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Grace Moore image

BA & PhD, University of Exeter, UK
MA, College of William & Mary, USA

Contact details

Tel +64 3 479 8629
Office 1S12
First Floor
Arts Building
Albany Street

Research interests

Victorian literature, Charles Dickens, Anthony Trollope, Settler literature, Neo-Victorianism, the History of Emotions, Ecocriticism.


Grace Moore works on many aspects of Victorian literature and culture and her publications include work on Dickens, Trollope, pirates, fires, emotions and the environment, acclimatization, deforestation, climate change, crime writing, neo-Victorianism and animal studies.

She is the author of Dickens and Empire, which was shortlisted for the New South Wales Premier's Award for Literary Scholarship in 2006, and The Victorian Novel in Context.  She is the editor of Victorian Crime, Madness and Sensation (with Andrew Maunder), Pirates and Mutineers of the Nineteenth Century, and Victorian Environments (with Michelle J. Smith). Grace is (as of January 2024) editor of the online Literary Encyclopedia, having been one of the Victorian section editors since 2019. Her other recent publications include an open access special issue, Fire Stories, which explores the interconnections between fire and emotions.

Grace is at present writing a book about the novelist Anthony Trollope and his representation of environmental change across the globe, while also finishing up a project on settlers and their representation of Australian bushfires.

Prior to her arrival at Otago in 2019, Grace taught at the University of Melbourne for fourteen years, where she was a senior lecturer. Most recently, she was a senior research fellow with the Australian Research Council's Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions.  Grace has also taught at the University of Idaho, USA and the University of Bristol, UK, and she is a faculty member of the Dickens Project, based at UC Santa Cruz.

In 2023 Grace was a Dickens Project Faculty Fellow.  The first of her three talks, “Trollope Down Under: Representations of Bushfires and Wildfires in Nineteenth-Century Settler Culture,” may be viewed below.

Possible supervision

Victorian literature and culture; Charles Dickens; Ecocriticism; Emotions theory; Neo-Victorianism; Australian settler literature; Crime fiction.


  • ENGL 131 Controversial Classics
  • ENGL 233 Literary Theory from Marxism to Ecocriticism
  • ENGL 241 Irish-Scots Gothic and the Gothic as Genre
  • ENGL 313 Victorian Literature
  • ENGL 341 Irish-Scots Gothic and the Gothic as Genre
  • ENGL 473 A Topic in Nineteenth Century Literature



Moore, G. (2024). Hearts and minds: Ruling out the humanities for Marsden Fund grants devalues work that helps humanity understand its existence in a changing world. New Zealand Listener, (21 December), 4. [Commentary]. Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles

Moore, G. (2024, November). ‘Nature never writes a bad hand’: Mis-reading the criminal in Dickens' late fiction. Invited presentation at the Symposium on Literature and the Face: Figurements, Melbourne, Australia. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

Moore, G. (2024, July). Working with unseen texts. Workshop presentation at the New Zealand Association for the Teaching of English (NZATE) Conference: Dunedin Sound: Brave words, Dunedin, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

Moore, G. (2024). Fear of the unknown: Preparing to tackle an unfamiliar text. English in Aotearoa, 111, 26-29. [Commentary]. Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles

Moore, G. (2023). [Review of the book British art and the environment: Changes, challenges, and responses since the industrial revolution]. Victorian Studies, 65(4), 661-663. doi: 10.2979/vic.00056 Journal - Research Other

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