Journal - Research Article
van Riemsdijk, M., Anderson, V., & Burgin, A. (2024). Mandated economic self-sufficiency from state and refugee perspectives: Refugee integration policy and practice in Sweden and New Zealand. Journal of Ethnic & Migration Studies. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2024.2346614
Bowden, N., Dixon, R., Anderson, V., de Bock, M., Boucsein, A., Kewene-Edwards, M., Gibb, S., Kokaua, J., Palmer, O., Paul, R., Taylor, B., Vu, H., & Wheeler, B. J. (2024). Associations between type 1 diabetes and educational outcomes: An Aotearoa/New Zealand nationwide birth cohort study using the Integrated Data Infrastructure. Diabetologia, 67, 62-73. doi: 10.1007/s00125-023-06026-y
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Jackson, R., Talahma, R., Miller, A., & Anderson, V. (2024). The responsibility of the social scientist in a time of genocidal settler colonial violence [Roundtable]. Proceedings of the Sociological Association of Aotearoa New Zealand (SAANZ) Conference: The Sociology to Come. Retrieved from https://www.saanz.net/saanz2024/
Other Research Output
Anderson, V. (2024, August). Education matters. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Inaugural Professorial Lecture].
Chapter in Book - Research
Anderson, V., Ortiz Ayala, A., & Mostolizadeh, S. (2023). Refugee-background students in southern New Zealand: educational navigation and necessary self-sufficiency. In H. Pinson, N. Bunar & D. Devine (Eds.), Research Handbook on Migration and Education. (pp. 310-322). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781839106361.00029
Journal - Research Article
Anderson, V., Ortiz-Ayala, A., & Mostolizadeh, S. (2023). Schools and teachers as brokers of belonging for refugee-background young people. International Journal of Inclusive Education. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/13603116.2023.2210591
Inoue, N., & Anderson, V. (2023). Encountering and contesting native-speakerism in Japanese universities. Higher Education Research & Development, 42(6), 1438-1452. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2022.2128073
Anderson, V., Mostolizadeh, S., Oranje, J., Fraser-Smith, A., & Crampton, E. (2023). Navigating the secondary-tertiary education border: Refugee-background students in Southern Aotearoa New Zealand. Research Papers in Education, 38(2), 250-275. doi: 10.1080/02671522.2021.1961300
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Schaaf, R., Kalavite, T., Lei-Mata'afa, S., Nafatali, K., Alai, G., & Anderson, V. (2023, November). Teu le vā Tauhivā: Pacific relationality as a model for ethical practice in academia. Verbal presentation at the 51st Annual Conference of the Oceania Comparative & International Education Society (OCIES), Apia, Samoa.
Anderson, V. (2023, November-December). How (not) to welcome strangers: Insights from research with refugee-background young people. Keynote presentation at the Association of Practical Theology in Oceania (APTO) Conference, [Hybrid].
Other Research Output
Anderson, V. (2023, March). Refugee-background students in Aotearoa: Supporting successful secondary to tertiary education transitions. Migration: Past and Present. University of the Third Age, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Journal - Research Article
Kwan, C., & Anderson, V. (2022). Navigating Fiji’s higher education landscape with indigenous research methodologies. Pacific Dynamics, 6(2), 136-155. doi: 10.26021/13504
Anderson, V., Cone, T., Rafferty, R., & Inoue, N. (2022). Mobile agency and relational webs in women's narratives of international study. Higher Education, 83, 911-927. doi: 10.1007/s10734-021-00714-7
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Anderson, V., & del Pilar Ortiz-Ayala, A. (2022, November). Barrier-free access in a (super)diverse world: Lessons for policy and practice from refugee-background students and teachers of diverse classrooms. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Association for Research in Education (NZARE) Conference: Te Aonui: The Mighty Triangle, [Online].
Journal - Research Article
Osborne, E., Robson, B., & Anderson, V. (2021). When personal experience overlaps with study. Clinical Teacher, 18, 517-522. doi: 10.1111/tct.13384
Anderson, V., & Bristowe, Z. (2021). Re-placing “place” in internationalised higher education: Reflections from Aotearoa New Zealand. Studies in Social Justice, 14(2), 410-428. doi: 10.26522/SSJ.V14I2.2206
Osborne, E., Anderson, V., & Robson, B. (2021). Students as epistemological agents: Claiming life experience as real knowledge in health professional education. Higher Education, 81(4), 741-756. doi: 10.1007/s10734-020-00571-w
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Anderson, V. (2021, July). Mentoring and manaakitanga or fixing academia? Verbal presentation at the Association for Women in the Sciences (AWIS) Triennial Conference: Embracing Diversity, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Edited Book - Research
Anderson, V., & Johnson, H. (Eds.). (2020). Migration, education and translation: Cross-disciplinary perspectives on human mobility and cultural encounters in education settings. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 229p. doi: 10.4324/9780429291159
Chapter in Book - Research
Anderson, V., & Johnson, H. (2020). Introduction. In V. Anderson & H. Johnson (Eds.), Migration, education and translation: Cross-disciplinary perspectives on human mobility and cultural encounters in education settings. (pp. 1-9). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429291159
Inoue, N., & Anderson, V. (2020). English language teaching as a pathway to university employment for native English-speaking migrants to Japan. In V. Anderson & H. Johnson (Eds.), Migration, education and translation: Cross-disciplinary perspectives on human mobility and cultural encounters in education settings. (pp. 105-116). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429291159
Journal - Research Article
Anderson, V., Cone, T., Inoue, N., & Rafferty, R. (2020). Narratives of navigation: Refugee-background women's higher education journeys in Bangladesh and New Zealand. Sites, 17(1), 15-39. doi: 10.11157/sites-id458
Rafferty, R., Burgin, A., & Anderson, V. (2020). Do we really offer refuge? Using Galtung's concept of structural violence to interrogate refugee resettlement support in Aotearoa New Zealand. Sites, 17(1), 115-139. doi: 10.11157/sites-id455
Wass, R., Anderson, V., Rabello, R., Golding, C., Rangi, A., & Eteuati, E. (2020). Photovoice as a research method for higher education research. Higher Education Research & Development, 39(4), 834-850. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2019.1692791
Anderson, V., Rabello, R., Wass, R., Golding, C., Rangi, A., Eteuati, E., Bristowe, Z., & Waller, A. (2020). Good teaching as care in higher education. Higher Education, 79, 1-19. doi: 10.1007/s10734-019-00392-6
Journal - Research Other
Green, W., Anderson, V., Tait, K., & Tran, L. T. (2020). Precarity, fear and hope: Reflecting and imagining in higher education during a global pandemic. Higher Education Research & Development, 39(7), 1309-1312. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2020.1826029
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Anderson, V., Mostolizadeh, A., Oranje, J., & Fraser-Smith, A. (2020). Navigating the secondary-tertiary education borer: Preliminary insights from a participatory action research project with refugee-background students in Southern Aotearoa. Proceedings of the New Zealand Geographical Society (NZGS) Biennial Conference. (pp. 86-87). Retrieved from https://nzgsconference2020.gitlab.io
Journal - Research Article
Rogers, T. L., & Anderson, V. R. (2019). Exploring Cambodian schoolgirls’ educational persistence: A community cultural wealth perspective. Gender, Place & Culture, 26(4), 533-558. doi: 10.1080/0966369X.2018.1555517
Costa Camoes Rabello, R., Nairn, K., & Anderson, V. (2019). Working within/against institutional expectations: Exploring recommendations for social investment in the oil and gas sector. Extractive Industries & Society, 6(1), 103-109. doi: 10.1016/j.exis.2018.06.007
Chapter in Book - Research
Costa Camoes Rabello, R., Anderson, V., & Nairn, K. (2018). An exploration of social investment discourses in the oil and gas sector. In D. Crowther, S. Seifi & A. Moyeen (Eds.), The goals of sustainable development: Responsibility and governance. (pp. 139-154). Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-5047-3_9
Costa Camoes Rabello, R., Nairn, K., & Anderson, V. (2018). Rethinking corporate social responsibility in capitalist neoliberal times. In D. Crowther & S. Seifi (Eds.), Redefining corporate social responsibility. (pp. 27-41). Bingley, UK: Emerald. doi: 10.1108/S2043-052320180000013005
Journal - Research Article
Nairn, K., Anderson, V., & Blanch, K. (2018). Future teachers debate charter schools on Facebook: Analysing their political subjectivities. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 39(1), 41-52. doi: 10.1080/01596306.2016.1228045
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Anderson, V. (2018). Centering the periphery: Rethinking internationalisation from Oceania. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society with IBG (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference: Geographical Landscapes / Changing Landscapes of Geography. Retrieved from http://conference.rgs.org/AC2018
Osborne, E., Anderson, V., & Robson, B. (2018). Students' encounters with their lived experiences in higher education. Proceedings of the Higher Education Development Centre (HEDC) Symposium: Celebrating Higher Education. (pp. 4). Retrieved from https://www.otago.ac.nz/hedc
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Anderson, V. (2018, November). Refuge or riddle? Women's narratives of longing and belonging in higher education. Verbal presentation at the Refuge in the City Conference: Former Refugees in Urban New Zealand, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Anderson, V. (2018, February). Educational migration and the New Zealand context: Are we promoting 'inclusive and quality education for all'? Verbal presentation at the Global Migrations Conference, Dunedin, New Zealaqnd.
Journal - Research Article
Anderson, V., Young, S., Blanch, K., & Smith, L. (2017). Mobility, place and affect in transnational teacher education graduates’ accounts of their first year teaching. Teaching & Teacher Education, 69, 11-20. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2017.09.010
France, A. J., Anderson, V. R., Laqekoro, Z., & Foster Page, L. A. (2017). Pacific adolescents' attitudes to and beliefs about oral health and oral health care in two southern cities. New Zealand Dental Journal, 113(1), 17-24.
Adam, L., Anderson, V., & Spronken-Smith, R. (2017). ‘It’s not fair’: Policy discourses and students’ understandings of plagiarism in a New Zealand university. Higher Education, 74(1), 17-32. doi: 10.1007/s10734-016-0025-9
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Anderson, V., Rangi, A., Eteuati, E., Wass, R., Golding, C., & Rabello, R. (2017). The 'good teaching' project. Proceedings of the Ako Aotearoa Southern Hub Projects Colloquium. (pp. 2). Wellington, New Zealand: Ako Aotearoa. Retrieved from https://ako.ac.nz/co-funding/regional-hub-project-fund/projects-in-progress-colloquia-2017
Anderson, V., Rangi, A., Eteuati, E., Wass, R., Golding, C., & Rabello, R. (2017). "I think they need to realise how influential they really are": What can we learn from university students' conceptions of 'good teaching' and 'effective learning'? Proceedings of the Talking Teaching Conference. Retrieved from https://akoacademy.ac.nz/programme
Anderson, V., Wass, R., Rangi, A., Eteuati, E., Golding, C., & Rabello, R. (2017). Reframing ‘curriculum transformation’ through attention to university students’ conceptions of good teaching. Proceedings of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) Conference: Curriculum Transformation. Retrieved from http://herdsa2017.org
Wass, R., Anderson, V., Rangi, A., Eteuati, E., Golding, C., & Rabello, R. (2017). How do we foreground students’ voices to inform good practice (or curriculum change)? Proceedings of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) Conference: Curriculum Transformation. Retrieved from http://herdsa2017.org
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Anderson, V., & Kwan, C. (2017, November). Exploring the Fiji higher education sector: Establishment, growth, and ongoing complexities. Verbal presentation at the 45th Annual Conference of the Oceania Comparative and International Education Society (OCIES): Education and sustainable development in Oceania and beyond, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
Anderson, V. (2017, November). Internationalisation in Aotearoa New Zealand: Promoting or prohibiting "inclusive quality education for all". Verbal presentation at the 45th Annual Conference of the Oceania Comparative and International Education Society (OCIES): Education and sustainable development in Oceania and beyond, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
Journal - Research Article
Gambetta-Tessini, K., Mariño, R., Morgan, M., & Anderson, V. (2016). Coping strategies and the Salutogenic Model in future oral health professionals. BMC Medical Education, 16(1), 224. doi: 10.1186/s12909-016-0740-z
Smith, L. A., Anderson, V., & Blanch, K. (2016). Five beginning teachers' reflections on enacting New Zealand's national standards. Teaching & Teacher Education, 54, 107-116. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2015.11.014
Journal - Research Other
Anderson, V., & Johnson, H. (2016). Guest editorial: Special issue on "Asia and education". New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, 18(2), 1-2. [Editorial].
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Anderson, V. (2016). The internationalisation of higher education an Aotearoa New Zealand: Historical and contemporary contradictions and possibilities. Proceedings of the Centre for Research on International Education Conference: Internationalizing Higher Education: Past Practices and Future Possibilities. Retrieved from https://www.sfu.ca/crie/conference---internationalizing-higher-education.html
Wass, R., Anderson, V., Rangi, A., Eteuati, E., Golding, C., & Rabello, R. (2016). Insights from the Good Teaching Project: 'Photovoice' as a means for letting students speak. Proceedings of the Tertiary Education Research in New Zealand (TERNZ) Conference. Retrieved from http://herdsa.org.nz/ternz/2016
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Anderson, V. (2016, March). Rethinking internationalized higher education through attention to place, embodiment and affect. Verbal presentation at the 60th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES): Six Decades of Comparative and International Education: Taking Stock and Looking Forward, Vancouver, Canada.
Other - Edited Journal
Anderson, V., & Johnson, H. (Eds.). (2016). New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, 18(2) [Special issue: Asia and education]. [Guest Editors].
Journal - Research Article
Anderson, V. R., Rapana, S. T., Broughton, J. R., Seymour, G. J., & Rich, A. M. (2015). Preliminary findings from the Oranga Niho dental student outplacement project. New Zealand Dental Journal, 111(1), 6-14.
Kang, I., Foster Page, L. A., Anderson, V. R., Thomson, W. M., & Broadbent, J. M. (2015). Changes in students' perceptions of their dental education environment. European Journal of Dental Education, 19(2), 122-130. doi: 10.1111/eje.12112
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Adam, L., Spronken-Smith, R., & Anderson, V. (2015). Re-conceptualising plagiarism: Engaging students in quality scholarship. Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) Conference. (pp. 58). Retrieved from http://www.issotl2015.com.au/program.html
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Anderson, V., Young, S., Smith, L., & Blanch, K. (2015, December). The Malaysia Education Blueprint and beginning teachers' work. Verbal presentation at the Asian Migrations Research Theme Conference: Asia and Education, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Anderson, V., Young, S., & Blanch, K. (2015, June). Dangerous research in internationalized higher education? Learning from graduates' experiences of returning 'home'. Verbal presentation at the Sixth New Zealand Mobilities Symposium: Mobilities in a 'dangerous world', Hamilton, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Anderson, V. R., Young, S., Blanch, K., & Smith, L. (2014). Beginning teachers as policy workers in Malaysia and New Zealand. International Education Journal, 14(2), 30-42.
Anderson, V. (2014). 'World-travelling': A framework for re-thinking teaching and learning in internationalised higher education. Higher Education, 68(5), 637-652. doi: 10.1007/s10734-014-9736-y
Anderson, V., McGrath, T., & Butcher, A. (2014). Asia-born New Zealand-educated business graduates' transition to work. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 34(1), 65-79. doi: 10.1080/02188791.2013.823378
Journal - Research Other
Anderson, V. (2014). [Review of the book Childhoods: Growing up in Aotearoa New Zealand]. Journal of the Polynesian Society, 123(1), 91-93. [Book Review].
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Anderson, V., Young, S., & Blanch, K. (2014). Beginning teacher journeys in Malaysia and New Zealand: Part one of a comparative study. Proceedings of the Joint Australian Association for Research in Education and New Zealand Association for Research in Education (AARE-NZARE) Conference: Speaking Back Through Research. Retrieved from http://aare-nzare2014.com.au/
Anderson, V., Young, S., & Blanch, K. (2014). Voices from beyond: Insights from beginning teachers in Malaysia and New Zealand. Proceedings of the 42nd Australian New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society (ANZCIES) Annual Conference. (pp. 59). Retrieved from http://anzcies2014.com/?page_id=209
Adam, L., Anderson, V., & Spronken-Smith, R. (2014). Re-thinking plagiarism in light of a bigger question: What is the purpose of university education? Proceedings of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) Conference: Higher Education in a Globalized World. Retrieved from http://chtl.hkbu.edu.hk/herdsa2014/detailed-prog/
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Anderson, V. (2014, October). Becoming an academic: Twists, turns and lessons from the road. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Association for Research in Education (NZARE) Student Caucus Workshops, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Anderson, V. (2014, November). Internationalisation, nationhood and the New Zealand context: Constructing and contesting difference in internationalised higher education. Verbal presentation at the Multiculturalism in New Zealand: International and Multi-disciplinary Perspectives Colloquium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Foster Page, L. A., Kang, I., Anderson, V. R., Thomson, W. M., Meldrum, A. M., & Moffat, S. M. (2013). Changes in Bachelor of Oral Health students' perceptions of their dental education environment. New Zealand Dental Journal, 109(4), 134-140.
Gambetta-Tessini, K., Mariño, R., Morgan, M., Evans, W., & Anderson, V. (2013). Stress and health-promoting attributes in Australian, New Zealand, and Chilean dental students. Journal of Dental Education, 77(6), 801-809.
Tan, A. S., Anderson, V. R., & Foster Page, L. A. (2013). Second and third year oral health and dental student perceptions of future professional work. European Journal of Dental Education, 17(4), 241-250. doi: 10.1111/eje.12057
Anderson, V. (2013). 'Impure community': A framework for contact in internationalised higher education? Journal of Intercultural Studies, 34(1), 34-54. doi: 10.1080/07256868.2013.751903
Subramanian, J., Anderson, V. R., Morgaine, K. C., & Thomson, W. M. (2013). The importance of ‘student voice’ in dental education. European Journal of Dental Education, 17(1), e136-e141. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0579.2012.00773.x
Subramanian, J., Anderson, V. R., Morgaine, K. C., & Thomson, W. M. (2013). Effective and ineffective supervision in postgraduate dental education: A qualitative study. European Journal of Dental Education, 17(1), e142-e150. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0579.2012.00774.x
Subramanian, J., Anderson, V. R., Morgaine, K. C., & Thomson, W. M. (2013). Improving the quality of educational strategies in postgraduate dental education using student and graduate feedback: Findings from a qualitative study in New Zealand. European Journal of Dental Education, 17(1), e151-e158. doi: 10.1111/eje.12006
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Anderson, V., Furnari, M., Rapana, S., & Broughton, J. (2013). What do 'excellent clinical supervisors' and 'good students' look like in clinical outreach settings? Proceedings of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) Conference: The Place of Learning and Teaching. Retrieved from https://www.openconf.org/herdsa2013
Anderson, V., Furnari, M., Rapana, S., Flavell, F., & Broughton, J. (2013). What can higher education learn from schools’ Tātaiako cultural competencies? A framework for reading dental student outplacement project data. In J. McDonald, S.-K. Loke, A. McLean & M. Rajoo (Eds.), Proceedings of the Spotlight on Teaching and Learning Colloquium. (pp. 27). Dunedin, New Zealand: HEDC, University of Otago. [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Anderson, V., & Bradstock, A. (2013, August). How is the term 'secular' understood in an Aotearoa-New Zealand context? Preliminary findings. Verbal presentation at the Public Theology and Public Issues Symposium: Is New Zealand "Secular" and Does it Matter? Dunedin, New Zealand.
Anderson, V., Nairn, K., & Blanch, K. (2013, November). 'I'm trying to understand opposition to partnership schools': Facebook as a forum for examining pre-service teachers' views on educational issues. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Association for Research in Education (NZARE) National Conference: Creativity in Research: Generative Inquiries for Educational Futures, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Broughton, J. R., Downs, R., Laing, B., Lawrence, M. G., McGibbon, M., Steinmann, M., … Anderson, V. (2013, April). Oranga Niho me Ngā Tangata Whaiora: A kaupapa Māori oral health research project in Tauranga Moana. Invited presentation at the Te Ao Mārama (The New Zealand Māori Dental Association) Hui-Ā-Tau, Tauranga, New Zealand.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Broughton, J., Anderson, V., Lawrence, M., Steinman, M., Nichol, J., Wright, S., … Hikairo, P. (2013). He mahi rangahau hauora Māori [A Māori health research project]: Oranga niho me ngā tangata whaiora [Oral health and Māori mental health patients]. Commissioned by Health Research Council of New Zealand and Ministry of Health Research Partnership. University of Otago and Te Manu Toroa. 100p.
Journal - Research Article
Pang, L. C., Anderson, V. R., & Moffat, S. M. (2012). Initial University of Otago oral health graduates' employment pathways and preparedness for work. New Zealand Dental Journal, 108(3), 83-88.
Anderson, V. R., Pang, L. C., & Aarts, J. M. (2012). New Zealand dental technicians and continuing education: Findings from a qualitative survey. New Zealand Dental Journal, 108(2), 47-54.
Anderson, V. R. (2012). ‘Homes’ and being ‘at home’ in New Zealand: Women's place-making in internationalised higher education. Gender, Place & Culture, 19(3), 327-343. doi: 10.1080/0966369X.2011.610097
Foster Page, L. A., Kang, M., Anderson, V., & Thomson, W. M. (2012). Appraisal of the Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure in the New Zealand dental education environment. European Journal of Dental Education, 16(2), 78-85. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0579.2011.00725.x
Anderson, V., Kang, M., & Foster Page, L. (2012). First-year oral health and dentistry student perceptions of future professional work. European Journal of Dental Education, 16(1), e166-e173. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0579.2011.00692.x
Journal - Research Other
Bell, M., Duncan, T., & Anderson, V. (2012). Towards a movement-driven social sciences in Aotearoa New Zealand. Sites, 9(1), 1-11. doi: 10.11157/sites-vol9iss1id203
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
McGrath, T., Anderson, V., Ching, C. P., & Doi, A. (2012). Asia-born New Zealand trained business graduates reactions and insights into internationalization in New Zealand university business schools. In K. Richardson, S. Chang & T. McGrath (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd International Education Association (ISANA) Conference. Hobart, Australia: ISANA International Education Association. Retrieved from http://www.proceedings.com.au/isana/2012.html
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Anderson, V., Broughton, J., & Rapana, S. (2012). ‘Internationalisation’ or ‘localisation’? Promoting dental students’ cultural responsiveness through outplacements with Māori health providers. Proceedings of the Joint International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) and the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA). Retrieved from http://aare-apera2012.com.au/
Subramanian, J., Anderson, V. R., Morgaine, K. C., & Thomson, W. M. (2012). Factors that promote effective and ineffective learning in postgraduate dental education: Student perspective and implications for practice. Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE) Conference: Professionalism Under Pressure. (pp. 49). Adelaide, Australia: ANZAHPE. [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Anderson, V., Broughton, J., & Rapana, S. (2012, June). 'Oranga niho, oranga tinana, oranga whānau': Mobilising dental students through outplacements with Māori Oral Health Providers. Verbal presentation at the 3rd New Zealand Mobilities Symposium: Mobilities and Wellbeing, Auckland, New Zealand.
Commissioned Report for External Body
McGrath, T., Anderson, V., Ching, C. P., Doi, A., & Stock, P. (2012). Tracking study series of Asian business graduates [Asia:NZ Research: Report 3]. Commissioned by Asia New Zealand Foundation. Wellington: Asia:NZ Foundation. 29p.
Other - Edited Journal
Bell, M., Duncan, T., & Anderson, V. (Eds.). (2012). Sites, 9(1) [Special issue: Mobilities]. [Guest Editors].
Journal - Research Article
Anderson, V. R., Rich, A. M., & Seymour, G. J. (2011). Undergraduate dental education in New Zealand: 2007-2009 final-year student feedback on clinical learning environments. New Zealand Dental Journal, 107(3), 85-90.
Friedlander, L., & Anderson, V. (2011). A new predoctoral endodontic module: Evaluating learning and effectiveness. Journal of Dental Education, 75(3), 351-359.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Anderson, V. (2011). Graduate student research as life on the edge: Examining one's own learning environment. In K. Krause, M. Buckridge, C. Grimmer & S. Purbrick-Illek (Eds.), Proceedings of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) 34th Annual International Conference: Research and Development in Higher Education: Higher Education on the Edge (Vol. 34). (pp. 1-12). Sydney, Australia: HERDSA. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Anderson, V., Burnett, G., Furnari, M., & Cushen, J. (2011). Teaching, learning and internationalisation [Panel discussion]. In K. Shephard, T. Harland & A. Cohen (Eds.), Proceedings of the Spotlight on Teaching and Learning Colloquium. (pp. 11). Dunedin, New Zealand: HEDC, University of Otago. [Abstract]
Commissioned Report for External Body
McGrath, T., Anderson, V., Ching, C. P., Doi, A., Stock, P., & International Student Ministries of New Zealand Inc. (2011). Tracking study series of Asian business graduates [Asia:NZ Research: Report 2]. Commissioned by Asia New Zealand Foundation. Wellington: Asia:NZ Foundation. 29p.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Anderson, V., McGrath, T., Butcher, A., Ching, C. P., & Doi, A. (2010). Community engagement and study-to-work transitions: Recommendations from Asia-born New Zealand-educated business graduates. Proceedings of the ISANA: International Education Association 21st International Education Conference: Engaging with a Wider Community. Retrieved from www.proceedings.com.au/isana2010
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Kang, M., Foster Page, L., & Anderson, V. (2010). First-year students' perceptions of their educational environment and future work. Journal of Dental Research, 89(Spec Iss C). Retrieved from http://www.dentalresearch.org
Anderson, V., Tawse-Smith, A., & Rich, A. (2010). Shifting countries, classrooms and clinics: Facilitating smooth transitions for students in partnered dental education. Proceedings of the Tertiary Education Research in New Zealand (TERNZ) Conference. (pp. 5-7). Retrieved from http://www.herdsa.org.nz/Ternz/2010/programme.html
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Anderson, V., Tawse-Smith, A., & Rich, A. (2010, March). A research-informed bridging programme for students in partnered dental education. Verbal presentation at the 7th International Medical Education Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Anderson, V. (2010, November). Theorising educational mobilities through partnered dental education. Verbal presentation at the Mobilities Symposium: Towards a Movement-driven Social Science in Aotearoa/New Zealand, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
McGrath, T., Anderson, V., Ching, C. P., & Butcher, A. (2009). Choices and expectations of Asian-born New Zealand trained business graduates. Proceedings of the International Education Association (ISANA) 20th International Education Conference. Retrieved from http://proceedings.com.au/isana2009/
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Anderson, V. (2009). The importance of impurity: Reflections on a social group for international and local women in internationalised higher education. Proceedings of the Building Research Capability in the Social Sciences (BRCSS) Network Conference: Social Sciences Research: A Celebration. Retrieved from http://www.brcss.net.nz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=48&Itemid=102
Anderson, V. (2009). 'World-travelling': A framework for understanding students' shifts between countries and classrooms? Proceedings of the Tertiary Education Research in New Zealand Conference. Retrieved from http://www.herdsa.org.nz/file.php/5/Anderson.htm
Commissioned Report for External Body
McGrath, T., Anderson, V., Ching, C. P., Doi, A., Stock, P., & International Student Ministries of New Zealand Inc. (2009). Tracking study series of Asian business graduates [Asia:NZ Research: Report 1]. Commissioned by Asia New Zealand Foundation. Wellington: Asia:NZ Foundation. 26p.
Journal - Research Article
Anderson, V. (2008). The international education agenda: International and New Zealand women students. Sites, 5(2), 57-80.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Anderson, V. (2008). Re-imagining 'interaction' and 'integration': Reflections on a university social group for international and local women. In T. McGrath (Ed.), Proceedings of the ISANA International Education Association 19th International Conference. The Gap, Australia: ISANA International Education Association. Retrieved from http://proceedings.com.au/isana2008/
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Anderson, V. (2008, September). ‘Impure community’ in an (international) education context: Considering its messy actualities. Verbal presentation at the Contact: An Interdisciplinary Challenge in Cultural Studies, Sydney, Australia.
Awarded Doctoral Degree
Anderson, V. (2008). The experiences of international and New Zealand women in New Zealand higher education (PhD). University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. 276p.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Anderson, V. (2007). Thinking across the international/local binary: Emerging themes in doctoral research with international/New Zealand women students. Proceedings of the Building Research Capability in the Social Sciences Network (BRCSS) New Settler Research Conference. Retrieved from http://www.brcss.net.nz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=48&Itemid=102
Anderson, V. (2007). Re-thinking (international) education: Emerging themes in interviews with international and New Zealand women. Proceedings of the Building Research Capability in the Social Sciences (BRCSS) Network Research Colloquium. Retrieved from http://www.brcss.net.nz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=48&Itemid=102
Anderson, V. R. (2007). Writing agency, writing pain: Ethical tension in research with New Zealand/international women students. Third International Congress of Quality Inquiry & Couch-Stone Symposium. Retrieved from http://www.iiqi.org/C4QI/httpdocs/qi2007/index.html
Anderson, V. (2007). Who's educating whom? Insights for New Zealand educators from Asian international and New Zealand women students. Proceedings of the 17th New Zealand Asian Studies Society International Conference. Retrieved from http://www.nzasia.org.nz/conference07.html
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Anderson, V. (2007, December). Who's educating who? Reflections on the Ministry of Education's 'International Education Agenda' in the light of interviews with international and New Zealand women students. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Association for Research in Education (NZARE) National Conference: Education in the Pacific, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Anderson, V. (2006). Who's not integrating? International women speak about New Zealand students. Proceedings of the International Education Association (ISANA) 17th International Education Conference. Retrieved from www.proceedings.com.au/isana/2006.html
Journal - Research Article
Anderson, V., & Nairn, K. (2005). Commentary: Teaching and mothering: Reflections on the dual role. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 40(1 & 2), 211-220.