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Dunedin is a student city

Our campus is located in the heart of town and most of our first-year students live in one of our 14 undergraduate residential colleges, which offer support and guidance and are great places to make new friends and share new experiences.

City and campus layout

College map

Getting around

Unlike some other cities, a car is not a necessity in Dunedin.

There is a good public transport system. The campus, student flats and residential colleges are in close proximity, supermarkets are not far away and it's a 10-minute walk into the centre of town (the Octagon).

As Dunedin is a compact city, there are many options of areas to live in that don't result in long commutes to uni, with public transport covering all of the main suburbs.

Get yourself a Beecard and register to receive tertiary student concessions when you show your student ID card.

Although Dunedin is surrounded by hills, the campus, most of the central city and North and South Dunedin, are all generally flat and easily accessible.

Staying safe

Like any other city staying safe is about common sense. Don't accept a ride from someone you don't know, stay in well-lit areas when walking home after dark, and if your friend has had a few, make sure they get home safe.


Be prepared for a southern winter.

While we have good summers, Dunedin can get cold in winter with a few snow days expected each year. If you come from a northern climate you may find it a little cooler than you expect, so a good winter jacket is a must.

Explore the city

Dunedin is a small city between the mountains, the harbour and the sea – that means there's heaps to do and it's easy to get to.

The city is full of great restaurants, cafes, bars, music venues, boutiques and stores, which are never more than a short walk from the campus.

Dunedin is also a very arty city and our street art is amazing.

Get physical

If you're serious about sport, then Otago is the best place to be – with fantastic facilities and New Zealand's only covered sports field, Forsyth Barr Stadium, right on our doorstep.

Ride the best waves in the world, take on mighty mountain biking tracks, paddle-board, kayak or sail on the harbour, or head to Central Otago for a weekend on New Zealand's top ski fields.

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