independent, capable readers and writers who are able to access the wider school curriculum.

My expertise includes

  • Providing literacy leadership to schools in the Southland and Central Otago regions as a Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Support Facilitator
  • Teaching and leading in all year levels of the primary school setting
  • Mentoring Provisionally Registered Teachers
  • Working with schools to effectively implement Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Support in their unique setting
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