sig: A1 | |
¶Th'ystory of Iacoby and his twelue sones. |
ALl yonge and olde that lyste for to here | |
Of dedes done in the olde tyme | |
By the holy patryarkes that there were | |
Whiche descended of olde Adams lyne | |
5 | Often the sonne of grace on them dyde shyne |
For to rede this story it wyll do you moche good | |
Of Abrahams sone that was syth Noes flood | |
Unto one Rebecca this Ysaac was maryed | |
Of aege the byble sayth he was .xl. yere | |
10 | In-dede his maydenhede so longe with hym taryed |
sig: [A1v] | |
And yet in longe tyme his wyfe no chylde bere | |
Than to our lorde god he made his prayere | |
For to sende hym fruyte this worlde to multeply | |
And than his wyfe conceyued as scrypture dooth specyfy | |
15 | Two chyldren in-dede had Rebecca in her body |
And whan they were quycke oftentymes they fought | |
This good woman than meruayled gretely | |
What it myght be and toke grete thought | |
Than mekely our lorde god she besought | |
20 | To haue some knowlege what it myght sygnefye |
She toke so grete sorowe that the teres fell fro her eye | |
Our lorde that all knoweth sawe how she fared | |
With sobbynge and syghynge euermore cryenge | |
Of his grete goodnes vnto her he appered | |
25 | And sayd woman cease thy grete wepynge |
Two maner of people ben in thy body spryngynge | |
That shall be delyuered fro thy wombe shortly | |
Of the whiche the feble shall ouercome the myghty | |
At the laste her tyme neyghed very nere | |
30 | The throwes sore thrylled her thrugh with payne |
All her body was faynt apalled was her chere | |
So delyuered she was of fayre chyldren twayne | |
The fyrst that yssued was rough Esau called by name | |
Than folowed Iacob his brothers fote holdynge | |
35 | Fast in his hande this was a meruaylous thynge |
Whan that they drewe to aege these two brether | |
Esau was a plowman a tyller of londe | |
And for pleasure ofte wolde be a hunter | |
To walke erly and late with bowe in his honde | |
40 | Iacob was so symple at home wolde he stonde |
Alwaye with his moder for she loued hym better | |
sig: A2 | |
Than euer she dyde Esau a thousande tymes swetter | |
Esau was best beloued yet with the fader | |
Bycause he ete ofte of the venyso[n] that he toke | |
45 | And Iacob was in fauour with Rebecca his moder |
Thus may ye it fynde yf that ye wyll loke | |
Esau wente a_huntynge thus sayth the boke | |
All a_daye togyder without mete or brede | |
That whan he came home for hunger he was nye deed | |
50 | Whan he came to the hall he sawe Iacob stande |
There to his dyner than was Esau fayne | |
Holdynge a dysshe of potage in his hande | |
Alacke sayd Esau for hunger now do I complayne | |
In all this worlde is no greter payne | |
55 | I praye the brother of thy potage let me ete with the |
Nay ywys quod Iacob thou getest none of me | |
But yf thou wylte sayd Iacob sell me thyn herytage | |
Ifayth of these thou getest neuer-a_dele | |
And yf thou wylte do so holde here this potage | |
60 | For fayntnes than Esau to the grounde fell |
And sayd rather than dye my patrymony wyll I sell | |
No-thynge wolde it profyte me yf I dyed for honger | |
For my bely weneth my throte is cut asonder | |
I am content sayd Esau that thou it take for thy potage | |
65 | Well than quod Iacob yf thou wylte resyne |
I wyll haue the swere that as for thyn herytage | |
Thou shalte neuer clayme and here lye hande in myne | |
Poore Esau thought it longe or that he myght dyne | |
And sayd vnto Iacob now take it for euer | |
70 | Thy potage in my hande haue had I leuer |
This bargayne was knytte bothe partyes were gladde | |
Esau ete the potage therof he was fayne | |
And I trowe Iacob had no cause to be sadde | |
sig: [A2v] | |
His broders herytage there dyde he clayme | |
75 | These promyses made bytwene them twayne |
And than Iacob thought to lyue full meryly | |
With the londe that Esau dyde set full lytell by | |
At the last theyr fader wexed blynde and myght not se | |
And on a daye he called Esau his sone | |
80 | Ysaac sayd chylde Esau come hyther to me |
For my lyue-dayes be nere-hande done | |
Therfore go forth and fette me some venysone | |
And as soone as thou doost it home brynge | |
Come to me and thou shalte haue my blessynge | |
85 | Esau dyde on his harneys for drede of beestes wylde |
By his gyrdell arowes and in his hande a bowe | |
And than by his owne moder Esau was begylde | |
For as soone as Rebecca dyde it knowe | |
Forth she called Iacob and to hym dyde showe | |
90 | All-togyder and sayd sone yf thou wylte do after me |
Esau shall lese his faders blessynge for he shal gyue it the | |
Go thou to the flocke and fette me kyddes twayne | |
The best that amonge them may be founde | |
Than Iacob of this counseyle was full fayne | |
95 | To the felde hasted hym swyftly in that stounde |
And chase the best that were goynge in that grounde | |
Than home to his moder he them brought | |
So poore Esau was begyled that no falshede thought | |
Than of the kyddes flesshe Rebecca sodde grete plente | |
100 | And made Ysaac ete in-stede of venyson |
Loo the blynde often drynketh many a flye | |
Than the moder made Iacob to take the kyddes skyn | |
To wrappe his handes his face and his necke therin | |
Well sayd Rebecca yf thy fader fele the rough of here | |
sig: A3 | |
105 | He wyll byleue none other but that thou Esau were |
Olde Ysaac the blynde began to wexe hongry | |
And called Rebecca and sayd that he wolde ete | |
Suche as she had prayed her swyftly | |
Hote or elles colde hym for to gete | |
110 | Rebecca answered and sayd ye shall haue mete |
For Esau hath brought plentye of venysone | |
Why quod Iacob is he come home so soone | |
Ye sayd Rebecca he is come ywys | |
Flesshe hath he brought I sawe neuer none better | |
115 | In all my lyfe neuer fatter than it is |
Syth ye were borne neuer ete ye swetter | |
I am gladde sayd Ysaac I loue hym the better | |
Than Rebecca fette therof Ysaac for to please | |
He was hongry and ete fast and made hym well at ease | |
120 | Than Iacob spake to his fader for his blessynge |
And on the grounde he kneled on his kne | |
Fader he sayd this venyson home dyde I brynge | |
Now I haue fulfylled that whiche ye badde me | |
Why sayd Ysaac arte thou Esau / and he sayd ye | |
125 | To fele thy skynne quod ysaac I haue grete lust |
And yf thou be Esau I shall the knowe I trust | |
Than Iacob rose and wente to his fadere | |
And sayd to hym wyll ye fele my hande | |
Than Ysaac felte it rough all of here | |
130 | He wende it had ben Esau that by hym dyde stande |
But alas he wandred ouer the lande | |
Amonge busshes and brambles he dyde ron | |
And no knowlege had he of this grete treason | |
I knowe well sayd Ysaac that thou arte Esau | |
135 | And by speche I wolde take the for Iacob |
sig: [A3v] | |
Now blessyd be this daye that euer I it knewe | |
For thou shalte be mayster of many a lande brode | |
And haue the blessynge of the heuenly lorde | |
Therfore come hyther let me kysse thy mouth | |
140 | All men shall obey to the bothe by north and south |
Where-euer thou become thou shalte haue plente | |
All the trybes shall euer worshyp thy name | |
With the peas wyll dwell and all prosperyte | |
They that the curseth shall be cursed agayne | |
145 | The for to please men wyll be full fayne |
And the sones of theyr moders shall bowe to the | |
Batayles many thou shalte wynne bothe by londe and see | |
Than Iacob rose and wente his waye | |
With that came Esa[u] that moche venyson brought | |
150 | And bare it to his fader and thus dyde he saye |
Fader this flesshe full ferre haue I sought | |
So sodeynly Ysaac was smyten with a thought | |
And sayd what arte thou fro whens doost thou come | |
Forsothe I am Esau your fyrst-begoten sone | |
155 | Ysaac meruayled more than may be thought credybyll |
And longe or he myght speke in a traunce laye | |
As the mayster of the story sayth so dyde he lye styll | |
Lyke as the soule from the body had ben awaye | |
Whan he dyde speke / o good lorde dyde he saye | |
160 | Thy wyll is that Iacob sholde haue my blessynge |
Yet loued I Esau aboue all erthly thynge | |
Who was that sayd Ysaac that brought me the venysone | |
Euen now that I had therwith dyde I dyne | |
I wende it had ben Esau myn owne sone | |
165 | Alas sayd Esau fader that blessynge sholde be myne |
Iacob hath me begyled now the seconde tyme | |
sig: [A4] | |
Longe agone also for a mese of potage | |
He had my patrymony that was myn herytage | |
Alas sayd Esau my herte is very woo | |
170 | And sayd fader haue ye not one blessynge for me |
I truste that all from me be not agoo | |
Ysaac sayd sone there is no remedye | |
I haue ordeyned hym to be thy lorde ouer the | |
Thou shalte obey thy broder and lyue by thy swerde | |
175 | All that beholdeth thy face shall be aferde |
Rebecca wende that Esau Iacob wolde haue slayne | |
And badde hym hye and go out of his daungere | |
Unto thyn owne vncle that dwelleth in arayne | |
For and thou taryest thy lyfe standeth in fere | |
180 | Esau wyll the kyll I herde hym so swere |
Therfore in all the haste Iacob be gone | |
And whan his angre is past agayne come home | |
Than Iacob departed from Barsabe | |
And wente full faste towarde arayne | |
185 | Ysaac and Rebecca wepte full pyteously |
So Iacob hyed ouer hethe and playne | |
The sonne drewe downe / his rest he wolde haue fayne | |
And as he slepte hym thought that he dyde se | |
A longe ladder stretchynge to the skye | |
190 | Aungelles goynge vpwarde he sawe also |
And in the myddes almyghty god dyde stonde | |
That sayd to hym I wyll blysse the where-euer thou go | |
And to thy sede I wyll gyue this londe | |
That thou doost on slepe it shall be in thy honde | |
195 | For I am the god of Abraham that thou doost se |
And I caused Ysaac his blyssynge to gyue the | |
Than Iacob rose on the mornynge erly | |
sig: [A4v] | |
And sayd that there was the gate of heuen | |
Of all the erth that place was moost holy | |
200 | And thanked god for that whiche he had sene |
And vnder his heed a stone that was full clene | |
He rered vp and set it on the ende | |
There prayed he god good fortune hym to sende | |
Than Iacob wente forth in-to the eest | |
205 | Tyll he came to a grete pyt of water |
Thre flocke of shepe with many an-other beest | |
He sawe how they laye all in that corner | |
Than he thought they wolde drynke of that water | |
[A] custome men had to roll awaye the stone A] And 1510, A 1522-23 | |
210 | The beestes sholde go in and drynke euerychone |
Iacob sawe shepeherdes fro hym not very for | |
And asked of whens they were / and they sayd of Arayne | |
Knowe you Laban quod Iacob sone of Nachor | |
They all answered ye we knowe hym for certayne | |
215 | Loo syr yonder co[m]eth Rachell we tell you playne |
That is Labans doughter with his flocke of shepe | |
God saue that kynrede sayd Iacob and fro care them kepe | |
Than Iacob wente and kyssed Rachell full swetely | |
And tolde her that Rebecca was his moder | |
220 | Rachell was gladde of that tydynge truly |
Eche of them made grete Ioye of other | |
Of curtesy Iacob coude do none other | |
With strength pulled the stone fro the pyttes brynke | |
That Rachelles shepe therof myght drynke | |
225 | Than Rachell bare tydynges to her fader |
That Iacob Rebeccas sone was come Rebeccas] Rebeccaes 1510, 1522-23 | |
Laban was gladde that tydynge to here | |
And for to mete hym hastely he dyde ronne | |
sig: [A5] | |
The foules were neuer gladder of the lyght of the sonne | |
230 | Than were they twayne for eche salewed other |
For Laban was Iacobs vncle Rebeccas owne brother | |
There Iacob dyde them playnly to vnderstonde | |
That he had wonne his faders blessynge | |
The gladder was Laban to haue hym in that londe | |
235 | He thought that plente sholde growe of euery-thynge |
Bothe corne and grasse grete plente wolde sprynge | |
Laban prayed Iacob there to lede his lyfe | |
And he wolde gete hym Rachell to be his wyfe | |
There Iacob promysed to serue them .vii. yere | |
240 | With hym to abyde and be bothe true and playne |
And for to haue Rachell to be his fere | |
Eyther of that bargayne was full fayne | |
All his yeres he serued bothe in colde and ra[yne] 1510 defective; 1522-23 reads "rayne". | |
And on a day Laban maryed Iacob to Rachel his childe | |
245 | But as they were in bedde brought Iacob was begylde |
The elder doughter that was called Lea | |
They brought to Iacobs bedde vnknowynge | |
To hym and all nyght by his syde laye | |
But whan he sawe her in the mornynge | |
250 | He sayd there was vnkynde delynge |
To brynge hym Lea for fayre Rachell | |
Iacob sayd to Laban this dede lyketh me not well | |
Fayre syr sayd Laban it is the lawe of this lande | |
That the elder doughter fyrst maryed sholde be | |
255 | Bothe Lea and Rachell thou shalte haue in thy hande |
But other seuen yere thou must dwell with me | |
Therto I graunt quod Iacob these yeres wyll I serue the | |
And the nexte weke agayne wyll I be maryed | |
Unto fayre Rachell for her longe haue I taryed | |
sig: A5v] | |
260 | To bothe was he maryed Rachell bode longe barayne |
But Lea conceyued and bare her chylde Rubyne | |
For Iacob loued Rachell in euery vayne | |
Better than euer he dyde Lea for all her chyldren | |
For she was somwhat blere-eyed and had sore eyen | |
265 | Yet she bare hym .x. sones the boke sayth playne |
Where-as Rachell brought hym forth but twayne | |
Iacob thought in that countre he had longe taryed | |
With labour he bode out full .xiiij. yere | |
Than whan his hole terme he had out-serued | |
270 | He sayd to Rachell I wyll tary no lenger here |
Now to Barsabe wyll I go I nede not to fere | |
As for Esau my broder I trust wyll be my frende | |
What-euer me betyde to my countre wyll I wende | |
Iacob sayd to Laban that to barsabe he wolde | |
275 | Laban badde hym byde with hym that yere |
And what-euer he asked haue it he sholde | |
I desyre quod he the lambes of dyuers coler | |
And yf thou wylte graunt me that to my hyer | |
With all other beestes that blacke-spotted be | |
280 | And for all this twelue monethes I wyll byde with the |
Bothe beestes and lambes I gyue the sayd Laban | |
All that euer blacke-spotted be | |
Clayme them for thyn whan they come fro the dame | |
Than sayd Iacob for this hyre I wyll abyde with the | |
285 | In fayth sayd Laban it shall not be broken for me |
So Iacob pylled roddes where the shepe sholde gone | |
Bestes and lambes were spotted that yere nye euery-chone | |
The next yere after Laban sayd he wolde | |
Haue all the spotted and Iacob than the whyte | |
290 | To his parte in-dede he haue sholde |
sig: [A6] | |
Our lorde for Iacob shewed his myght | |
That all the beestes or lambes that fell daye or nyght | |
They were clene whyte the moost parte ywys | |
Than was he wrath that his flocke was bygger than his | |
295 | Iacob spyed that Laban frowned of chere |
And tolde pryuely his wyfe Rachell | |
That he wolde be gone for he Laban dyde fere | |
Than he conuayed all his herdmen softely and styll | |
And bad them hye with theyr beestes to galard that hye hyll | |
300 | Bothe with asses and camelles thyder make hyenge |
And my wyues with my .xij. sones after wyll I brynge | |
So forth wente Iacob bothe with good and catell | |
And sent worde that he was comynge to Esau his broder | |
Laban myssed Iacob and had grete meruell | |
305 | He knewe that he was gone and se it wolde be none other |
Yet wolde I kysse my doughters for I am theyr fadre | |
It was tolde hym by a man of that countrey | |
That Iacob was at mountgalard / of .vij. dayes Iourney | |
Than Laban rode after thus sayth the boke | |
310 | On a good camell bothe nyght and daye |
Yet at the laste he Iacob ouertoke | |
He asked of hym whether he wolde that waye | |
Unto my countre sayd Iacob who wyll saye naye | |
Not I sayd Laban but my chyldren kysse I wolde | |
315 | And thy twelue sones also I loue better than golde |
There of all his kynrede Laban toke his leue | |
And asked Iacob why he wente so hastely | |
You were wrothe quod Iacob and that dyde I preue | |
Yet twenty yere I haue serued the besyly | |
320 | In colde and in rayne attende to thy husbandry |
And to go from the sodeynly I was full fayne | |
sig: [A6v] | |
Lest thou by some treason me sholde haue slayne | |
Nay nay sayd Laban I wolde not do so | |
But for all the treasour in Egypte | |
325 | I am sory that thou wylte from vs go |
With thy asses camelles and thy shepe | |
I praye the Iacob my doughters well to kepe | |
And I trust than our lorde god wyll blysse the | |
That thy graundfader worshypped (one) in-stede of thre | |
330 | So Iacob and Laban toke leue eche of other |
And departed there with full heuy chere | |
Laban prayed Iacob to recommaunde hym to his brother | |
So forth they wente / and whan Esau dyde here | |
That towarde that countree Iacob drewe nere | |
335 | Esau mette hym with foure hondred of men |
So sore afrayde was neuer Iacob as he was then | |
He wende that Esau wolde hym haue slayne | |
And with his chyldren fell to his brothers fete | |
Aryse sayd Esau of your comynge I am fayne | |
340 | Whose be these women these chyldren and these shepe |
With asses and camelles all th[is] herde of gete this] these 1510, this 1522-23 | |
They be myn sayd Iacob I gyue them to you | |
Kepe them thyselfe sayd Esau for I haue ynow | |
Than was Iacob and his wyues glad | |
345 | That his brother Esau was so good and kynde |
In that countree mete and drynke they had | |
For as god hym promysed so dyde he fynde | |
Ysaac his fader was deed that he lefte there behynde | |
Whan that he to the countree of aaron fledde | |
350 | Rebecca his moder also was dede |
Than Iacob in that countre lyued at his ease | |
With bothe his wyues Rachell and Lea | |
sig: B1 | |
Yonge and olde fayne were hym to please | |
So they contynued in Ioye many a longe daye | |
355 | At the laste Iacobs sone in a bedde laye |
Whiche was broder to Beniamy | |
Bothe were Rachelles sones she had no more truly | |
This Ioseph in his slepe dyde dreme | |
That the sone and the mone bothe bowed to his fete | |
360 | And fayre bryght sterres to the nombre of a_leuen |
Bowed to hym all this dyde he mete | |
Also he sawe a wonder that many sheues of whete | |
Folowed hym thrugh-out the londe | |
And his fader and moder at his fete dyde stonde | |
365 | Yonge Ioseph meruayled what that myght be |
And on a daye he asked Iacob his fader | |
What that the dreme dyde sygnefye | |
And tolde his fader all as is rehersed before | |
Blessyd be the tyme sone sayd Iacob that thou were bore | |
370 | For whyle that I lyue that daye shall we se |
That I with thy .xi. bretherne for nede must seke the | |
The sonne and the mone betokeneth me and thy moder | |
And the aleuen sterres be thy bretherne all | |
We shall haue nede of the I can se none other | |
375 | By my lyue-dayes this ventur[e] shall befall venture] ventura 1510, aduenture 1522-23 |
All his sones than Iacob dyde forth call | |
And whan they this knewe at Ioseph they had enuye | |
Than they comprysed his deth and sayd that he sholde dye | |
Not longe after as I vnderstande | |
380 | The .xi. bretherne kepte theyr faders shepe |
With many other beestes in theyr owne lande | |
As asses camelles and also gete | |
Aboute tyde of the daye Iacob sente them mete | |
sig: [B1v] | |
Therwith to dyne by Ioseph theyr owne broder | |
385 | And all they entended that yonge chylde to murder |
Poore Ioseph toke theyr dyner and wente to the felde | |
His bretherne to seke the nexte waye dyde he go | |
He loked on euery syde and behelde | |
Them he coude not fynde he wepte than for wo | |
390 | The teres ran from his eyen / and not ferre hym fro |
He sawe a man that asked what he had brought | |
My brethernes dyner for them haue I sought | |
Thy bretherne sayd the man be on dotayne | |
There they all syt on the hye hyll | |
395 | Beware thou ladde I tell the playne |
If thou be Ioseph they wyll the kyll | |
Therfore tourne home agayne and let them be styll | |
Without thou be wery of thy lyfe | |
One sayd for thy dreme thou sholdest dye on a knyfe | |
400 | Syr I trust my bretherne better than so |
Yet vnto dotayne theyr dyner he bere | |
Loo yonder cometh Ioseph they all sayd tho | |
Whiche by nyght is so ryall a dremere | |
All they sayd his herte ought to be in fere | |
405 | For his fader shall he neuer se ne none of his kyn |
Yet now do after my counseyle than sayd Rubyn | |
Rubyne sayd bretherne he is of our owne blode | |
Let vs not kyll hym with swerde nor knyfe | |
But bynde we his handes and laye hym on the flode | |
410 | Soone the streme wyll bereue hym of his lyfe |
So toke they Ioseph that thought on no stryfe | |
And wrapped his sherte aboute his face | |
And layde hym on the fome there was no grace | |
But as god wolde it was ebbynge water | |
sig: B2 | |
415 | Soone wente they to dyner and after to theyr playe |
And as they loked from them a_ferre | |
They sawe poore Ioseph sprawlynge where he laye | |
All arayed in foule ose and claye | |
Let vs go they sayd and kyll hym out-ryght | |
420 | We nede not than to fere that he dremed the last nyght |
Thyder they wente and toke vp that yonglynge | |
Haue mercy on me bretherne Ioseph gan saye | |
With that they sawe a chapman come rydynge | |
Had many hors lode and to Egypte toke the waye | |
425 | They asked the chapman yf he wolde bye Ioseph or nay |
And he sayd ye and ye wyll hym sell | |
To you .xxx. pens for hym gyue I wyll | |
Let vs se money sayd they all than | |
And as for the boye shall go with the | |
430 | With all my herte sayd the chapman |
He layde the pens in theyr handes shortly | |
And thought that he had made a good dayes Iourney | |
So toke his leue and wente his waye | |
But Ioseph weped and wayled euery daye | |
435 | Now god helpe poore Ioseph for yonge was he solde |
All his bretherne therof were gladde in theyr mode | |
Nyght drewe on fast homewarde they wolde | |
Theyr mete-cloth they besprange all with gotes blode | |
Iacob theyr fader in his dore stode | |
440 | Why come ye home so soone he to them dyde saye |
They answered that they ete nor dranke to_daye | |
Iacob sayd I sente Ioseph to you longe before none | |
With mete brede and drynke good plente | |
They sayd fader homewarde as we dyde come | |
445 | This mete-cloth here we founde all blody |
sig: [B2v] | |
A pot there lyeth broken also in peces thre | |
Alas alas sayd Iacob I trowe Ioseph be deed | |
And yf it be so with sorowe I shall ete my breed | |
Rachell tare her heere and fell downe to the grounde | |
450 | And tare her clothes in peces small |
Iacob also ofte-sythes he swownde | |
And sayd Ioseph is gone my chefe Ioye of all | |
But Rachell often wepynge wolde she fall | |
And bete her brest agayne the herte with a colde stone | |
455 | Pyte it was to here her crye and grone |
Now leue we of and speke we of the chapman | |
That past ouer the see in-to Egypte londe | |
But truly or he thyder came | |
The wynde styfly agayne them dyde stonde | |
460 | And yet at the laste an hauen they fonde |
The chapman ledde Ioseph with a rope in the strete | |
Hym for to bye came many a lorde grete | |
Knyghtes and ladyes came ferre that chylde to se | |
With many grete men of pharaos londe | |
465 | It was talked abrode that he was so goodly |
And whan that pharaos stewarde that dyde vnderstonde | |
He asked the chylde that to the chapman was bo[n]de | |
If he wolde be his man and dwell with hym | |
Than Ioseph answered I wyll be at your byddynge | |
470 | The stewarde to the chapman an .C. pounde payd |
Of lytell Ioseph that of face was bryght | |
I haue lost no money than the marchaunt sayd | |
Yet for his beaute he is worth of golde his wyght | |
And euery-body that of Ioseph had a syght | |
475 | They thought he had ben an aungell of pleasaunce |
He was so fayre and louely of countenaunce | |
sig: B3 | |
Ladyes and maydens they loued Ioseph all | |
And men dyde blysse hym whan they dyde se | |
So goodly a chylde carued in the hall | |
480 | And meruayled of what countre he myght be |
The stewarde had a syster beyonde the see | |
She sente hym a serket and a mantell of golde | |
The rychenesse therof may not be tolde | |
Couched with perles and stones precyous | |
485 | With saphers rubyes and other stones of y[n]de |
Of many dyuerse colour[s] set full curyous colour] colour 1510, colours 1522-23 | |
Costly broudred with arres as I fynde | |
Chaungeable of colour before and behynde | |
These ryche clothes this lady sente to her brother | |
490 | In all the worlde there was not suche an-other |
The stewarde behelde this costly werke | |
And on his body ware it but one daye | |
By a large fote for hym it was to shorte | |
If it wolde serue Ioseph he thought he wolde assaye | |
495 | And cladde the chylde in that costly araye |
And it was as well made for hym | |
As euer was vesture to the emperours kyn | |
On a daye the stewarde wolde on huntynge ryde | |
Than the quene called Ioseph in-to her boure | |
500 | And made hym to syt downe by her syde |
She wolde haue kyssed hym and behelde his colour | |
And sayd that she loued hym as her paramour | |
And besought hym of her to take his pleaser | |
Nay god forbede quod he to dye were me leuer | |
505 | She profred hym fayre bothe castelles and toures |
And all the pryce of egypte he sholde haue | |
This sayd she to hym with halles and boures | |
sig: [B3v] | |
And more rychesse yf he wolde it craue | |
Fro sekenes she sayd his body wolde she saue | |
510 | And asked therof yf he graunte wolde |
He answered shortly that no-thynge do he sholde | |
He sayd madame I wyll be true to my lorde | |
Traytour wyll I neuer be to my souerayne | |
Therfore byleue me at a worde | |
515 | Rather than do so had I leuer be slayne |
With that loude dyde she crye and brake her lace in twayne | |
And smote her nose that it gusshed all on blode | |
And rente downe her serket that was of sylke full good | |
She tolde the knyghtes that Ioseph wolde by her layne | |
520 | And that he tare her robes all asonder |
And helpe had not come this thefe had me slayne | |
Than all the courte therof dyde wonder | |
That he durste pull her lace asonder | |
God wote it came neuer in his thought | |
525 | But full grete treason by women hath be wrought |
At nyght it was shewed to the kynge | |
How suche a trespasse to the quene was done | |
He commaunded Ioseph in pryson than to brynge | |
I charge you sayd Pharao that traytour fette soone | |
530 | Than downe to the towne Ioseph was gone |
They toke and put hym in a dongeon grete | |
Comfortles there he laye without drynke or mete | |
Than the baker and the butler that had be seruauntes longe | |
Wrathed Pharao that was theyr lorde and kynge | |
535 | Also they were brought to that pryson stronge |
Where Ioseph gyltles alone laye therin | |
Grete hongre he suffred with wepynge and waylynge | |
At the last bothe butler and baker bare hym company | |
sig: [B4] | |
For in the same pryson by hym dyde they lye | |
540 | Than these two men that in-to the dongeon were brought |
They had meruaylous dremes there on a nyght | |
The butler in a vyneyarde a cup of wyne he thought | |
He had in his hande all in Pharaos syght | |
Lordes and ladyes dranke therof bothe squyer and knyght | |
545 | And euer he had thre grapes in his cup holdynge |
All the people dranke and [neuer the les] was the wyne neuer the les] neuertheles 1510, 1522-23 | |
The baker thought that he had holde on his sholder | |
A lepe full of brede that was newe bake | |
Than came there wylde foules that fro hym dyde it bere | |
550 | And euen with that bothe sodeynly gan wake |
So vnto Ioseph these wordes than they spake | |
Of theyr dremes and all the trouth tolde | |
They prayed hym to shewe what it sygnefye sholde | |
Ioseph sayd baker thou shalte be hanged hye | |
555 | And byrdes shall bere thy flesshe awaye |
Deth must thou suffre there is no remedye | |
And the butler nede not to fraye | |
For his olde offyce euen as I saye | |
He shall haue and for euer kepe it styll | |
560 | And of kynge Pharao to haue all his wyll |
Butler quod Ioseph yet remembre me | |
Whan that thou comest to thyn offyce agayne | |
Where thou shalte of euery-thynge haue plente | |
Forgete not poore Ioseph that lyeth here in payne | |
565 | And yf thou here ony man on me do playne |
In chambre or hall at bedde or borde | |
I praye the gentyll butler gyue me thy good worde | |
The baker and the butler kynge Pharao se wolde | |
On the morowe he sente for them bothe | |
sig: [B4v] | |
570 | Than founde they true all that Ioseph tolde |
The butler to his offyce that daye he gothe | |
But the poore baker to tell you the sothe | |
On a gybet he made his ende | |
And the butler in pharaos courte than had many a frende | |
575 | So on a nyght kynge Pharao in his bedde laye |
He thought in his slepe that myghty beestes seuen | |
Fayrer nor fatter sawe he neuer before that daye | |
They ete corne and grasse of them dyde he dreme | |
And euer he thought that they came fro a streme | |
580 | That was in the west and than downe by a stone |
These fayre beestes layde them to rest euerychone | |
Than out of the streme comynge he sawe as many m[o] letter broken | |
That came and ete vp all theyr corne clene | |
So feble than they were that they myght not go | |
585 | For all that they had corne yet were they lene |
Than sodeynly Pharao waked of his dreme | |
And called to his men this dreme to expounde | |
They wyst not what it ment all that were in that grounde | |
My lorde quod the butler there is one in your prysone | |
590 | That ye do hate / your dreme can he tell |
If it be Ioseph sayd Pharao go fette hym soone | |
And of this mater yf he can shewe me well | |
I wyll forgyue hym my malyce euery-dell | |
Than was lytell Ioseph to the kynge brought | |
595 | He wende he sholde dye therfore he toke grete thought |
Than Pharao to Ioseph all his dreme tolde | |
And sayd canst thou tell me what it dooth mene | |
And thou shalte haue plente sayd Pharao of golde | |
Syr sayd Ioseph I wyll shewe the of thy dreme | |
600 | What dyde sygnefye the fayre fatte beestes seuen |
sig: [B5] | |
Thou shalte haue seuen plenty[full] yeres of whete plentyfull] plenty 1510, plentyfull 1522-23 | |
And as many moo there shall be none to gete | |
The last beestes that thou sawe on whiche thou doost wonder | |
That ete vp all the corne and yet were they lene | |
605 | It betokeneth that there is comynge .vij. yeres of honger |
And all the other plente they shall ete vp clene | |
As I tell the this it dooth mene | |
Well sayd kynge Pharao this dreme is well expounde | |
Therfore wyll I make the stewarde of my grounde | |
610 | Lo than was Ioseph stewarde of Egypte londe |
He gadereth in the corne bothe daye and nyght | |
All men hym pleased bothe free and bonde | |
Unto Ioseph dyde bowe bothe squyer and knyght | |
Yet fayne wolde he haue knowlege and he myght | |
615 | Whether his fader and his moder were on_lyue |
He threwe moche chaffe on the water that was lyght | |
That in-to Israell the wynde myght it dryue | |
In Israell than was there honger grete | |
Iacob that was Iosephs fader with his sones all | |
620 | Coude not gete in theyr countre brede nor mete |
So grete scarsenes amonge them was fall | |
As for corne had they none and mete but s[m]all small] shall 1510, small 1522-23 | |
At the last the .xi. bretherne by the see-syde gan gone | |
They sawe where the chaffe came fletynge on the fome | |
625 | Than home to theyr fader these bretherne dyde ronne |
And of the chaffe shewed hym that they dyde fynde | |
Out of what countree sayd Iacob sholde it come | |
Can ye tell / and whiche waye cometh the wynde | |
It came out of Egypte they answered by theyr mynde | |
630 | In fayth sayd his chyldren that by hym dyde stande |
Now wolde to god sayd Iacob that we were in that lande | |
My sones all thyder I wyll you sende | |
sig: [B5v] | |
For you ryght soone I shall ordeyne a galye | |
Also ye shall haue golde ynough for to spende | |
635 | Haste ye thyder and come agayne lyghtly |
If ye tary longe for hongre I shall dye | |
Than they toke theyr shyppe and sayled forth in-dede | |
I praye god sayd Iacob to be your good spede | |
The shyppe was swyfte that they in rode | |
640 | God dyde them sende also a fayre wynde |
And soone they passed ouer the see brode | |
So acras hauen forsothe gan they fynde | |
They kest an ancre soone to the londe they gan wynde | |
The fyrst man they mette was a harper | |
645 | That knewe Israell for he trauayled fer |
This mynstrell shewed them the custome of the countree | |
Bycause they wolde to the courte he gaue them a rynge | |
And badde them bere it to the porter my broder is he | |
The more fauour ye may haue there at your comynge | |
650 | And to the stewarde for my sake he wyll you brynge |
So they toke theyr leue eche at other | |
Farewell sayd the mynstrell recommaunde me to my broder | |
At the last these bretherne with the stewarde dyde mete | |
And prayed hym to haue some whete for theyr golde | |
655 | Lowe on theyr knees all they gan sytte |
The stewarde lyked theyr fauour and them gan beholde | |
And sayd out of this lande no whete shall be solde | |
Ye yonge men quod Ioseph of what countree are ye | |
Of Israell londe one Iacobs sones be we | |
660 | For Ioye than the teres fell fro his eye |
And sodeynly loked asyde | |
Bycause his bretherne sholde hym not spye | |
So forth togyder they all dyde ryde | |
sig: [B6] | |
And sayd that in Israell grete hongre dyde byde | |
665 | Ioseph asked yf they had ony moo bretheryn |
And they sayd ye his name is Beniamyn | |
Than he gaue them whete theyr sackes euen full | |
And they payed for it to hym all theyr golde | |
Ioseph sayd ye shall haue as moche as ye wull | |
670 | These bretherne thanked hym many-folde |
At the last came Rubyne his sacke vp to holde | |
Than Ioseph let fall a cuppe amonge the whete | |
So knytted vp that bagge and badde them go to mete | |
So they toke theyr leue they wolde no lenger byde | |
675 | And whan they were gone thus a dayes Iourney |
Ioseph badde men after them to ryde | |
And sayd brynge them agayne or they go to theyr galey | |
For they haue borne the kynges cuppe awaye | |
The men after-rode at the last them ouertoke | |
680 | And made them so aferde that pyteously they loke loke] dyde loke 1522-23 |
Abyde ye theues the men to them sayd | |
Ye haue stolen a cuppe that longeth to the kynge | |
Fro theyr backes theyr bagges downe they layde | |
All they on other stode heuyly lokynge | |
685 | Good syrs we haue none sayd chylde Rubyne |
Than they sought the sackes as they stode on the grounde | |
And in Rubynes bagge the cuppe they founde | |
God wote / than that they all were wo | |
And loked as pale as the asshes dede | |
690 | To gete helpe or comforte they wyst not how to do |
Lo ye theues the men to them sayde | |
In pryson shall ye and there to ete your brede | |
And bounde theyr handes and ledde them to theyr brother | |
Wenynge for to dye they knewe all none other | |
sig: [B6v] | |
695 | Than Ioseph sayd syrs how is this befall |
That this cuppe of golde is amonge you found | |
Forsothe sayd they we kn[o]we it not at all knowe] knewe 1510, knowe 1522-23 | |
And than fell on theyr knees to the grounde | |
Hens ye go not yet sayd Ioseph for a .M. pounde | |
700 | But yf ye wyll brynge me Beniamyn |
That is your brother fayne I wolde se hym | |
Tyll ye haue hym brought sayd Ioseph tho | |
One of you to pledge here shall abyde | |
How saye ye are ye agreed therto | |
705 | And they answered hym ye in that tyde |
Than go whan ye wyll sayd Ioseph god be your gyde | |
So they toke theyr shyppe and sayled ouer the stronde | |
On a daye lytell Beniamyn that was lefte at home | |
To his fader for brede he dyde praye | |
710 | Iwys sone sayd Iacob I haue none |
And therfore I may saye well-awaye | |
For now I lacke my fode and none gete I may | |
Alas sayd the chylde agayne fader I wolde haue breed | |
My bely is sore for hunger alas I wolde be deed | |
715 | Iacob wept so dyde Rachell also |
To se theyr chylde for his brede crye | |
Alas they sayd now were we neuer so wo | |
Our whete is all gone and none can we bye | |
A good god sayd Iacob for faute now I dye | |
720 | My sones from egypte I wolde were come full fayne |
For all the worlde hongre is the gretest payne | |
And as soone as they these worde spoken [had] corner of leaf torn away here and in the next two lines; text completed from 1522-23 | |
All his sones brought whete in-to the ha[ll] | |
Than Iacob and his wyfe wexed [very glad] | |
sig: [B7] | |
725 | And lytell Beniamyn well knewe them all |
So they shewed theyr fader what dyde them befall | |
And sayd that they must cary Beniamyn ouer the see | |
Nay that shall ye not quod Iacob he shall byde with me | |
We were troubled for a cuppe they all sayd | |
730 | That was founde in Rubyns bagge |
And we had wende veryly that we sholde all haue dyed | |
Grete sorowe and trouble therfore we had | |
Than Iacob theyr fader was very sadde | |
And asked for Asser that was theyr brother | |
735 | He is yet in egypte they sayd it wyll be none other |
Tyll we brynge Beniamyn there must he byde | |
He fareth well ynough they sayd and hath his lyberte | |
Therfore we wyll hye vs thyder this nexte tyde | |
And brynge home whete grete plente | |
740 | Alas sayd Iacob none other can I se |
Now shall I lese Beniamyn after Ioseph | |
In sorowe shall I lyue all the dayes of my lyfe | |
So ouer in-to egypte Beniamyn they ladde | |
And before the stewarde they dyde hym brynge | |
745 | Than was Ioseph I trowe full gladde |
Whan he sawe all his bretherne before hym knelynge | |
So Ioseph prayed them in ebrewe to synge | |
And euer his eye he cast on lytell Beniamyn | |
Be ye sure he was gladde for to se hym | |
750 | Than they all songe ebrewe as theyr broder badde |
I trowe Ioseph therof was fayne | |
And than he called them bretherne and bad them be gladde | |
For I am he sayd that you solde in dottayne | |
Remembre ye not that ye me wolde haue slayne | |
755 | Alas sayd Rubyne vnto his bretherne tho |
sig: [B7v] | |
For that same dede to deth now shall we go | |
Not so quod Ioseph I forgyue you all | |
And than he kyssed them euerychone | |
In this countree bretherne now ye abyde shall | |
760 | But fyrst agayne ye must go home |
And fette all my kynrede of them leue not one | |
Bothe my fader and my moder brynge hyder to me | |
And in this lande they shall lyue full meryly | |
Home they wente in-to Israhell londe | |
765 | And tolde theyr fader good tydynges haue we brought |
Ioseph our broder agayne haue we fonde | |
Whete in Egypte in a good tyme we sougnt | |
God wote that Iacob was gladde in his thought | |
And than all the bretherne to theyr fader tolde | |
770 | How for .xxx. pens to a chapman they hym solde |
And now fader he prayeth you to come to that lande | |
With all your kynne vnto the nynth degre | |
And there shall ye haue all-thynge at your hande | |
With a good wyll quod Iacob thyder wyll we | |
775 | To shyppe they wente in all the haste that myght be |
And shortly landed in Egypte the kyngdome | |
Ioseph was gladde whan he herde they were come | |
At the laste they mette Ioseph in pharaos hall | |
There he welcomed his fader and Rachell his moder | |
780 | So for to wasshe to mete for water he dyde call wasshe] wasshed 1510, wasshe 1522-23 |
Iacob toke the lauer in one hande and the basen in the other | |
And Rachell in her hande a fayre towell dyde bere | |
And so to theyr sone it helde for to wasshe his handes | |
Nay not so quod Ioseph this not with reason standes | |
785 | Than at the table his fader he dyde set |
With his moder Rachell and many other mo | |
sig: [B8] | |
Theyr .xij. sones there serued them of mete | |
On his dreme Ioseph thought tho | |
How that he out of Israhell dyde go | |
790 | So whan they had eten thus he gan sayne |
Now are my dremes true that I had in dotayne | |
Now dooth the sonne and the mone bowe to my hande | |
And the .xi. sterres that in my dreme I dyde se | |
With sheues of whete thrugh-out the lande | |
795 | Now in-dede they do folowe me |
And now in egypte our lyfe lede we | |
So than he prayed his fader to be gladde | |
God hath so prouyded ye haue no cause to be sadde | |
Styll there they lyued in that countre | |
800 | In grete rychesse they dyde all habounde |
Of shepe and catell they had plente | |
With gotes asses and camelles full theyr grounde | |
Theyr kynrede encreased aboute them rounde | |
Tyll it befell at last that all-thynge shall haue ende | |
805 | God his messenger deth vnto them dyde sende |
Now ye that shall this boke se and rede | |
Do not thynke that it is contryued of ony fable | |
For it is the very byble in-dede | |
Wherin our fayth is grounded full stable | |
810 | Now god gyue vs grace that we may be able |
By meryte of his passyon to heuen assende | |
For of this mater here I make an ende | |
¶Here endeth Iacob and his .xij. sones. Enprynted at London in Fletestrete at the sygne of the sonne / by Wynkyn_de_Worde. | |
sig: [B8v] |