sig: [A1] | |
¶Here begynneth a lytle boke named the Schole-house of women: wherin euery man may rede a goodly prayse of the condicyons of women. | |
The yeare of our Lorde: M.D.XLj. | |
sig: [A1v] | |
THe prouerbe olde, who-so denyeth | |
I[n] my conceyte, doth greatly [e]rre In] Is 1541; erre] arre 1541 | |
Both wyt & discrecyon yl he applyeth | |
That thynge of trueth, wold debar | |
5 | Howbeit that folkes, presume so far |
Wherby the truth, is often blamed | |
Yet in no wyse, trueth may be shamed | |
A foole of late, contryued a booke | |
And all in prayse, of the femynye | |
10 | Who-so taketh labour, it to ouer-loke |
Shall proue, all is but flatterye | |
Pehen he calleth it, it may well be 'Pehen' ('Peahen') is a punning reference to the title of Gosynhyll's 'Mulierum Paen'. | |
The Pecocke is proudest, of his fayre tayle | |
And so be all women of theyr apparayle | |
15 | Wherfore as nowe, in this treatyse |
What-so be sayde, in rude sentence | |
Uertue to encrease, & to laye vyce | |
I[s] chefe occasyon, of my pretence Is] In 1541 | |
And where that trueth is none offence | |
20 | Who-so therfore, that blameth me |
I saye he demeth, wrongfully | |
Parchaunce the women, take displeasure | |
Bycause I rubbe them, on the gall | |
To them that good be peraduenture | |
25 | It shall not be, materyall |
The other sorte, no forse at all | |
Saye what they wyll, or bende the brewe brewe: =brow, but the spelling should be retained for the rhyme. | |
Them-selfe shall proue, my sayeng trewe | |
Eche other man, in generall | |
30 | And namely those, that maryed be |
Gyue euydent, testimonyall | |
Affermynge the same, yf I wolde lye | |
And thus reporte, that femynye | |
Ben euyll to please, and worse to truste | |
sig: A2 | |
35 | Crabbed and comberous, when them-selfe luste. |
Haue tongue a[t] large, voyce loude & shryl at] ar 1541 | |
Of wordes wonderous, passynge store | |
Stomake stoute, with frowarde wyll | |
And namely, when ye touche the sore | |
40 | With one bare worde, or lytle more |
They flusshe and flame, as hote as fyre | |
And swell as a tode, for feruent yre | |
And where they here, on worde that soundeth. on: =one | |
Lytle agaynst, theyr lewde behauour | |
45 | And twyse so moche els, which that redoundeth |
To theyr hye prayse, ye may be sure | |
So lyght of eare, they be and sowre | |
That of the better, they neuer recorde | |
The worse reherse they, worde by worde | |
50 | It were moche hurte, for to dyscrye |
The propertyes all, of the femynyne kynde | |
Howbeit a man may, coniecture nye | |
And saye also, as experience dothe bynde | |
That very fewe, there be to fynde | |
55 | But that they can, how-soeuer the matter stande |
Bere fyre and water, bothe in one hande | |
Euacyons they haue, fay[n]t and feble | |
Them to excuse, of duplycyte | |
As though they were inuencyble inuencyble: =invincible | |
60 | Spotted, in any wyse to be |
And with othes / so craftelye | |
They shalbe forgyd, on suche a grounde | |
As all-thyng were, bothe hole and sounde | |
And be it in ernyste, or els in iape | |
65 | To them it is, one maner a thynge a: =of |
Surely nought els, they after gape | |
But euermore, in commynge | |
To let a man of his sayenge | |
sig: [A2v] | |
Reason wyll, they not attende | |
70 | But tell theyr owne tayle, to the ende |
¶And for to say, moost commonlye | |
This vice, is appropryate to them all | |
For let a man, to them replye | |
In reasons, of matters small | |
75 | These women be, so sensuall sensuall ='endowed with the faculty of sensation only, lacking in reason'; see OED s.v. sensual adj., 2 |
That b[e] theyr reason, not worth a torde be] by 1541 | |
Yet wyll the woman / haue the laste worde | |
¶There may no reason, theyrs debarre | |
Nor none example, can them conuerte | |
80 | They stody algate, to be at warre |
And with euyll sawes, to be ouerthwarte | |
Malyce is so rote[d] / in theyr harte roted] roteth 1541 | |
That seldome a man, may of them here | |
One good worde, in a hole longe yere | |
85 | Albeit the nombre, of them are great |
Yet doth theyr folye, farre excede | |
For all is fysshe, that commeth to net | |
In case that they, of theyr mynde spyde spyde: =spied? | |
Broche, rynge, clothe, or threde | |
90 | Shame haue they none, to tere and snatche |
All is theyr owne, that they may catche | |
¶What-so it be, they fynger ones | |
Of wedded man, or syngle playne | |
He may as soone, eate the adamunde stones adamunde: =adamant | |
95 | As the selfe-same, of them to retayne |
Moche they craue, and nought gyue agayne | |
As holesome for a man, is a womans corse | |
As a sholder of motton, for a sycke horse | |
¶And yet we may not, them longe mysse | |
100 | For many sondry, commodytyes. |
So [trycke a] way, they haue [t]o kysse trycke a] tryckey 1541; to] no 1541trycke ='clever, neat'; see OED s.v. trick adj.1, 1. Tricky, q.v. OED, is first attested in 1786. | |
With mouth, and rollynge eyes | |
sig: [A3] | |
Tongue to tongue, dysclose thyes thyes: =thighs? | |
One and other, commonlye | |
105 | Haue in suche case, lyke propertye |
That herde it were, in myne opynyon. herde: =hard | |
Yf god hym-selfe, wolde company kepe | |
But that wolde, brynge hym vpon | |
Wakynge, or other els a_slepe | |
110 | Displease them ones, and then they wepe |
By meane wherof, loue doth the cure | |
Yonge fooles to kepe / in longe vre | |
And whyles, the woyng-tyme doth last. | |
I meane with them, that maydens be | |
115 | Lothe to dysplease, loue sure and fast |
Axe what ye wyll, and spede maye ye Axe: =Ask | |
Fewe or none, for the moost partye | |
Gently entreatyd, deny you can | |
With her tables, to entre your man | |
120 | That done they say, that ye dyd make. |
Promesse to them, by good assuraunce | |
Them to mary, and to wyues take | |
Els had ye not, had suche dalyaunce | |
And all is for fere, of good vtteraunce | |
125 | In case the bely, do not swell |
They holde them pleased, and all is well | |
Yet must ye be, at ferther daunger | |
Yf ye do endende, to vse them ofte endende: =entende (intend), here and once below? | |
Kepe them bothe at racke, and maunger | |
130 | Array them well, and lay them softe |
Yet shall another man, come alofte | |
Haue you ones tourned, your eye and backe | |
Another she wyll haue, to smycke and smacke smycke ='kiss'? OED s.v. smick suggests that the term is probably a jingling modification of smack v2, 'kiss loudly'. | |
Perchaunce the bely, may ryse with-all. | |
135 | Then wyll they swere, and stare apase |
That thyne it is, when it dothe fall | |
sig: [A3v] | |
Be it [v]yla[yn-b]orne or base vylayn-borne] mylary, porne 1541 | |
Loke they saye, on thyne owne face | |
Beholde well, bothe nose and eye | |
140 | Nature it-selfe, the father wyll trye |
And eyther there is, a synguler grace | |
Gyuen vnto babe, forth-on | |
Or sure it is, a meruaylous face | |
That god hath gyuen, vnto the man | |
145 | For were they .xx. they muste eche one |
Loke they strayght, eyther els a_shore a_shore ='with raised eyes'? An adv. ashore is not recorded in this sense in OED, but cf. OED s.v shore v1, 2 | |
Be lyke the father, leest and moore | |
And when they are ones, waxen small | |
And able to ryde, or els to go | |
150 | Unto lyke acte, agayne they fall |
As who wolde say, they felte no wo | |
Yf ye renounce, kyndnes to sho | |
Then must ye sende them, to some straunge place | |
As good a mayde, as she before was | |
155 | Then yf there come, a louer newe |
And them apoynt, whether to come | |
They be lyke redy, vnto the mewe | |
And to be close, from wynde and sonne | |
With lytle labour, they are soone wonne | |
160 | Not one I warrant you, amonges twentye |
But she eftesones, wyll be as redye | |
Wed them ones, and then a_dewe | |
Fare-well all truste, and houswyfrye | |
Kepe theyr chambres, and them-selfe mewe | |
165 | For staynynge, of theyr fys[na]mye fysnamye] fysmye 1541fysnamye: =physiognomy |
And in theyr bed, all daye do lye | |
Must ones or twyse, euery weke | |
Feane them-selfe, for to be sycke | |
Sende for this, and sende for that | |
170 | Lytle or nothyng, may them please |
sig: [A4] | |
Come in good gossyp, and kepe me chat | |
I trust it shall, do me great ease | |
Complayne of many, a sondry dysease | |
A gossyps cuppe, bytwene, or twayne | |
175 | Tyll she be gotten, vp agayne. |
¶Then must she haue, maydens two or thre | |
That may then gossyps togyther brynge | |
Set them to labour, to blere the eye | |
Them-selfe wyll nother, wasshe ne wrynge | |
180 | Bake ne brewe, nor other thyng |
Syt by the fyre, let the maydens trotte | |
Brewe of the beste, in a halpeny potte | |
¶Playe who wyll, the man must labour | |
And brynge to house, all that he maye | |
185 | The wyfe agayne, dothe nought but glauour glauour ='to talk plausibly and deceitfully; to flatter'; see OED s.v. glaver v, 2 |
And holde hym vp, with ye and naye | |
But of her cuppe / he shall not assaye | |
Other she sayeth, it is to thyne thyne: =thin | |
Other els ywis, there is nothynge in. | |
190 | ¶And when these gossyps are ones mette. |
Of euery tayle, and newe tidynge | |
They bable fast, and nothynge forget | |
They put (I warrant) betwene rydyng This line seems defective in sense. | |
This lerne the yonger, of the elders guydynge This: =Thus | |
195 | Daye by day, kepynge suche scholes |
The semple men, they make as fooles | |
¶Them-selfe alway, do make good chere | |
With one or other, they neuer reste | |
Our Iohan shall paye, that is not here | |
200 | Howe say you gossyp, is it not beste |
I beshrewe his herte / nowe is he bleste | |
He bet me gossyp, I maye tell you | |
That yet I am, bothe blacke and blewe | |
sig: [A4v] | |
Thus out it shall / what-so it be | |
205 | Good or bad, all is one thynge |
What-soeuer commeth, to memorye | |
Shall not be loste, for the tellinge | |
God wote they make, many a lesynge | |
Hit doth theyr stomake / greatly ease | |
210 | To lerne what may / theyr husbandes displease. |
¶The yonge complayneth vnto the olde | |
Somwhat to ease, theyr hertes therbye | |
The elder sayeth / good gossyp beholde | |
To shewe your mynde, hollye to me | |
215 | Fere it not, ye knowe pardye |
That I haue bene, bothe olde and yonge | |
Bothe close and sure / of tayle and tongue. | |
Then sayeth the yonger, I may tell you | |
I am so matchet, as no woman is matchet: =matched | |
220 | Of all this nyght, tyll the cocke crewe |
He wolde not ones, tourne me for to kysse | |
Euery nyght, he ryseth to pysse | |
And when he commeth / agayne vnwarme | |
Doth tourne his ars / in-to my barme | |
225 | ¶Lappeth hym-selfe, rounde all aboute |
And thrusteth me / out of my place | |
Leaueth me scantly, one ragge or cloute | |
To couer and cast, ouer my face | |
Full lytell maner / gossyp he hase | |
230 | The moost vnkyndest, man haue I |
That euer woman, layde her by | |
¶And be the daye, neuer so longe | |
He doth nothyng, but chyde and braull | |
Ye ye gossyppe, the more is my wronge | |
235 | Hore and herlot, he doth me call |
And byddes me gossyp, scrape and scrall scrape and scrall: an expression analogous to 'scrape and scratch', although OED does not record this sense s.v. scrawl | |
And for my liuyng, labour and swete | |
sig: B[1] | |
For as of hym, no peny I gette | |
I was a_curste, or els starke madde | |
240 | And when I maryed, with hym vnwyse |
I maye tell you, I myght haue had | |
Another maner of man, then he is | |
Yf I had folowed, my frendes aduyse | |
I shulde haue had, a mynyan | |
245 | A man of lande, a gentylman |
The deuyls gossyp, ought me a_shame | |
And payde I am nowe, euery penye | |
Wolde god he had, be blynde and lame | |
That daye and houre, he fyrst woed me | |
250 | Ware not gossyp, these chyldren thre Ware: =Were |
I wolde not tary, ye maye be sure | |
Longer with hym, daye ne houre | |
Then sayeth the elder, do as I do | |
Be sharpe and quycke, with hym agayne | |
255 | Yf that he chyde, chyde you also |
And for one worde, gyue you hym tway[n]e | |
Kepe hym shorte, and haue dysdayne | |
He shulde vse you, after suche rate | |
Byd hym be styll, with one euyll date | |
260 | Cherysshe your-selfe, all that ye maye |
And drawe vnto, good companye | |
Caste not your-selfe, gossyp awaye | |
Because he playeth, the churle with the | |
And by your wyll, kepe hym hungree | |
265 | And byd hym go, when he wolde game |
Unto his customers, god gyue hym shame customers ='associates, prostitutes'; see OED s.v. customer n, 4 | |
Be euer with hym, at yea and naye | |
And by your wyll, begyn the warre | |
Yf he wolde smyte, then maye ye say | |
270 | Go to hardely, yf thou so dare |
I beshrewe thy herte, yf that thou spare | |
sig: [B1v] | |
All the world, shall wonder on the | |
Howe thou doest wreke, thy tene of me | |
Bycause thou hast be, at the dyse | |
275 | And playde awaye, all that thou haste |
Or from thy gylloutes, thou couldest not ryse gylloutes: =gillots, 'loose women' | |
Of all this day, ye sat so faste | |
And nowe god, gyue the shame at laste | |
Commest dronken home, with a myschefe | |
280 | And woldest be reuenged, vpon thy wyfe |
Better ywys, to holde thy hande | |
And more is, for thyne honestye | |
I had leuer thyne necke, [were] in a bande were] where 1541 | |
Then I wolde take it, longe of the | |
285 | Truste me, I wyll fynde remedye |
Smyte and thou dare, I make god auowe | |
I wyll acquyte it, I wote well howe | |
In case there be, no remedy | |
But that ye must, haue strokes sadde | |
290 | Take vp the babe / that then is nye |
Be it wenche, or be it lad | |
And byd hym stryke, yf he be madde | |
Smyte hardely, and kyll thy sonne | |
And hange therfore, when thou hast done | |
295 | Thus amonge, they kepe suche scholes |
The yonge to drawe, after the olde | |
Motyng euer / vpon theyr stoles theyr] theyrs 1541Motyng: =Mooting, 'conversing' | |
Of euery matter, that they haue wolde | |
By meane wherof, the yonge waxe bolde | |
300 | So that within, a moneth they be |
Quarter-mayster, or more then he Quarter-mayster ='one who shares authority with another to the extent of a fourth', with a pun on quarter; see OED s.v. quartermaster n, 3 | |
Truely some men, there be | |
That lyue alwaye, in great horrour | |
And saye it goeth, by destenye | |
305 | To hange or wed, bothe hath one houre |
sig: B2 | |
And whyther it be, I am well sure | |
Hangynge is better, of the twayne | |
Sooner done, and shorter payne | |
¶On pylgrymage, then must they go | |
310 | To wylesdon, barkyng, or some halowes |
Perchaunce be forth, a nyght or two | |
On fote for werynge, of horse-showes | |
A vyage make, vnto the stewes | |
And neyther knele, to stones, ne stockes | |
315 | But the offerynge take, with a quycke boxe |
¶Somtyme also, lycence they craue | |
To be with some neyghbour, in the mydwyues stede | |
And all to the ende, some other knaue | |
Shall dubbe her husbande, a somer-byrde somer-byrde ='summer migrant', with allusion to the cuckoo; see OED s.v. summer bird | |
320 | The trueth is so knowen, it can not be hyde |
Albeit that fewe men, do hym here | |
The kucko, syngeth euery yere | |
¶They haue also another caste | |
In case the husbande, be present | |
325 | The chylde I warrant, shalbe caste caste ='given birth to'; see OED s.v. cast v, 20b |
And to her louer, therwith sent | |
The sylly man, none euyll ment | |
Regardeth lytell, or nothynge this | |
Howe by the babe, she sendes her kys | |
330 | And for she wolde, b[e] rekened trewe be] by 1541 |
The matter to cloke, more craftely | |
Her kynsman call hym, I warrant you | |
And to blere, the husbandes eye | |
God wote the blynde / eateth many a flye | |
335 | So doth the husband, often ywis |
Father the chylde, that is not his | |
Trym them-selfe, euery daye newe | |
And in theyr glasses / poore and prye | |
Plat and plant, and theyr herys hewe hewe ='shape, fashion', or perhaps 'colour'; see OED s.v. hue v1. Plant ='place additions to the coiffure'? | |
sig: [B2v] | |
340 | And all to make it, for the eye |
The fynest ware, that they may bye | |
And all that euer / they may ymagyne | |
Is to enlure, the masculyne | |
Paynt them rounde, with many a pyn | |
345 | Rynged for routyng, of pure golde Rynged for routyng ='(like) swine ringed through the nose to restrain them from rooting'; see OED s.vv. ring v1, 6a, rout v8 |
Fayre without, and foule within | |
And of theyr tayles / haue slypper holde | |
Bye who wyll / ware wyll be solde | |
Ye nede go [no] farther, the fayre is here no] 1541 omits | |
350 | Bye when ye lyst / it lasteth ouer-yere |
Spare for no cost / but drynke of the best. | |
And also of euery, deyntye eate | |
Hote in operation / and lyght to dygest | |
Nature to prouoke, and set on a heate | |
355 | Oysters, kocles, and els-what they may yet |
Nowe this, nowe that, & fayne them-selfe sycke | |
Suche thynges to receyue / as for theyr phisyck | |
By meane wherof, Tyresyas | |
Arbyter chose, the trueth to dyscus | |
360 | Gyue iudgement playne, in this case |
That the woman is: farre more lecherous | |
Gallus gallin[i]s, ter quinque sufficit vnus gallinis] gallinus 1541 | |
Sed ter quinque viri / non sufficiunt mulieri For this proverb, see Hans Walther, 'Lateinische Sprichwšrter und Sentenzen des Mittelalters', #10153. | |
In case they wolde / ought of you craue. | |
365 | Anone they wepe, and lowre a_pace |
And say that they / can nothynge haue | |
Them to apparell, as other wyues hase | |
Truste not ouermoche, theyr mornynge face | |
Recorde ynough, of Samsons two wyues | |
370 | Who foloweth theyr myndes / seldom-when thryues seldom-when ='rarely' |
Albeit the byrder, with his blered eye | |
Dyssemble sorowe / with his sad face | |
Yet is there no byrde, he maye come by | |
sig: [B3] | |
By his engynes / that may haue grace | |
375 | By women it foloweth / in semblable case |
Wepe they or laugh they: all is one thynge | |
They deale mooste craftly, when they be wepyng | |
¶And yet amonge / who-so wyll thryue | |
And offyce bere, in towne or citye | |
380 | Must nedes be ruled, by his wyfe |
Or els in fay, it wyll not bye | |
The wyfe must able hym, to the degree | |
Able or vnable, lytle careth she | |
Bycause her-selfe, wolde honoured be | |
385 | ¶Feare not she sayeth, vnto her spouse |
A man or a mouse, whyther be ye | |
Shulde ye, your honesty refuse honesty] honestly 1541 | |
And be as lyke, as other men be | |
In person, and in eche degre | |
390 | Take it vpon you, do not refuse |
And I myne owne selfe, fynde youre house | |
¶So by the meane, of her counsayle | |
The man may not, the offyce forsake | |
Bycause the wyfe, wolde haue a tayle tayle ='train of a dress'; see OED s.v. tail n1, 3 | |
395 | Come rakyng after, & a bonet blacke rakyng ='wandering, roaming'; see OED s.v. rake v2, 1b |
A veluet heed, and also be take | |
With the best and not the worste | |
The man must be ruled: tyll all be in the dust. | |
¶Of all the dyseases, that euer wore. | |
400 | Weddynge is nexte vnto the goute |
A saulue there is, for euery sore saulue: =salve | |
To helpe a man within, or witho[u]t | |
But of these two, I am in dowte | |
No payne so feruent, hote ne colde | |
405 | As is a man, to be called cockolde |
¶And be neuer, so fearefull to fraye | |
So starke a cowarde, yet wyll he rage | |
sig: [B3v] | |
And drawe his knyfe, euen strayght-waye | |
Be he neuer so farre in [ae]ge aege] eage 1541 | |
410 | Call hym ones cockolde, and his corrage |
Furthwith wyll kyndle, and force hym stryke | |
Worse then ye, named hym heretyke | |
And syeth there is, no salue therfore | |
Hit putteth many, a man in fere | |
415 | To be infecte, with the selfe-same sore |
Howe well so-euer, they them bere | |
Good taken haue they, also els-where | |
That whosoeuer weddeth a wyfe | |
Is sure of sorowe / all his lyfe | |
420 | Of Socrates, the pacyent |
Example good / of his wyues twayne | |
Whiche on a tyme / fell at dyssent | |
And vnto hym, dyd them complayne | |
He laught therat / and they agayne | |
425 | Fall bothe on hym, with an euyll date |
A pyspot they brake, vpon his pate | |
He helde hym pleased, and well content | |
The pysse ran downe / by his chekes twane | |
W[e]ll wyst I, sayde he, what it ment Well] Wyll 1541 | |
430 | And true it is, that all men fayne |
That after thonder, commeth rayne | |
Who hath a wyfe, is sure to fynde | |
At home in his house, many a sowre wynde. | |
A certayne wyfe, sayde to me ones | |
435 | I wolde thou knewe it, god made vs |
Nother of earth, stocke ne stones | |
But of a thynge, moche precyous | |
Of a rybbe of a man, scrypture sayeth thus | |
Bycause the woman, in euery nede | |
440 | Shulde be helpe to the man, in worde and dede |
Man made of earth, and woman of man | |
sig: [B4] | |
As of a thynge, moost pryncypall | |
Whiche argueth well, sayeth she then | |
By iudgement iust, and reason naturall | |
445 | That we be euer substantyall |
And yet ye men, thus of us bable us] hus 1541 | |
That women alwayes are varyable | |
Whiche thynge, as farre as I se can | |
Shulde be imployed, rather to you | |
450 | Syth of the earth, god create man |
And fygures therof, maketh euer newe | |
Nature thus naturate, me-semeth nowe | |
Must nedes, his fyrste orygynall | |
Ensewe, or be vnnaturall. | |
455 | As ye saye (sayde I) helpe hym well |
Euyll to thryue, and worse to fare | |
Who was the cause, that Adam fell | |
His wyfe or no? I make you ware | |
One and other, lytell ye care | |
460 | So ye maye haue, that ye desyre |
Though dun, and the packe, lye in the myre Though dun, and the packe ...: proverbial, see OED s.v. dun n1, 5 | |
Made of a bone, ye sayd were ye | |
Truth it is, I can not denaye | |
Croked it was, styffe, and sturdye | |
465 | And that wolde bende, no maner waye |
Of nature lyke, I dare well saye, | |
Of that condicyon, all women be | |
Euyll to rule, bothe styffe, and sturdye | |
And ouer that, who lysteth to trye | |
470 | Put me two bones, in a bagge |
Or mo as it is, of quantyte | |
That done, holde it somwhat sagge | |
Shake it also, that it maye wagge | |
And ye shall here, none other matter | |
475 | Of these bones, but clytter_clatter |
sig: [B4v] | |
¶Lyke so of women, in felde and towne. | |
Assembled where, that many be | |
A man may heare them, by the sowne | |
Farther farre, then the eye maye se | |
480 | Wherfore men saye / moost commenlye |
Where many geese be, are many tordes | |
And where be women, are many wordes. | |
¶And so the husbande, is lyke to haue | |
A synguler treasure, of his wyfe | |
485 | He nedeth neuer, an yll worde to craue |
All the dayes, of his longe lyfe | |
Hath not that man, a prerogatyue | |
That may alwaye, of his wyfe haue | |
A thyng of nought, and it not craue | |
490 | ¶And commonly, where cause is none |
Some-thynge ymagyned is kepte in store | |
Whiche that she may, come the good-man home | |
With spedefull spiryte, lay hym before | |
Of lytle or nought, they make moche more | |
495 | And be it true, or false they tell |
All is sothed, as the gospell sothed ='proved to be true'; see OED s.v. soothe v, 1 | |
¶And yet the rybbe, as I suppose | |
That god dyd take, out of the man | |
A dogge vp caught, and away gose | |
500 | Eate it clene, so that as than |
The werke to fynysshe, that god began | |
Coude not be, as we haue sayde | |
Bycause the dogge, the rybbe conuayde | |
¶A remedy, god founde as yet | |
505 | Out of the dogge, he toke a rybbe |
The woman forthwith he made of it | |
As to the man, neyther kynne nor sybbe | |
Nature she foloweth, and playeth the gyb | |
And at her husbande, doth barke and ball | |
sig: C[1] | |
510 | As doth the curre, for nought at all |
¶Another reason, yf ye marke well | |
Dothe cause the woman, of wordes be ryue | |
A certayne man, as fortune fell | |
A woman tongles, wedded to wyue | |
515 | Whose fronyng countenaunce, perceyuyng belyue |
Tyll he myght knowe, what men thought long | |
And wysshed full ofte, she had a tongue | |
¶The deuyll was redy, & appered anone | |
An aspen-leafe, he bad the man take | |
520 | And in her mouth, shulde put but one |
A tongue sayde the deuyll, it shall her make | |
Tyll he had done, his heed dyd ake | |
Leaues he gathered, and toke plentye | |
And in her mouthe / put two or thre | |
525 | ¶Within a whyle, this medicyne wrought |
The man coulde tary, no longer tyme | |
But wakened her, to the ende he mought | |
The vertue proue, of the medicyne | |
The fyrst worde, she spake to hym | |
530 | She sayde thou horson, knaue, and thefe |
Howe durst thou waken me, with a mischefe | |
¶From that day forwarde, she neuer ceassed | |
Her boyster babell, greuyd hym sore boyster: not recorded in OED, but cf. OED s.vv. boistous, boisterous, boistly, boisterly, boistness | |
The deuyll he met, and hym intreated | |
535 | To make her tongles, as she was before |
Not so sayde the deuyll, I wyll medle no more | |
I deuyll, a woman to speake maye constrayne | |
But all that in hell be, can not let it agayne | |
¶And by profe, dayly we se | |
540 | What inclynacyon nature maketh |
The aspyn-lefe, hangynge where it be | |
With lytle wynde, or none it shaketh | |
A womans tongue, in lyke-wyse taketh | |
sig: [C1v] | |
Lytle ease, and lytle rest | |
545 | For yf it shulde, the herte wolde brest |
Loke when the see, doth water want | |
Nor no wynde bloweth, [the] mylne [to] walke the mylne to walke] to mylne the walke 1541walke ='move, drive'; see OED s.v. walk v1, 3e (but here used transitively) | |
When Ethna hyll, of fyre is scant | |
The crowne whyte, and blacke is chalke | |
550 | Then women cease, wyll of theyr talke |
It is lyke appropryed, all women to bable | |
As dogges to barke, and geese to gagle | |
And that more is, all men do saye | |
That woman to man, is moost comforte | |
555 | Howbeit they meane it, another waye |
And saye she is, mannes vtter e[x]torte extorte] ertorte 1541extorte ='extortion, torture'; see OED s.v. extort n, where this example is cited | |
And ouer that, by iust reporte | |
The smaller pease, the mo to the pot | |
The fayrer woman, the more gyllot | |
560 | The fayrer of face, the [p]rouder of harte prouder] brouder 1541 |
The lother to woo, the sooner won | |
The lesse of speche, the more ouerthwart | |
Not one so daungerous, as is dame dun | |
The fouler she is, the sooner it is done | |
565 | So shorte of hele / they be ouer-all |
That and yf ye blowe / they must nedes fall | |
By meane wherof, all men reporte | |
And saye that women, can not be stable | |
For be one gone, and other resorte | |
570 | And profereth them, thyng seruysable |
Our fyly is fetlyd, vnto the sadle fetlyd ='groomed'; see OED s.v. fettle v, 1 | |
Ryde who wyll, shod is our mare | |
And thus they eschaunge, ware for ware | |
In case thou woldest, not haue it so | |
575 | But rather to fynde / euery-thynge well |
I counseyle the before thou go | |
Forth of towne, to crowche and knele | |
sig: C2 | |
And offre a candell, to the deuyll | |
Parcase thy wyfe wolde, be so lewed | |
580 | He wolde for_let it, all beshrewed |
Example therof, and that was this. | |
A certayne man, from home shulde ryde | |
Whiche fearyng his wyfe, wolde do amys | |
To an ymage of Sathan, vpon a wall-syde | |
585 | Offered a candell, and that was espyde |
And sayde syr Sathan, nowe I charge the | |
My wyfe in myne absence, thou do ouer-se | |
His iourney ended, came home agayne | |
And the selfe ymage, went streyght vnto | |
590 | The deuyll hym shewed, euery-thyng playne |
Howe he had let, that shulde haue be do | |
And from her bacwarde, drawen one or two | |
The daungerest cure, that euer he had daungerest: =most dangerous, 'most difficult' | |
Was to kepe good, that wolde haue ben bad | |
595 | Another thyng as pryncypall |
Be not with her, in Ialosye | |
What mysaduenture, so-euer befall | |
Forbyd her no mannes company | |
Nor yet rebuke her / syngulerly | |
600 | In case thou do, though thou haddest sworne |
A blaste shalt thou blowe, in Nynerus horne | |
For as we se, by experyence | |
Euery day before our eye | |
And by reporte of men of credence | |
605 | For the moost parte / the femynye |
By theyr innatyue, destynye | |
Fyrst and formest, when they be chyd | |
Wyll that thynge do, they be forbyd | |
And ouer that, thy wyfe present | |
610 | I counseyle the, be wyse and ware |
Thou prayse, no other mans instrument | |
sig: [C2v] | |
Better then thyne owne, berynge ware | |
For yf thou do, she wyll not spare | |
Were he neuer, so naturall a foole | |
615 | Tyll she haue assayed, the selfe-same tole |
So frayle they be, of disposycyon | |
So croked, so crabbed, with that so yll. | |
So lewed, so shrewed, lyght of condicyon | |
That sure, it were vnpossyble | |
620 | To let them, of theyr owne selfe-wyll |
And but it come, of theyr owne mynde | |
A man were as good, throwe stones at the wynde | |
Saye what ye wyll, they wyll do as them lust | |
The profe therof, in a certayne fable | |
625 | A husbande-man, hauyng good truste |
His wyfe to hym, had be agreable | |
Thought to attempt / yf she had be reformable | |
Bad take the potte, that sod ouer the fyre sod: =seethed | |
And set it aboue, vpon the astyre astyre ='hearth'; see OED s.vv. astre, easter n2 | |
630 | She a[n]swered hym, I holde the mad answered] aswered 1541 |
And I more foole, by saynt Martyne | |
The dyner is redy, as thou me bad | |
And tyme it were that thou shuldest dyne | |
And thou wylte not, I wyll go to myne | |
635 | I byd the sayde he, bere vp the potte |
A_ha she sayde, I trowe thou dote | |
Up she goeth, for feare at laste | |
No questyon moued, where it shulde stande | |
Upon his heade, the potage she cast | |
640 | And helde the potte, styll in her hande |
And towardes hym, she curst and bande bande: =banned, 'cursed' | |
Sayd and sware, he myght her truste | |
She wolde with the potage, do what her luste | |
No remedy, to dyscontent. | |
645 | To tratle to them, of reason or lawe tratle ='chatter'; see OED s.v. trattle |
sig: [C3] | |
For be a womans, purpose bent | |
Nothyng preualeth, to withdrawe | |
Nor yet to kepe / them vnder awe | |
Gyue them counsayle, the best ye can | |
650 | They wyll folowe theyr owne wyll, now & than |
Loke of discrecyon, fewe womanly | |
And to the were few, profytable | |
Not thre I dare saye, amonge thyrtye | |
That be dyscrete, and reasonable | |
655 | And yet alwayes, they byble_bable |
Of euery matter, and make it nyse | |
And in conclusyon, be wonderous peuysshe | |
As holy as sayntes, in churche they be | |
And in strete, as aungels they were | |
660 | At home, for all theyr ypocrysye |
A deuylysshe lyfe, they led all the yere | |
When lenton cometh, then to the frere | |
The frere-lymlyfter, for a payre of pense | |
Wyll for all causes, with them dyspense | |
665 | And that more is, I dare auowe |
That yf thy wyfe, dyspleasure take | |
Be it ryght or wronge, yet thou | |
Must nedes of forse, for thy wyues sake | |
Fyght and fraye, and hye wordes crake | |
670 | Swere and stare, as who wolde saye |
Thou woldest not let, to kyll and slaye | |
In case thou take the matter lyght | |
As man of peas, loue and concorde | |
Then wyll she wepe, anone forth-ryght | |
675 | And gyue the many, an euyll worde |
And byd the gyrde, to the thy sworde | |
And saye, yf I had maryed a man | |
This thynge shulde not, be longe vndone | |
sig: [C3v] | |
¶Recorde, the wycked Iesabell. | |
680 | Whiche wolde haue slayne / good Helyas |
Recorde also of the gospell | |
The wyfe of Phylyp / Herodyas | |
Whiche through her doughter, brought to pas | |
That Herode her graunted, or that they wyste | |
685 | To gyue her the heed / of Iohan_Baptyst |
Thus [they] them-selfe, may lytle do they] were 1541 | |
As in regarde of corporall myght | |
Of cruelnes they rest not so | |
But stere theyr husbandes, for to fyght | |
690 | The prouerbe olde, accordeth ryght |
Women and dogges, causeth moche stryfe | |
And moost occasyons, to be myschefe | |
¶In case that thou, so foolysshe be | |
For thy wyues wordes, to make a brall | |
695 | Yf it so fortune, that she do it see |
Regardeth lytle, what may befall | |
The fyrst thyng, that she doth of all | |
On the she runneth, and holdeth the styll | |
Whyles that an-other, may the kyll | |
700 | And yf it chaunce, any vnkynde worde |
Escape thy mouthe, wherby that ye | |
Bywtene your-selfe / fall at dyscorde | |
Truste me well / in case that she | |
By any meane / may mayster the | |
705 | For the moost parte, all women be |
In suche case, all without pytye | |
¶Weake and feble, albeit they be | |
Of body / moche impotent | |
Example dayly, yet maye ye se | |
710 | Comberous they be, and malyuolente |
Harmeles creatures, none euyll mente | |
The vpper hande, yf they ones get | |
sig: [C4] | |
Can no more harme, then a mer[m]eset a mermeset] amerseset 1541 | |
Who was so busye, as was the mayde. | |
715 | With croked language, Peter to appose |
Ones, twyse, or thryse, to hym she sayde | |
And thou felow, arte one of those | |
The trueth sayde she / thy language showse | |
Peter abasshed, swore and denayde | |
720 | And all by reason, of the lewde mayde |
Some men theyr be also, that saye | |
Be she syngule, or be she wedde | |
To moche she coueyteth, of chambre-playe | |
As dyd Byblis, the thynge forbed | |
725 | Presume to be, in her mother stede |
Myrrha also, inordynatelye | |
With her owne father, founde meanes to lye | |
The doughters twayne, of Loth the sage. | |
Hauynge lyke tykle, in theyr tayle | |
730 | Coulde not refrayne, theyr wylfull rage |
To satisfye, with euyll hayle | |
Theyr father fested, with costly vytayle | |
Made hym dronke, and so at laste | |
Medled with hym, he slepynge faste | |
735 | Examples hereof, dyuers there be |
To approue my sayenge, strayght as a lyne | |
As fyrst of the, abhomynable Pasyphe | |
And then the insacyat myssalyne | |
Pyrra, Fabulla, and fayre Helyne | |
740 | With other thousandes, many mo |
Whiche all to recyte, wolde neuer be do | |
I pray you, why was Adam shent. | |
Bycause he onely, dyd transgresse | |
Eue hym meuyd, fyrst to consent | |
745 | To eate of the apple, she dyd hym dresse |
So all came, of her wylfulnesse | |
sig: [C4v] | |
And syth that woman, that offyce began | |
She is more to blame then is the man the man] then man 1541 | |
The wyfe of loth, wyllynge also | |
750 | The wyll of god, to preuarycate |
Out of the citye, when she shulde go | |
Loked behynde her, in her gate | |
To se by profe, the pronostycate pronostycate: =prognosticate, 'sign or token of some future event' | |
Displeased god, and she anone | |
755 | Transfourmed was, in-to a salte stone |
I pray you, what dyd quene atthalye | |
Loke in Paralypomenon | |
Mother of yonge kynge Othozye | |
Of all, and of all, the wylfullest one | |
760 | Moued the kynge foresayde, her son |
To do moche euyll, especyallye | |
The temple of god, for to dystroye | |
Myghty Samson, two wyues had | |
The fyrst a Philistian, by generacyon | |
765 | Neyther of them good, but passynge bad |
And false to hym, farre out of fasshyon | |
The fyrst hym caused, by lacrymacyon | |
His probleme to her, so that he sayde hym caused ... he sayde ='by weeping, induced him to reveal to her the solution to his riddle' | |
When she it knewe, she hym betrayde | |
770 | The seconde delte moche worse then so |
Deceyuynge hym, as ye shall heare | |
For she his strength / dyd take hym fro | |
In her lappe slepyng, she clypte his heere | |
Betrayed her lorde, and her bewpere | |
775 | Thus Daly[l]a, for mede hym serued Dalyla] Dalyda 1541 |
And caused his eyes out to be carued | |
The wyfe of Iob, the man electe | |
Saluted hym with scornes and mockes | |
And full vnsemely, ofte hym checte | |
780 | Sayeng thou foule, full of the pockes |
sig: D[1] | |
Full lyke a foole, thy brest thou knockes | |
Wenest thou, for thy fayre speche | |
God wyll come, the for to seche | |
Thy pratynge leue, fowle the befall | |
785 | Trust me, he wyll the neuer hele |
Thy beestes / thy goodes, and thy chyldren all | |
Be deed and brente, nowe euery-dele | |
And thou lyest here, with many a byle byle: =boil | |
Pratynge, and prayenge, to the diuyne | |
790 | And worse then thou stynkest, then a deed swyne |
Lykewyse the wyfe, of olde Thoby | |
Whose name, as I remembre was Anne | |
Whiche hym entratyd, bosteously | |
With sad rebukes, nowe and than | |
795 | Called hym dryuyll, and wytles fanne fanne =weather-cock (?), by confusion of fan with fane, vane; see OED s.v. fan n1, 8 |
Because he gaue / with herte so lyberall | |
Parte of his goodes, to the porall | |
The wanton wyfe, of kynge Pharao | |
Ioseph adhortyd / with her to lye | |
800 | In place secrete, betwene them two |
God forbyd madame sayde he | |
Bycause she sawe, it wolde not be | |
A shamefull lye she dyd inuent | |
In pryson to caste / that innocent | |
805 | In women all, this propertye |
Is knowen sure, and manyfeste | |
That yf a man, maye come so nye | |
To shewe them game, that they loue beste | |
And wyll not do it, then well they Ieste well: =will | |
810 | But trust me sure, that with the harte |
They wyll neuer loue hym afterwarte afterwarte: a nonce-spelling of afterward | |
The wyse man sayeth, in his prouerbes | |
A strumpettes lyppes are dulce as honye | |
But in her dealynge, she is sowre as herbes | |
sig: [D1v] | |
815 | Wormewode, or rewe, or worse sayeth he |
For when them lyketh, to mocke with the | |
With tongue & eye, suche semblaunce the[y] show[e] they] the 1541show[e]: letter broken | |
That harde it were them to mystrowe | |
¶As though they spake, with mouth & herte | |
820 | With face they make, so good semblaunce |
That harde it were, a man to starte | |
From theyr fayre glosynge, countenaunce | |
Thus with theyr sugered, vtteraunce | |
The symple men / that meane but iust | |
825 | Disceyued are, where they moost trust |
¶In case they do you, but one benefyte | |
An hundreth tymes by you recompensed | |
They wyll you euer, with that one entwyte | |
With lytle cause, or none offensed offensed ='offended' | |
830 | All your demerytes, shalbe vnrecensed demerytes ='merits'; see OED s.v. demerit n, 1. Vnrecensed ='unenumerated'; see OED s.v. recense v |
So be it lesse, or be it more | |
All is loste, ye gaue them before | |
Yf ye renounce, your copy-holde | |
And wolde be tenaunt, by Indenture | |
835 | There is no ware, then to be solde |
Ye must go seke, at your aduenture | |
For as of you, they haue no denture denture] deynture 1541denture: an aphetic form of indenture; see OED s.v. denture n1 | |
Thynke ye that I, wyll be so redy | |
Nay by Iesse, I holde you a peny | |
840 | And then yf ye, no labour make |
Ye maye be sure that then wyll she | |
The lure out-throwe, the hawke to take | |
Be_lyke, of her affinyte | |
Good god howe straunge, nowe-adayes be ye | |
845 | I wolde haue thought, ye had ben none suche |
But by the lytell, is knowen the moche | |
So at length, by howche or by crowche. by howche or by crowche: =by hook or by crook; see OED s.v. hook n1, 14 | |
Lesse or more, euer they craue | |
sig: D2 | |
Untyll the hande, be in the pouche | |
850 | No wordes prouaylen, the to saue prouaylen: =prevail |
A thousande thousande wayes they haue | |
To make a man, a threde-bare cote | |
And leue hym, neyther peny ne grote | |
Nowe this nowe that, they craue alway | |
855 | One thynge or other, they neuer rest |
Saye what ye wyll, they wyll no naye | |
Nor none excuse, but theyr owne request | |
So they may be trymmed, and fed of the best | |
They haue no remorse, who bereth the name name ='reputation'; see OED s.v. name n, 6d | |
860 | Nor whome they put to open shame |
The trueth is knowe[n] as in this case | |
By holy wryte, autenticate | |
Betwene Thamer, and the iudge Iudas | |
The booke called Genesis, examynate | |
865 | Howe thamar the wydowe, in the waye sate |
D[y]sgysed her-selfe, in straunge araye D[y]sgysed: letter broken | |
Iudas to dysceyue, after that waye. | |
Her fresshe atyre, & countenaunce therto | |
Prouoked this man, a questyon to make | |
870 | She lyghtly consentynge, as some other do |
Sayde what wylt thou gyue, thy pleasure to take | |
Some pledge she sayde, for promyse is slake | |
Of hym she requyred, staffe mantell and rynge | |
His mynde to folowe, and do the thynge | |
875 | Shorte tayle to make, the lawe was then |
A woman that founde was, in auoutrye | |
Dewe proffe alledge, by credyble men | |
Shulde suffre death, saunce remedy | |
The matter apperyd, by her bely | |
880 | She openly sayde, in sclaunder of Iudas |
Who oweth these thre, this dede done has | |
sig: [D2v] | |
¶Thus be they all, past shame and drede. | |
And careth not, who doth byd them bayle | |
With goostly sentence, them to fede | |
885 | Lytell or nothynge, dothe them preuayle |
Be the backe tourned, anone they rayle | |
And say, for all your counseyle good | |
Ye had leuer a bare ars, then a furred hood. | |
¶To say that they can, counseyle kepe. | |
890 | It were to me, a meruaylous thynge |
Onlesse it be, when they do slepe | |
Or no-body, to gyue the[m] hearynge them] the 1541 | |
Desyrous euer, of newe tydynge | |
And were it matter, of lymme and lyfe | |
895 | Out it shall, be tolde byleue |
¶ Tully the Roman, vpon a daye | |
Though[t] to approue, his wyfe secr[es]ye Thought] Though 1541secresye] secrye 1541 | |
In counseyle tolde her, he had put awaye | |
The Emperour sonne, to the ende that we | |
900 | Maye reygne and rule, bothe lande and see |
Glad was she, and yet she went | |
And hym dysclosed, incontynent | |
¶ Tully escaped, harde with the lyfe. | |
And all by meane / of his owne folye | |
905 | Had not the trueth, be knowen belyue |
To haue be hanged / it was ieoperdye | |
Be it therfore true tale, or lye | |
Be wyse and ware, wake ye or wynke | |
And tell not your wyfe, all that ye thynke | |
910 | ¶ kynge Salomon, bothe wyttye & wyse |
A woman doth, assymylate | |
Unto a droppynge, euesynge guyse euesynge: =eavesing, 'eaves, roof' | |
Dystyllynge downe, after rayne late | |
Who[se] droppes vnclene, doth maculate Whose] Who 1541 | |
915 | The fynest vesture, that any man werys |
sig: [D3] | |
With colde and wete, the body derys | |
Euyn so a woman / litygyous | |
Disquieteth, a hole householde | |
And who-so he be, that in his house | |
920 | Entendeth to kepe, a woman skolde |
The wynde that bloweth, bothe moyst & colde | |
Were better farre, for to her[b]our herbour] herpour 1541 | |
And lesse shulde fynde, of dyspleasure | |
Enuyous they be, it is dayly sene | |
925 | And proude also, of comparyson |
Recorde of Saba, the gorgyous quene | |
Before, nor syns, was neuer suche one | |
Bycause she enuyed, kynge Salomon | |
To proue his wysdome, and take with a tryppe take with a tryppe ='detect in an error'; see OED s.v. trip n1, 8 | |
930 | Passed the sees, in a meruaylous shyppe |
Bycause that Naboth, wolde not sell | |
Unto the kynge, of Samarye | |
The vyneyarde he had, at Israell | |
Achab the kynge, became angrye | |
935 | As soone as Iesubell, the quene knewe why |
She straytly commaunded by wrytynge to fayne | |
Some cryme vpon Naboth, & so was he slayne | |
Loke and rede, the boke Bockas | |
And ye shall fynde, many a reason | |
940 | The pryde of women, to deface |
For theyr m[y]slyuynge, in theyr season m[y]slyuynge: letter illegible | |
Good women he wrote, were very geson | |
As ye shall fynde of ,xi[x]. he wrote ,xi[x].: letter illegible | |
But of the .xx. neyther letter nor iote | |
945 | Salamon sayeth, thre thynges there be |
Seldome, or neuer saturate saturate ='satisfied, satiated' | |
Hell the fyrst, is of the thre | |
The seconde, a womans water-gate | |
The grounde of water / insacyate | |
sig: [D3v] | |
950 | Of euery lewde fassyon, recken who can |
And euer I warrant, the woman is one. | |
¶Harde to be knowen, lyke membre ther be | |
The fourth to knowe, who is he con | |
The fyrst whiche waye, a byrde wyll flee | |
955 | Or of a serpent, sprent from a stone |
What hauen a shyppe, shal be dryue vpon | |
The crafte of a hore, perceyue who con | |
And euer I warrant the woman is one | |
¶The grounde also / doth vary by thre | |
960 | The fourth may not, be stablysshed sure |
A bonde-man set, in maiestye | |
A foole fed fatte, whyles he wyll in powre | |
An odyous woman, in weddynge vre | |
An heyre made of, a bonde-woman | |
965 | So euer I warrant, the woman is one. |
¶Whiche thynges remembred, well-nere eche man | |
Reporte of them, accordyngly | |
And saye playnly, that in the woman | |
Is lytle thynge, of prayse worthye | |
970 | Lettred or vnlerned, whether they be |
They say of all creatures, women are the best | |
Cuius contrarium, verum est | |
¶And were not, two small venyalles venyalles ='venial sins' | |
The femynyne myght, be gloryfyde | |
975 | Set in thrones perpetualles |
And as the goddes, be deyfyde | |
Two venyall synnes, they ha[u]e and hyde | |
None of the seuen, theyr names who can tell | |
They can neyther do, nor saye well | |
980 | ¶So to conclude, of this treatyse |
A fynall ende, rude though it be | |
The processe through, who wyll superuyse | |
Shall well perceyue, I make no lye | |
sig: [D4] | |
An ende therfore, to make shortlye | |
985 | In my conceyte / he lyueth in rest |
That medleth with them, of all people leest. | |
Go forth lytell booke, be not afrayde | |
To be accepte, with them that are wyse | |
And shewe them playne, what-so be sayde | |
In any parte of this treatyse | |
5 | Doth not dystayne, theyr honestyse honestyse: =honesties? |
But for the lewde, myght haue a myrrour | |
Hereby to amende, theyr damnable errour | |
Lyke as the preacher, doth dyscommende. | |
All vycyous liuynge, with mouth and wyll | |
10 | Or as the mynstryll, doth endend |
With helpe of lute, fynger or quyll | |
Example shewyng, to conuerte the yll | |
Lyke so myne auctour, dothe the same | |
No creature lyuynge, spoken be name be: =by | |
15 | Percase any-one, dyspleasure take |
Bycause it toucheth, her properlye | |
In case that she / suche wayes forsake | |
Whiche moste accorde, to her propertye | |
She nedeth not, herewith to be angrye | |
20 | God graunt vs all, we may do this |
Euery man to amende one, in that is amys | |
The good alwayes / wyll be content | |
With that, that is spoken / in generall | |
There wyll none / so soone be dyscontent | |
25 | As they that fretesyd, be with-all fretesyd ='chilled, benumbed', with special reference to a horse's feet; see OED s.v. fretish, fretize |
Rub a scalde horse / vpon the gall | |
And he wyll byte, wynse, and vente vente ='urinate, groan'? See OED s.v. vent v2, 2b, 3a | |
So wyll all people, that are malyuolent. | |
sig: [D4v] | |
Go forthe therfore, amonge the thycke | |
30 | And bere in mynde, who is with the |
The wordes that Salamon, and Dauid speake | |
In Iudicium, and in Genesye | |
Hierome, Iuuenall, and olde Thobie | |
Cathon, and Ouyd, wyll testyfye testyfye] testyfyue 1541 | |
35 | And Marcyall also, who lysteth to trye. |
And vnto them, that lerned be | |
I wolde, and wyll, thou mekely went | |
And shewe them, who-so made the | |
Nothynge purposed, of yll intent | |
40 | That shulde prohybyte the sacrament |
But that the masculyne, myght hereby | |
Haue somwhat to ieste, with the feminy | |
¶Prynted at London in Paules Churche-yearde / at the sygne of the maydens heed, by Thomas_Petyt .M.D.[XL]j. .M.D.XLj.] .M.D.LXj. 1541 |