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05 Nov 2019

Otago researchers recipients of inaugural $3m Marsden Fund Award

Otago researchers recipients of inaugural $3m Marsden Fund Award

31 Oct 2019

$3.8 million to Otago researchers in Career Development Awards

$3.8 million to Otago researchers in Career Development Awards

Pathology and Biomedical Science 2019 thumb

02 Sep 2019

Fifth annual Pathology and Biomedical Science Symposium

The fifth annual symposium for the Department of Pathology and Biomedical Scienc...

Vanessa Lattimore_thumbnail

23 Aug 2019

CMRF Major Project Funding Round successes in 2019

Three Pathology and Biomedical Science research fellows have been awarded 2019 M...

Leon Smyth (2019) thumbnail

22 Aug 2019

Postdoctoral fellow joins CFRR to investigate the role of oxidant signalling in Alzheimer’s disease

Dr Leon Smyth joined the Centre for Free Radical Research back in February 2019...


05 Jul 2019

Free radicals at the D.A.R.E event for high school students

The Centre for Free Radical Research showed high school students recordings from...


04 Jul 2019

Science-keen secondary students visit Christchurch campus

Science-keen secondary students visit Christchurch campus

Andrew Das at GRC2019 Cancer and Epigentics thumb

16 Apr 2019

Vitamin C research presented at Cancer and Epigenetics Gordon Research Conference

Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Andrew Das presented his research at the Cancer and Epige...

Margreet Vissers_thumbnail

15 Apr 2019

Vitamin C researcher presents at a Cancer Society public workshop on the West Coast

Professor Margreet Vissers was invited to speak about the latest vitamin C resea...

Nina Dickerhof small

29 Mar 2019

Free radical researcher receives notable entry in Otago Bulletin's annual photo competition

Senior Research Fellow Dr Nina Dickerhof from the Centre for Free Radical Resear...

Citra Praditi thumbnail

26 Feb 2019

The effect of ascorbate in cancer metastasis

PhD student Citra Praditi presented her PhD entrance seminar on 25 February 2019...

Vitamin C Symposium 2019 - logo

18 Feb 2019

Vitamin C 2019 Symposium presentations

Three senior staff members from the Department of Pathology and Biomedical Scien...

Heath Ryburn thumb

28 Jan 2019

Free radical summer student awarded Best Laboratory Presentation

Summer student Heath Ryburn was awarded the Best Laboratory Presentation at the...

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