2005 Logistical support from the Polar Continental Shelf Project (Canada) for field work on Axel Heiberg Island through the New Zealand-Canadian Antarctic Exchange Programme
2005 Formation of thrust-block moraines $20,000 (University of Otago Research Committee)
2004 Logistical support from the New Zealand Antarctic Institute for field operations in Antarctica ($236,000)
2003 Recent history of the McMurdo ice shelf. With Gary Wilson (University of Otago Research Committee) $25,000
2003 Ground Penetrating radar system (University of Otago Equipment Committee) $120,000
2003 Glacier response to climate change (University of Otago Research Committee) $63,000
2003 Logistical support for field operations in Antarctica (New Zealand Antarctic Institute) $120,000
2003 Behaviour and formation of basal ice in a polythermal arctic glacier (University of Otago Research Committee) $20,303
2003 Logistical support from the Polar Continental Shelf Project (Canada) for field work on John Evans Glacier, Ellesmere Island through the New Zealand-Canadian Antarctic Exchange Programme
2002 Logistical support from the New Zealand Antarctic Institute for field operations in Antarctica. ($120,000)
1999 Marsden Fund, Direct observations of basal ice and substrate deformation at subfreezing temperatures, $265,000