Abstract Submission Instructions
Before submitting your abstract, please read the following instructions.
- Download the abstract template and create your abstract as a Word document
- Name your file yourdocumentname.doc
- You will upload your Word file onto the website (submit one abstract at a time)
- Your Word file will be converted to a pdf file; please check this file carefully
- You will be given a login code and will be able to make changes until 30 June
Abstract Format
Your abstract document should be in Arial font, left aligned, the title a maximum of 12 words and the main text a maximum of 300 words. Use the abstract template to prepare your abstract.
The abstract title should be a maximum of 12 words, informative and contain the major key words. The title should be in upper case, Arial, BOLD, 14 pt size, and left aligned. Abbreviations may be used in the title if they are spelt out in full in the abstract text.
Provide each author’s last name and one or two initials (presenting author in bold, Arial, 12 pt size, left aligned). Provide each author’s organisation or institution, followed by city, state (if applicable) and country (Arial, 11 pt size, italics) using a superscript to link each author and organisation. Do not include degrees or professional titles (e.g. Dr, Prof, etc) in your Word file.
Example showing the format required:
Smith BW1, Patterson M1,2, Warren LD2
1University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia
2University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Abstract text
- Abstract text should be in Arial, 12 pt size, single-spaced and left aligned. Use the following headings or choose others that are appropriate for your abstract:
Aim: Methods: Results: Conclusion: - Leave a single line in between each section (see template).
- Up to two references are permitted (optional). These should be on Arial, 10 pt size, left justified.
- Use standard abbreviations only. When using abbreviations spell out in full at the first mention and follow with the abbreviation in brackets.
- Capitalise the first letter of trade names.
Preparation for Submission
When submitting your abstract you will be asked to choose one of the following themes:
- Falls research methodology
- Health technologies
- Prevention initiatives, community
- Prevention initiatives, nursing care facilities
- Prevention initiatives, hospitals
- Risk factors and assessment
- Translating research into practice
- Understanding balance
- Value for money from falls prevention
- Other
You will also be asked to provide:
- A brief biography (50 words or less) of the first (presenting) author
- Name and organisation of any co-authors
- Type of presentation (oral, poster)
- Equipment required (apart from PowerPoint)
- Indication whether the presenting author is a student
Please note that the presenting author must be the one to submit the abstract and all correspondence will be emailed to this person. If accepted, all authors will appear on the abstract in the conference programme, but the presenter’s is the name that will appear in the list of posters or in the oral session programme.
Before submitting please take the time to check your Abstract wording and ensure:
- Title is a maximum of 12 words and captures the topic of the paper
- Aim: / Objectives / Background / rationale / purpose of paper is clearly stated
- Methods: / study design / description of project or initiative, including methods used for data analysis or to draw conclusions (qualitative or quantitative) are clearly described
- Results: are stated clearly and follow well from methods described
- Conclusions: provide a concise interpretation of the findings
- The abstract text does not exceed 300 words
We look forward to receiving your abstracts!
Click here to submit your abstract.