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Credit towards University of Otago general degrees

Credit towards University of Otago general degrees (e.g. BA, BCom, BSc) may be granted based on study at Level 5 or above on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework. This study may have been completed at a tertiary institution in New Zealand or overseas.

Credit may be either specified or unspecified. Specified credit recognises prior study as equivalent to passes in specific Otago papers (e.g., credit for PSYC111 or BSNS115). Unspecified credit recognises prior study as equivalent to a specific number of points at a specific level in a particular subject area (e.g., 18 points of 100-level PSYC, 36 points of 200-level ARTS).

Credit Value

One point (or credit) at New Zealand tertiary institutions represents 10 hours of work for an average student wishing to achieve an average grade. An 18-point paper represents 180 hours of work, a 15-point paper represents 150 hours of work, and so on.

One year of full-time tertiary study in New Zealand is 120 points (or credits). A Bachelor’s degree consists of 360 points (or credits), which is equivalent to three years of full-time study.

Most Otago papers have a value of 18 points, so Otago credit for study completed elsewhere is granted in multiples of 18. The total number of points completed at other New Zealand tertiary institutions is divided by 18 to give the number of 18-point Otago papers that this is equivalent to. Where the result is not a whole number, we round up from 0.6.

For example:

  • The maximum Otago credit for a total of 45 points completed elsewhere is 36 points (45 ÷ 18 = 2.5, round down to 2).
  • The maximum Otago credit for a total of 105 points completed elsewhere is 108 points (105 ÷ 18 = 5.8, round up to 6).
Total NZ points completed in multiples of 15 Equivalent number of 18-point papers Maximum Otago credit points
15 1 18
30 2 36
45 2 36
60 3 54
75 4 72
90 5 90
105 6 108
120 7 126
135 7 126

Credit for study completed at overseas tertiary institutions will be converted into the equivalent number of points in the New Zealand system in multiples of 18. For example, one ECTS is equivalent to two NZ points, one credit from a UK university is equivalent to one NZ point, and one Australian EFTSL is equal to one NZ EFT, as shown in the table below.

Maximum Otago credit points Equivalent number of Otago’s 18-point papers NZ EFTS Australia EFTSL ECTS UK credits
18 1 0.15 0.15 6-14 11-28
36 2 0.30 0.30 15-23 29-46
54 3 0.45 0.45 24-32 47-64
72 4 0.60 0.60 33-41 65-82
90 5 0.75 0.75 42-50 83-100
108 6 0.90 0.90 51-59 101-118
144 8 1.20 1.20 69-77 137-154
162 9 1.35 1.35 78-86 155-172
180 10 1.50 1.50 87-95 173-190
198 11 1.65 1.65 96-104 191-208
216 12 1.80 1.80 105-113 209-226
234 13 1.95 1.95 114-122 227-244

Minimum Requirements for a University of Otago Degree

It is expected that students intending to complete a degree at the University of Otago pass at least one third of the points for the degree at the University of Otago, and at least two thirds at a NZ tertiary institution. All 300-level papers required for a University of Otago degree must be passed at the University of Otago.

Grades and GPA

Grades are not attached to credit transferred to Otago from other institutions. The Otago GPA is based on grades achieved at Otago and is not affected by credit transferred to Otago from other institutions.

How to apply for credit

1. International students with prior overseas tertiary level study

International students can apply for credit once they have accepted their offer of place to Otago. The process below outlines how to apply for credit in eVision.

2. All students who have accepted an offer of place

To apply for credit students must have accepted an offer of place in a programme at the University of Otago. Once the offer has been accepted applications are made through eVision.

Find out more about the steps to follow in eVision.

For credit to be assessed students must provide an official academic transcript* from the other institution.

Students may be asked to provide full course outlines* for some or all the papers shown on their academic transcript. Course outlines are required if specified credit is to be assessed. If a student has taken papers that are similar to those within their major or minors, they will need to provide course outlines.

A full course outline is a document several pages long which includes that following information:

  • Paper title and description
  • Outline of lecture topics
  • Outline of labs and/or tutorials
  • Assessments
  • Readings

* If your official transcript or course outlines are not issued in English, please supply an official English translation as well as the original language documents. An official translation means that your translation must be completed by a translation company and be stamped by the company or person authorised to translate together with signature, name and date.

When to apply for credit

Credit assessments can take time, so we recommend you submit your transfer credit as soon as you have your official transcript. These applications can take time, especially if you require specified credit.

Applying for transfer credit late may impact your ability to choose your papers for a semester.

If you have any questions on how to apply for transfer credit please get in touch with AskOtago.

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