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CFC culture 2020 1Cultural events and activities are an important part of life at Caroline Freeman Colleges. CFC competes with enthusiasm in the Inter-Collegiate cultural competition in events such as:

  • the Maori and Pacifica concert
  • art and literary competitions
  • musical jam
  • 48-hour film-making
  • the Big College Sing
  • debating and other events
  • in-house dramatic productions

CFC culture 2020 2Within the college itself we highly value our cultural interactions with events such as our open microphone nights, “The Flamingo Lounge”, in-house debating, portrait painting, chess and more.

Our residents are also strongly encouraged to participate in campus cultural events and clubs run through the Otago University Students' Association (OUSA) and similar events run through the Otago Recreation Services at UniPol.

Open microphone night image

Entries in the 2017 Art Competition

2022 College Satisfaction Feedback:

I always feel safe at CFC no matter which part of the college I am in. The night security staff are fantastic.

The staff work very hard to support the needs of the CFC students.

2021 College Satisfaction Feedback:

The tutorials are helpful and the tutors are very easy to talk to and go to about any questions. I find the study spaces very good.

Really like the fact that CFC has many quiet study spots available if you don't want to study in your room.

2020 College Satisfaction Feedback:

"I have enjoyed the environment of Caroline Freeman and help easy it is when you need something or some help. I also love the amount of activities we do here. There would always be something that you are into, whether it's sports or chess or debating, there is something for everyone".

"The best thing about CFC is each day you could chose to be whoever you wanted and there was no judgement for who you were".

"The acceptance from everyone is something I've never experienced before".

2019 College Satisfaction Feedback:

"The large focus on social events make it an enjoyable place to live".

"The diversity of this college is good. The social environment supports a wide range of different activities for different people which is excellent".

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