The due date for your application depends on the degree you are applying for.
Starting semester 1 or in Summer School
August | Guide to Enrolment available from school. Schools' Liaison team begin visiting schools for course planning. |
1 August | Residential college applications open online. Health Sciences undergraduate professional programme applications open online. |
14 August | Applications due for all new students for the following programmes:
15 August | Closing date for many entrance scholarships. |
31 August | Bachelor of Teaching applications due. |
1 September | Performance Music audition applications due. |
30 September | Residential college applications due. |
10 December | Science Horizons scholarships applications due. Applications due for all new students for the following programmes:
Applications for Discretionary Entrance, Ad Eundem Statum admission, GAP year admission, and Special Admission are also due. All enrolment, scholarship, and residential college applications are made online via eVision. |
Starting semester 2
June 15 | Applications due from students taking only semester 2 papers for a programme subject to the Entry Pathway system. |