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BA (Otago) MA PhD (Toronto) Web

Mail Department of English & Linguistics
University of Otago
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand


Old English, Middle English, Old Norse.

Currently at work on a project funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (USA) to publish a new critical edition of the Old English translation of Bede's Historia ecclesiastica.

Electronic database

A Textbase of Early Tudor English

Other projects

The Notebook of William Thomas

NZUPA - New Zealand Uilleann Pipers' Association


Waite, G. (2021). John Smith's 1722 edition of Bede's Historia ecclesiastica and the burnt British Library Cotton MS Otho B XI. Parergon, 38(1), 129-161. doi: 10.1353/pgn.2021.0007 Journal - Research Article

Waite, G. (2018). Skelton and the English language. In S. Sobecki & J. Scattergood (Eds.), A critical companion to John Skelton. (pp. 139-162). Suffolk, UK: Boydell & Brewer. doi: 10.1017/9781787443273.012 Chapter in Book - Research

Waite, G. (2015). The preface to the Old English Bede: Authorship, transmission, and connection with the West Saxon Genealogical Regnal List. Anglo-Saxon England, 44, 31-93. doi: 10.1017/S0263675100080066 Journal - Research Article

Waite, G. (2014). The famous cronycle of the warre which the Romayns had agaynst Iugurth, usurper of the kyngdome of Numidy: Alexander Barclay's translation of Sallust's Bellum lugurthinum [Scholarly edition]. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 361p. Authored Book - Research

Waite, G. (2014). Translation style, lexical systems, dialect vocabulary, and the manuscript transmission of the Old English Bede. Medium Aevum, 83(1), 1-48. Journal - Research Article

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