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Linguistics is the study of language in our minds, in our cultures, and in our actions.

As language exists throughout human life, linguistics study can easily be paired with other disciplines in the arts, such as English, sociology, anthropology, education, or languages, and other disciplines in the sciences, such as psychology, neuroscience, and computer science, and maths.

At the undergraduate level, this work can lead to a BA (Bachelor of Arts) or BASc (Bachelor of Arts and Science) qualification.

The Linguistics Programme offers not only a full undergraduate programme, Honours, MA and PhD, but also a minor in teaching English as a second language and a graduate diploma in second language teaching, with a view to meeting the demand for teachers of English here in New Zealand and overseas.

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English and Linguistics Facebook page

For further information about linguistics

Enquiries about the BA Honours programme and exchange programmes:

Associate Professor Hunter Hatfield

Enquiries about the undergraduate programme, TESOL programmes, and the regular DipGrad:

Associate Professor Minh Nguyen

Enquiries about the specialised Graduate Diploma in Second Language Teaching, and the MA and PhD programmes:

Dr Simon Overall

Contact details

Tel +64 3 479 8952
First Floor
Arts Building
95 Albany Street

Mail Linguistics Programme
English and Linguistics Programme
University of Otago
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand

The Reception is open weekdays, 8:30am – 4:30pm.

Information for prospective visitors

The Linguistics Programme receives many applications for visiting scholar positions. Regretfully, we are able to accept only a very small number (i.e., up to two per year).

The following is a set of general guidelines for the submission of applications for visiting scholar status in the Linguistics Programme.

A visiting scholar will have a background and current research directions compatible with those of members of the teaching staff.
See our staff pages for information on our research interests

Applicants must submit documentation attesting to the following:

  • Full CV, including:
  • Complete publications list, including conference presentations
  • Outline of research work to be undertaken while at the University of Otago.

At the discretion of the Head of Programme, the visiting scholar will be asked to contribute all or some of the following:

  • Seminar(s)
  • Guest lecture(s)
  • Publish research or contribute a paper to conference, for inclusion in the Programme's research profile.

During the term of the visit, a visiting scholar will be entitled to the following:

  • Access to email
  • Library access
  • Attendance at seminars and lectures with permission of lecturer

Due to constraints on space, however, we are not always able to offer work space.
No remuneration of any kind will be available to visiting scholars.

The procedure for applications:

You must be supported by a current member of our teaching staff. To do this you should approach a person who shares your research interest with a description of your project.

If that person is interested, he or she will agree to support your application and make a case for your visit in our staff meeting.

The Programme reviews applications for visiting scholar status in April and October in each year. Applications close on 31 March and 30 September.

The completed application must be forwarded to the Head of the Linguistics Programme. E-mail applications are not accepted.

Thank you for your interest in the Linguistics Programme at the University of Otago.

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