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Professor Wayne Stephenson

  • 2019–2021: Marsden Standard Grant Will It Stay or Will It Go? Determining the relationship between marine terraces formed by earthquakes and coastal erosion NZ$958,000
  • 2018: University of Otago Research Grant, NZ$20,000
  • 2017: University of Otago Research Grant Out-of-Season, NZ$10,350
  • 2017: Principle Partner Dating coseismic marine terrace formation during the Kaikoura 2016 earthquake, New Zealand UK National Environment Research Council Urgency Grant NE/P021433/1 with Dr Martin Hurst (University of Glasgow), Dr Larissa Naylor (University of Glasgow), Dr Dylan Rood (Imperial College London), NZ$110,000
  • 2016: University of Otago Humanities Marsden Support Grant, NZ$5,900
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