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Fonua - Pacific Model of Wellbeing means land and its people and their on-going relationship, this is a concept that is present across various other Pacific cultures. In Fiji it is vanua, in Samoa it is fanua, in Māori whenua and in the Cook Islands 'enua.

In the Fonua model their are five Dimensions and five Levels. The five dimensions are: Laumalie - Spiritual, 'Atamai - Mental, Sino - Physical, Kainga - Collective/Community and 'Atakai - Environment.  These five dimensions are inter-woven like a matt. All must be cared for equally in order to maintain holistic wellbeing. The five levels are: Taautaha - Individual, Famili - Family, Kolo - Local/Village, Fonua - Nation and Mamani - Global Society. These five levels are inter-dependent and complement each other. Health must be addressed at all levels to maintain the health and wellbeing of society. The cyclic representation of the model illustrates the interdependent and connectedness of the web of life (relationship between the dimensions and levels of wellbeing) for the ultimate purpose of wellbeing.

For more information about Fonua please click here

Te Whare Tapa Whā - Maori Model of Wellbeing

This health model was produced by Prof Sir Mason Durie who is highly commended in academia and Te Ao Māori, particularly with his work in the public health sector. This health model incorporates four cornerstones of Māori health: taha wairua (spiritual health), taha tinana (physical health), taha whānau (family health) and taha hinengaro (mental health) (Ministry of Health, 2013). Keeping Te Whare Tapa Whā in mind when undertaking research with Māori should allow projects to run more smoothly as all aspects of health can be considered when decisions are made.

For more information about Te Whare Tapa Whā

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