Head of Programme
Professor Jacob Edmond
BA Hons, PhD (Auckland)
Modern and Contemporary Poetry, Literary Theory
Matt Smith
Academic staff
Lisa Blakie
BA, BA(Hons) (Otago)
Professor David Ciccoricco
BS Journalism (Colorado), BA Hons, PhD (Canterbury)
Narrative Theory, Digital Literature
Dr Michael Cop
BA (Sainte-Anne), MA Theology (Notre Dame Australia), MA, PhD English (Otago)
Shakespeare, Writing, Renaissance Biblical Literature, Biblical Harmonies, Milton
Nicola Cummins
BA, Dip Tchg (Auck), MA (Otago), TESOL Cert. Writing
Dr Simone Drichel
MA (Freiburg), PhD (Victoria)
New Zealand and Postcolonial Literature, Critical and Cultural Theory
Dr Lynley Edmeades
BA, DipPhot, DipGrad, MA Creative Writing (Queen's), MA, PhD (Otago)
Poetry and poetics, the essay, sound studies, inter-genre texts, art, interdisciplinarity, the avant-garde
Associate Professor Hunter Hatfield
MA (Mississippi), PhD (Hawai'i at Mānoa)
Psycholinguistics, Phonology, Speech Perception, Pragmatics, University Preparation and Outcomes
Professor Simone Celine Marshall
BA (Victoria), BA Hons (Waikato), MA Hons (Waikato), PhD (Sydney)
Medieval Literature, Chaucer, Calligraphy, Palaeography and Codicology
Professor Thomas McLean
BA (Loyola), MA (Boston College), PhD (Iowa)
Nineteenth-Century Literature
Associate Professor Grace Moore
MA (William & Mary), BA, PhD (Exeter)
Victorian literature, Charles Dickens, Anthony Trollope, Settler literature, Neo-Victorianism, the History of Emotions, Ecocriticism
Associate Professor Minh Nguyen
MEd TESOL (QUT), PhD (Auckland)
Pragmatics in language teaching and learning, Second language acquisition, Family language policy and heritage language maintenance, Child language learning.
Dr Simon Overall
BA, MA (Auckland), PhD (La Trobe)
Morphology, Syntax, Historical Linguistics, Amazonian Languages, Andean Languages, Grammatical Description, Field Linguistics
Associate Professor Paul Tankard
BA, DipEd, MA, PhD (Monash)
Eighteenth-Century Literature, Johnson and Boswell, Fantasy, Lewis and the Inklings, Paratextuality, Essays, Writing
Burns Fellow
Dr Octavia Cade
Email octavia.cade@otago.ac.nz
Dr Josie Carter
LLB, BA (Hons), PhD (Otago)
Contemporary Fiction and Ethics, New Zealand and Postcolonial Literatures
Dr Anne Feryok
BA, MA (Syracuse), PhD (Auckland)
Second Language Teaching and Learning, Sociocultural and Activity Theory, Motivation, Feedback, Language Teacher Cognitions
Dr John Hale
MA (Oxon), PhD (Edin), DipEd (Durh), LittD (Otago)
Renaissance Literature, Milton
Dr Donald Kerr
DipTchg, MA (Libr), PhD (Auckland)
Collecting and Book History, Private Presses
Professor Liam McIlvanney
MA Hons (Glasgow), DPhil (Oxon) [Stuart Chair in Scottish Studies]
Scottish Literature and Culture Since 1707, including: Robert Burns, Scottish Vernacular Poetry, the Glasgow Novel, Ulster-Scots Poetry, Contemporary Scottish Writing, Irish-Scottish Literary Connections, Literature of the Scottish Diaspora, Scottish Crime Fiction
Honorary Associate Professor Christine Prentice
MA, PhD (Canterbury)
New Zealand Literature, Postcolonial Literatures, Cultural Theory and Cultural Studies
Associate Professor Shef Rogers
BA (Emory), MA, PhD (Chicago)
Eighteenth-Century Literature, Bibliography
Dr Rochelle Simmons
MA (Auckland), PhD (Toronto)
Contemporary Fiction; Literature and the Visual, Literature and Cinema
Honorary Associate Professor Greg Waite
BA (Otago), MA, PhD (Toronto)
Old English, Middle English, Old Norse
Emeritus and Emerita Professors
Emeritus Professor Chris Ackerley
MA (Canterbury), PhD (Tor)
Emeritus Professor Alistair Fox
MA (Canterbury), PhD (W Ontario)
Emerita Professor Jocelyn Harris
MA (Otago), PhD (London)
Eighteenth-Century Literature and Women's Literature