folio: [1] | |
¶This lytle treatyse declareth the study and frutes of Barnes borned in west smyth_felde in London the .xxx. daye of Iuly in the .xxxii. yeare of the raygn of our Soueraygne Lorde Kynge Henry the viij. Newely compyled, and nowe newely Imprynted. |
¶The Gospell. |
NOwe it is true, that I harde tell | |
Whiche to me is no great meruell | |
Barnes the bolde / the vicar of hell | |
In learnynge som sayde, he dyd excell | |
5 | Yet he expoundeth, wronge the gospell |
Wrestyng and wrythyng it lyke a false fryer. | |
Which hath brought hym to a fayre fyer. | |
¶Of prechynge |
¶Many he hath / to the trade brought | |
By his teachynge and preachyng, in pulpyt al ofte | |
10 | Sayenge (we haue founde) that no ma[n] hath sought |
Our wyttes, our lernynge, the spryte in vs wrought | |
Deceyuyng the people / tyl his workes came to nought | |
Suche was the study, of the false fryer | |
Who is now brent, in a fayre fyer. | |
¶Of fastyng and praying. |
15 | ¶His carnall belly-ioye, whiche neuer wolde faste carnall] carnanall 1540 |
Gullynge and drynkynge, as he wolde braste | |
Despysyng al prayers / sayeng our wynd we dyde waste | |
And all holy sayntes, he dyde out_caste | |
To turne mens hertes, tyl nowe at the laste | |
20 | He is prouyd an herytyke, and a false lyer |
And brent to poudre, in a fayre fyre. | |
¶Of Dissimulacion. |
¶Many thynges / he wolde, haue brought to passe. | |
[Through dissymulacion / ................................] leaf bisected, with loss of text here and in the next line | |
To blynde the people [styll, warne and .................] | |
25 | But what he thought (the Sacrament was) |
I wyll not iudge, but we maye synge, and say (alas) | |
That euer was borne, this Antechrist fryer | |
Which by true iudgement, was brent in the fyer. | |
¶Of Holy-breade and Holy-water. |
¶ God blessed the erth, and the fyrst creature | |
30 | That euer was made of, mans nature |
Moche more blessed is he, that is our sauyour | |
Receyuyng his baptysme / blessed the water | |
In thy name Iesus, the worlde to endure | |
This name ones spoken, with hartty desyre | |
35 | Shall halowe / both bread, water and fyer. |
¶Of lawe, |
¶Yf his great-graund-father /longe had ben suffered | |
Both gods lawe, and mans lawe, wold haue ben subuertid | |
Lyke bestyall beastes, we shulde then haue raygned | |
Wtout lawe or good ordre, he had so Imagynyd | |
40 | After the luteryan fasshyoned, but god be thanked |
To put in our Kynges hed: further to enquyre | |
Of the false heretyke, and braynles fryer. | |
¶Of Prestes to haue wyues. |
¶All thynges in commune, is the luteryans lyfe | |
A preest / a fryer, must nedes haue a wyfe | |
45 | Who wolde blame Barnes then, to begyn the stryfe |
Betwene the spyrytuall, and temporall, it was ryfe | |
It grudged, good mens conscyence, this great myschefe | |
And the conuycyous wordes of the false fryer | |
Whiche for his heresyes, is burnt in a fayre fyer. | |
¶Of Repentaunce. |
50 | ¶O howe [lyk]e / a Christen man he dyed hole torn in leaf, with loss of text here and in the next line |
Styffly hol[dy]nge / his handes by his syde | |
Sayeng, yf euer were any saynt / that dyed | |
I wyll be one / that must nedes be tryed | |
Without repentaunce, the deuyll was his gwyde | |
55 | All this he sayd / lyke a false lyer |
Yet all coulde not saue hym, from the fayre fyer. | |
¶Of Presumpcion. |
To se the pryde / and great presumpcyon | |
Of the false heretyke, that wolde become | |
A saynt in the deuyls name, throughe dissimulacyon | |
60 | Without gods mercy / it is his confusyon |
I praye god there be no mo (I saye but mom) | |
Awaye with hym, away with hym, quod barnes the fryer | |
Somtyme in the pulpyt, and nowe in the fyer | |
¶Of Reliquis. |
Hys stampynge, his starynge, is [.......]ne. leaf torn away, with loss of text here and in the two following lines | |
65 | Thankes be to god, and our kyng a[l]one |
And that I myght haue, of hym a stynky[nge] bone | |
To make it a relyke / for he sayd, there is none | |
That he coulde fynde, in Mathewe or in Iohnn | |
Whether he sayd true / or spake lyke a lyer | |
70 | Let other trye the trueth / for he was / an heretyke fryer |
¶Of a Marter. |
[O] holy Barnes / of all Heretykes the father leaf damaged | |
[Y]e be a saynte / yet ye [be no confessour] leaf bisected, with loss of text here and in the next line | |
[..........................................] | |
[Sm]ylynge and iestynge / when ye lyste clatter leaf damaged with loss of text here and in the following three lines | |
75 | [Bu]t I thynke surely, ye be a stynkynge marter |
[W]ho that thynketh contrary, thynketh lyke a lyer | |
L[e]t hym that so thynketh / beware of the fyer | |
¶Of his Newe lernynge. |
Take hede and beware / of his false doctryne | |
And to bele[u]e Christes churche, let vs inclyneletter illegible | |
80 | Our hertes to god, and to our kynge, both thyne and myne |
To serue them truely / with hart diuyne | |
Then mayst thou saye, thou drawest the tr[ewe] lyne leaf damaged with loss of text here and in the following two lines | |
Le[t] of his newe lernyng, I the requyre | |
An[d] gyue [n]o credence, to the heretyke fryer | |
85 | ¶[A]nd nowe louyngly, let vs all [with o]ne voyce pray. leaf damaged with loss of text here and in the next line |
For the preseruacyon, of Henry, our m[ost no]ble kynge | |
And katherine / our Quene, that they togyther may | |
Prosperously contynue, to theyr hertes desyrynge, | |
And Edwarde our Prynce that most angelyke thyng | |
90 | That they all-togyther, may long lyue and reste |
And after with hym to raygne / Qui in celis est | |
Amen. | |
¶ God saue the Kynge. | |
¶Imprynted at London in Pater_noster_rowe by Iohnn_Redman, for Richard_bankes, | |
Cum priuilegio Regali. et Ad imprime[n]dumimprimendum] imprimemdum 1540 solum | |
* Finis. * |