Research interests
Tony's doctoral research in 1974 was on the relationships between rural development and diamond mining in Sierra Leone, since when he has travelled and researched extensively throughout Africa. His research is mainly concerned with resource development and poverty alleviation, with particular reference to the dynamics of indigenous farming, pastoral and fishing food production systems. His recent work has focused on community-based development initiatives in South Africa, post-war community reconstruction in Sierra Leone and Sri Lanka and urban agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa and Vietnam. His work in the Pacific region is concerned with the role of the church in development in Samoa and community-based adaptation to climate change.
Urban and peri-urban food production
The growing of food crops in urban and peri-urban areas of poor countries makes a valuable contribution to both food security and poverty alleviation. With initial funding from the Natural Resources Institute (UK), and in close collaboration with the Department of Geography at Bayero University, Kano (Nigeria), a detailed field survey was undertaken of urban and peri-urban agriculture in Kano city.
A workshop was held in Kano in 1999, to bring together a number of other empirical studies on urban agriculture. Papers have been published subsequently with colleagues in both Kano and the University of Gloucestershire (UK). Doctoral student, Roy Maconachie, completed his thesis on the question of land degradation at the rural-urban interface in the Kano close-settled zone. Four other doctoral students have studied aspects of urban agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa; Samuel Boakye evaluated the significance of urban agriculture in Tema, Ghana, Danny Simatele worked on urban agriculture in Lusaka, Zambia, whilst Alec Thornton investigated urban agriculture as a poverty alleviation strategy in post-apartheid South Africa. Emaediong Uko investigated planning policies towards urban agriculture in two southern Nigerian cities (Benin and Uyo).
In January 2005, Tony conducted field-based research on urban agriculture in Hanoi, Vietnam with Otago Masters in Planning student, Brody Lee, and Alan Dixon (Otago), and in 2007 undertook preliminary field-based research in Samoa with post-doctoral fellow Alec Thornton (Otago). Otago PhD student, Jessie Smart, has worked on urban agriculture in the Zambian Copperbelt towns of Kitwe and Ndola.
In July 2004, Tony was invited to become a member of the Advisory Committee of AGROPOLIS, International Research Awards in Urban Agriculture, based at the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Ottawa, Canada. From 2010, Tony was involved with Etienne Nel (Otago) and collaborators at the Universities of Zambia and the Copperbelt, in a project funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) on, The significance of urban agriculture in food security and sustainable livelihoods in response to economic restructuring in Zambia's Copperbelt Province.
See more on Tony's Further research interests page
Matteucci, X., Filep, S., Bateman, J., & Binns, J. A. T. (2024). African diaspora tourists' experiences of wellbeing. In H. Konu & M. K. Smith (Eds.), A research agenda for tourism and wellbeing. (pp. 197-211). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781803924342 Chapter in Book - Research
Binns, T., Nel, E., Dixon, A., & Lynch, K. (2023). Africa: Diversity and development. London, UK: Routledge, 496p. doi: 10.4324/9780429028403 Authored Book - Research
Bangura, K. S., Lynch, K., Binns, T., & Gbanie, S. (2023). Facing post-crisis livelihood challenges? Insights from young farmers in Kenema city, Eastern Province, Sierra Leone. Land Use Policy, 134, 106875. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2023.106875 Journal - Research Article
Uko, E., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2023). ‘I lost my job suddenly, but I was prepared’: The significance of urban and peri-urban agriculture in Benin City, Nigeria. Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems, 47(1), 25-46. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2022.2124474 Journal - Research Article
Binns, T., & Bateman, J. (2022). ‘Resilience without development’ in a remote rural West African community: The case of Kayima, Sierra Leone. Journal of Modern African Studies, 60(3), 297-322. doi: 10.1017/S0022278X22000179 Journal - Research Article
Chapter in Book - Research
Matteucci, X., Filep, S., Bateman, J., & Binns, J. A. T. (2024). African diaspora tourists' experiences of wellbeing. In H. Konu & M. K. Smith (Eds.), A research agenda for tourism and wellbeing. (pp. 197-211). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781803924342
Authored Book - Research
Binns, T., Nel, E., Dixon, A., & Lynch, K. (2023). Africa: Diversity and development. London, UK: Routledge, 496p. doi: 10.4324/9780429028403
Journal - Research Article
Bangura, K. S., Lynch, K., Binns, T., & Gbanie, S. (2023). Facing post-crisis livelihood challenges? Insights from young farmers in Kenema city, Eastern Province, Sierra Leone. Land Use Policy, 134, 106875. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2023.106875
Uko, E., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2023). ‘I lost my job suddenly, but I was prepared’: The significance of urban and peri-urban agriculture in Benin City, Nigeria. Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems, 47(1), 25-46. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2022.2124474
Journal - Research Article
Binns, T., & Bateman, J. (2022). ‘Resilience without development’ in a remote rural West African community: The case of Kayima, Sierra Leone. Journal of Modern African Studies, 60(3), 297-322. doi: 10.1017/S0022278X22000179
Journal - Research Other
Filep, S., Matteucci, X., Bateman, J., & Binns, T. (2022). Experiences of love in diaspora tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(16), 2547-2551. doi: 10.1080/13683500.2021.2011163
Journal - Research Other
Alam, A., Binns, T., Cullen, N., Freeman, C., Nel, E., & Roche, M. (2021). Celebrating 75 years of geography teaching and research at the University of Otago [Introduction to virtual special issue]. New Zealand Geographer, 77, 242-247. doi: 10.1111/nzg.12306
Chapter in Book - Research
Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2020). Reconceptualizing urban agriculture in Africa: Issues of scale, class and institutional support in Zambian copperbelt towns. In A. Thornton (Ed.), Urban food democracy and governance in North and South. (pp. 213-229). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-17187-2_13
Journal - Research Article
Lynch, K., Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2020). ‘Transforming Freetown’: Dilemmas of planning and development in a West African City. Cities, 101, 102694. doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2020.102694
Latai-Niusulu, A., Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2020). Positionality and protocol in field research: Undertaking community-based investigations in Samoa. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 61(1), 71-84. doi: 10.1111/apv.12252
Privett, S., Bek, D., Bailey, R., Binns, T., Raimondo, D., Kirkwood, D., & Euston-Brown, D. (2020). Conservation in the context of wildflower harvesting: The development and implementation of a Vulnerability Index on the Agulhas Plain of South Africa. Journal of Environmental Planning & Management, 63(10), 1738-1757. doi: 10.1080/09640568.2019.1687428
Latai-Niusulu, A., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2020). Climate change and community resilience in Samoa. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 41, 40-60. doi: 10.1111/sjtg.12299
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Underhill-Sem, Y., Bolinga, C., Movono, A., Dombroski, K., Dorji, C., Overton, J., Binns, T., & Alam, A. (2020). Decoloniality in Development Studies in Aotearoa: Engaging race, gender, sexuality, indigeneity. Proceedings of DevNet2020: The Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network Conference. Retrieved from https://devnet.org.nz/devnet2020
Ergler, C., Huish, R., Georgeou, N., & Binns, T. (2020). Stigma and COVID-19. Proceedings of the New Zealand Geographical Society (NZGS) Biennial Conference. (pp. 88). Retrieved from https://nzgsconference2020.gitlab.io
Binns, T., Bateman, J., & Nel, E. (2020). Rural livelihoods and food security: Long-term insights from Sierra Leone's Eastern Province. Proceedings of the New Zealand Geographical Society (NZGS) Biennial Conference. (pp. 68-69). Retrieved from https://nzgsconference2020.gitlab.io
Binns, T. (2020). Food security, livelihoods and development: Examining evidence from urban and rural Sierra Leone, West Africa [Invited]. Proceedings of the Otago Global Health Institute (OGHI) 13th Annual Conference: Shared Humanity and Global Health. (pp. 3). Retrieved from https://events.otago.ac.nz/oghiconf2020
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Binns, T. (2020, December). 'Transforming Freetown': Dilemmas of planning and development in a West African city. Verbal presentation at the DevNet2020: The Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network Conference, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
McLachlan, S., & Binns, T. (2019). Exploring host perspectives towards younger international development volunteers. Development in Practice, 29(1), 65-79. doi: 10.1080/09614524.2018.1524850
Journal - Research Other
Binns, T., & Kinder, A. (2019). Wondering about …. Geography: Its nature and its relevance? New Zealand Geographer, 75, 93-95. doi: 10.1111/nzg.12223
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Uko, E., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2019). The significance, roles and planning implications of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) in southern Nigeria. Proceedings of the African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP) Annual Conference. (pp. 16-17). Retrieved from https://afsaap.org.au/
Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2019). ‘Transforming Freetown’: Dilemmas of planning and development in a West African city. Proceedings of the African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP) Annual Conference. (pp. 16). Retrieved from https://afsaap.org.au/
Fleener, R., Binns, T., Nel, E., & Bek, D. (2019). Collaborative landscape governance and the conservation-development nexus: An investigation of the Agulhas Biodiversity Initiative. Proceedings of the African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP) Annual Conference. (pp. 4-5). Retrieved from https://afsaap.org.au/
Basubas, D., Binns, T., Nel, E., & Bek, D. (2019). Green economy developments in South Africa's Agulhas Plain. Proceedings of the African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP) Annual Conference. (pp. 4). Retrieved from https://afsaap.org.au/
Binns, T., & Bateman, J. (2019). Rural livelihoods and food security: Long-term insights from Sierra Leone's Eastern Province. Proceedings of the African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP) Annual Conference. (pp. 8). Retrieved from https://afsaap.org.au/
Bateman, J., Robertson, L., Bangura, K., Marsh, L., & Binns, T. (2019). The state of tobacco control in Sierra Leone: An exploratory study. Proceedings of the Otago Global Health Institute (OGHI) 12th Annual Conference: Global Health in the Era of Climate Change. (pp. 10-11). Retrieved from https://www.otago.ac.nz/global-health
Bek, D., Binns, T., Nel, E., Fleener, R., & Basubas, D. (2019). Spaces of hope in the threatened landscapes of South Africa's Cape Floristic region. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society with IBG (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference: Geographies of Trouble / Geographies of Hope. Retrieved from http://conference.rgs.org/AC2019
Uko, E., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2019). A critical evaluation of the significance, roles and planning implications of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) in southern Nigeria. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society with IBG (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference: Geographies of Trouble / Geographies of Hope. Retrieved from http://conference.rgs.org/AC2019
Fleener, R., Binns, T., Nel, E., & Bek, D. (2019). Collaborative landscape governance and the conservation-development nexus: An investigation of the Agulhas Biodiversity Initiative. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society with IBG (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference: Geographies of Trouble / Geographies of Hope. Retrieved from http://conference.rgs.org/AC2019
Basubas, D., Binns, T., Nel, E., & Bek, D. (2019). Desconstructing the green economy in South Africa's Cape Floristic region. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society with IBG (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference: Geographies of Trouble / Geographies of Hope. Retrieved from http://conference.rgs.org/AC2019
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Uko, E., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2019, August). The significance, roles and planning implications of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) in southern Nigeria. Verbal presentation at the School of Geography Postgraduate Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Kessler, K. A., Binns, T., & Stephenson, W. (2019, August). Community-based development in times of a changing climate: Insights from the Fiji Islands. Verbal presentation at the School of Geography Postgraduate Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Authored Book - Research
Potter, R., Binns, T., Elliott, J. A., Nel, E., & Smith, D. W. (2018). Geographies of development: An introduction to development studies (4th ed.). Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 636p.
Edited Book - Research
Binns, T., Lynch, K., & Nel, E. (Eds.). (2018). The Routledge handbook of African development. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 700p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Binns, T., Nel, E., & Lynch, K. (2018). Conclusion: Looking forward. In T. Binns, K. Lynch & E. Nel (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of African development. (pp. 665-669). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2018). African development: 'Hopeless Africa', 'Africa rising', or somewhere in between? In T. Binns, K. Lynch & E. Nel (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of African development. (pp. 273-285). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Binns, T., Nel, E., & Lynch, K. (2018). Introduction. In T. Binns, K. Lynch & E. Nel (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of African development. (pp. 3-9). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Basubas, D., Binns, T., Nel, E., & Bek, D. (2018). Green economy developments in South Africa's Cape Floristic Region. Proceedings of the 12th Otago Energy Research Centre (OERC) Energy & Climate Change Symposium. (pp. 7-8). Retrieved from https://www.otago.ac.nz/oerc
Binns, T., & Bateman, J. (2018). Rural livelihoods and food security: Long-term insights from Sierra Leone's eastern province. Proceedings of the Otago Global Health Institute (OGHI) 11th Annual Conference. (pp. 7). Retrieved from https://www.otago.ac.nz/global-health/annual-conference
Binns, T., Fleener, R., & Basubas, D. (2018). Flower Valley Conservation Trust: An investigation of sustainable livelihoods, organizational networks and resilience. Proceedings of the New Zealand Geographical Society (NZGS) and the Institute of Australian Geographers (IAG) Conference. (pp. 42). Retrieved from https://nzgsconference2018.org/
Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2018). Is Africa developing? Africa rising, or hopeless Africa? Proceedings of the New Zealand Geographical Society (NZGS) and the Institute of Australian Geographers (IAG) Conference. (pp. 13). Retrieved from https://nzgsconference2018.org/
Basubas, D., Binns, T., Nel, E., & Bek, D. (2018). Green economy developments in South Africa's Western Cape province. Proceedings of the New Zealand Geographical Society (NZGS) and the Institute of Australian Geographers (IAG) Conference. (pp. 10). Retrieved from https://nzgsconference2018.org/
Chapter in Book - Research
Binns, T. (2017). Participatory development. In D. Richardson (Ed.), The international encyclopedia of geography: People, the earth, environment and technology. Wiley-Blackwell. [Encyclopaedia/Dictionary Entry].
Bateman, J., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2017). Flirting with food security: Resilience in the face of conflict, climate change and communicable disease in rural Sierra Leone. In E. T. H. Hope (Ed.), Climate change and food security: Africa and the Caribbean. (pp. 128-142). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Journal - Research Article
Bek, D., Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2017). Jobs, water or conservation? Deconstructing the green economy in South Africa’s working for water programme. Environmental Development. doi: 10.1016/j.envdev.2017.07.002
Binns, T., & Bateman, J. (2017). Rural livelihoods and food security: Long-term insights from Sierra Leone's Eastern Province. Geographical Research, 55(2), 156-165. doi: 10.1111/1745-5871.12204
Nel, E., Smart, J., & Binns, T. (2017). Resilience to economic shocks: Reflections from Zambia's copperbelt. Growth & Change, 48(2), 201-213. doi: 10.1111/grow.12181
Bek, D., Binns, T., Blokker, T., McEwan, C., & Hughes, A. (2017). A high road to sustainability? Wildflower harvesting, ethical trade and social upgrading in South Africa's Western Cape. Journal of Agrarian Change, 17(3), 459-479. doi: 10.1111/joac.12149
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Lynch, S., & Binns, T. (2017). Distinguished Service Award: Suzanne Baldwin. New Zealand Geographer, 73(1), 59-60. doi: 10.1111/nzg.12150_4
Lynch, S., & Binns, T. (2017). Distinguished Service Award: Associate Professor Michael Hilton. New Zealand Geographer, 73(1), 60-61. doi: 10.1111/nzg.12150_5
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
McLachlan, S., Binns, T., & Filep, S. (2017). The strength of local level relationships formed between younger volunteers and hosts: New Zealand perspectives on international development volunteering. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society with IBG (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference: Decolonising Geographical Knowledges: Opening Geography out to the World. Retrieved from http://conference.rgs.org/AC2017
Bateman, J., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2017). The more things change, the more they stay the same? Insights from longitudinal research on rural livelihoods in Sierra Leone. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society with IBG (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference: Decolonising Geographical Knowledges: Opening Geography out to the World. Retrieved from http://conference.rgs.org/AC2017
Bateman, J., & Binns, T. (2017). The impact of the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak on rural livelihoods in Sierra Leone: A case study of Panguma and Kayima. Proceedings of the Otago Global Health Institute (OGHI) 10th Annual Conference. (pp. 8). Retrieved from http://www.otago.ac.nz/global-health/annual-conference
Journal - Research Article
Cadzow, H., & Binns, T. (2016). Are groups a good thing? Evaluating group associations among vegetable farmers in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Development in Practice, 26(4), 406-419. doi: 10.1080/09614524.2016.1159662
Cadzow, H., & Binns, T. (2016). Empowering Freetown’s women farmers. Applied Geography, 74, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2016.06.010
Bowden, G., & Binns, T. (2016). Youth employment and post-war development in Jaffna, northern Sri Lanka. Conflict, Security & Development, 16(3), 197-218. doi: 10.1080/14678802.2016.1179448
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Bateman, J., Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2016). Bouncing back to before? The persistence of food insecurity amid resilient livelihoods in the Eastern Province of Sierra Leone. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society with IBG (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference: Nexus Thinking. Retrieved from http://conference.rgs.org/AC2016
Latai Niusulu, A., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2016). Community resilience to climate change in Samoa. In A. Finigan, M. Taumoepeau, I. Iati, P. Vakaoti & R. Richards (Eds.), Proceedings of the Pacific Postgraduate Symposium: Pacific Voices XIII. (pp. 15). Dunedin, New Zealand: Pacific Islands Centre, University of Otago. [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Bateman, J., & Binns, T. (2016, December). Livelihood disruption and renewal during the West African ebola epidemic: Reflections from rural Sierra Leone. Verbal presentation at the Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network (DevNet) Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
McLachlan, S., Binns, T., & Filep, S. (2016, February). The role of youth in international development volunteering: Balancing neoliberal individualism and development-led altruism in local communities. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Geographical Society Conference: Geographical Interactions, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Cadzow, H., & Binns, T. (2016, February). Empowering Freetown's women farmers. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Geographical Society Conference: Geographical Interactions, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Niusulu, A., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2016, February). Exploring community resilience to climate change in Samoa. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Geographical Society Conference: Geographical Interactions, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2016, February). Supporting urban livelihoods in Africa: Urban agriculture, food security, resilience and economic change in the Zambian Copperbelt. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Geographical Society Conference: Geographical Interactions, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Bateman, J., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2016, February). Resigned to resilience? A longitudinal look at livelihoods in rural Sierra Leone. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Geographical Society Conference: Geographical Interactions, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Blokker, T., Bek, D., & Binns, T. (2015). Wildflower harvesting on the Agulhas Plain, South Africa: Challenges in a fragmented industry. South African Journal of Science, 111(11-12), 2014-0160. doi: 10.17159/sajs.2015/20140160
Smart, J., Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2015). Economic crisis and food security in Africa: Exploring the significance of urban agriculture in Zambia’s Copperbelt province. Geoforum, 65, 37-45. doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2015.07.009
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Niusulu, A., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2015). Exploring community resilience to climate change in Samoa. In C. Ergler & S. Connelly (Eds.), Proceedings of the Postgraduate Symposium. (pp. 51). Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Geography, University of Otago. [Abstract]
McLachlan, S., Binns, T., & Filep, S. (2015). International development volunteering: The impacts of young adult volunteers involved in VSA’s UniVol programme. In C. Ergler & S. Connelly (Eds.), Proceedings of the Postgraduate Symposium. (pp. 49). Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Geography, University of Otago. [Abstract]
Bowden, G., & Binns, T. (2015). Youth employment: The key to future political and economic sustainability in a post-conflict country? A case study in the Jaffna District, Northern Province, Sri Lanka. In C. Ergler & S. Connelly (Eds.), Proceedings of the Postgraduate Symposium. (pp. 30). Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Geography, University of Otago. [Abstract]
Bateman, J., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2015). The evolution of an epidemic: An unintentional ethnography of Ebola. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Otago International Health Research Network (OIHRN) Conference. (pp. 9-10). Retrieved from http://dnmeds.otago.ac.nz/departments/psm/research/international_hlth
Niusulu, A., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2015). Exploring community resilience to climate change in Samoa. In C. Matthewson, M. Taumoepeau, I. Iati, M. Inder, C. Pau & R. Richards (Eds.), Proceedings of the Pacific Postgraduate Symposium: Pacific Voices XII. (pp. 29). Dunedin, New Zealand: Pacific Islands Centre, University of Otago. [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Bateman, J. P., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2015, April). A longitudinal case study of rural livelihoods in the Eastern Province of Sierra Leone. Verbal presentation at the Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA.
Bateman, J., Binns, A., & Nel, E. (2015, April). Flirting with food security: Resilience in the face of conflict, climate change and communicable disease in rural Sierra Leone. Invited presentation at the Commonwealth Geographical Bureau Climate Change, Resilience and Food Security Workshop, Kingston, Jamaica.
Chapter in Book - Research
Binns, T. (2014). Dualistic and unilinear concepts of development. In V. Desai & R. B. Potter (Eds.), The companion to development studies. (3rd ed.) (pp. 100-105). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Journal - Research Article
Bateman, J., & Binns, T. (2014). More than just a game?: Grass roots cricket and development in Mumbai, India. Progress in Development Studies, 14(2), 147-161. doi: 10.1177/1464993413517788
McLachlan, S., & Binns, T. (2014). Tourism, development and corporate social responsibility in Livingstone, Zambia. Local Economy, 29(1-2), 98-112. doi: 10.1177/0269094214520624
Nel, E., Binns, T., & Gibb, M. (2014). Community development at the coal face: Networks and sustainability among artisanal mining communities in Indwe, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Geographical Journal, 180(2), 175-184. doi: 10.1111/geoj.12022
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Smart, J., Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2014). Drawing out the differences: Urban agriculture, power and inequality on the Copperbelt. In T. Konlechner & S. Connelly (Eds.), Proceedings of the Postgraduate Symposium. (pp. 53). Retrieved from http://www.geography.otago.ac.nz/resources
McLachlan, S., Filep, S., & Binns, T. (2014). Understanding volunteering: Volunteer complexities and the contestation of youth within international development volunteering. In T. Konlechner & S. Connelly (Eds.), Proceedings of the Postgraduate Symposium. (pp. 43). Retrieved from http://www.geography.otago.ac.nz/resources
Latai, A., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2014). Exploring resilience to environmental changes triggered by global warming in Samoa. In T. Konlechner & S. Connelly (Eds.), Proceedings of the Postgraduate Symposium. (pp. 39). Retrieved from http://www.geography.otago.ac.nz/resources
Jones, J., Binns, T., Kingston, D., & Duncan, T. (2014). Exploring barriers to small island adaptation and resilience to climate change: Case studies from the Caribbean. In T. Konlechner & S. Connelly (Eds.), Proceedings of the Postgraduate Symposium. (pp. 32). Retrieved from http://www.geography.otago.ac.nz/resources
Cadzow, H., & Binns, T. (2014). Understanding and empowering female practitioners of urban and peri-urban agriculture in Freetown, Sierra Leone. In T. Konlechner & S. Connelly (Eds.), Proceedings of the Postgraduate Symposium. (pp. 14). Retrieved from http://www.geography.otago.ac.nz/resources
Bowden, G., & Binns, T. (2014). Youth employment in post conflict Sierra Leone: The key to future political and economic sustainability? In T. Konlechner & S. Connelly (Eds.), Proceedings of the Postgraduate Symposium. (pp. 11). Retrieved from http://www.geography.otago.ac.nz/resources
Bateman, J., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2014). To boldly go where one man has gone before: Dealing with research legacy (and other methodological challenges) in Sierra Leone. In T. Konlechner & S. Connelly (Eds.), Proceedings of the Postgraduate Symposium. (pp. 8). Retrieved from http://www.geography.otago.ac.nz/resources
Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2014). Formalizing urban agriculture in Africa: Evaluating case study evidence from Sierrra Leone and Zambia. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society with IBG (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference. Retrieved from http://conference.rgs.org/AC2014/mobile
Bek, D., & Binns, T. (2014). Economic and social upgrading in the South African fruit industry: SIZA's moment? Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society with IBG (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference. Retrieved from http://conference.rgs.org/AC2014/mobile
Bateman, J., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2014). Football and development in Sierra Leone. In D. Hill (Ed.), Proceedings of the Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network (DevNet) Conference. (pp. 39). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. [Abstract]
Binns, T. (2014). 40 years of research in Sierra Leone. In D. Hill (Ed.), Proceedings of the Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network (DevNet) Conference. (pp. 18). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. [Abstract]
Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2014). Formalizing urban agriculture in Africa: Evaluating case study evidence from Sierra Leone and Zambia. Proceedings of the African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP) Annual Conference. (pp. 23-24). AFSAAP. [Abstract]
Bateman, J., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2014). Rural livelihoods in Sierra Leone: Continuity and change in Panguma and Kayima over forty years. Proceedings of the African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP) Annual Conference. (pp. 13-14). AFSAAP. [Abstract]
Chapter in Book - Research
Nel, E., Binns, T., & Bek, D. (2013). Fair trade and alternative food networks in the internationalization of small-scale rural entrepreneurs in South Africa. In H. Etemad (Ed.), The process of internationalization in emerging SMEs and emerging economies. (pp. 234-259). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Journal - Research Article
Thornton, A., Binns, T., & Kerslake, M. T. (2013). Hard times in Apia? Urban landlessness and the church in Samoa. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 34(3), 357-372. doi: 10.1111/sjtg.12040
Bangura, K. S., Lynch, K., & Binns, J. A. (2013). Coping with the impacts of weather changes in rural Sierra Leone. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 20(1), 20-31. doi: 10.1080/13504509.2012.740511
Bek, D., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2013). Wild flower harvesting on South Africa's Agulhas Plain: A mechanism for achieving sustainable local economic development? Sustainable Development, 21(5), 281-293. doi: 10.1002/sd.499
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Binns, T., Nel, E., & Smart, J. (2013). Sustaining livelihoods in Africa’s growing towns and cities: The significance of urban agriculture in a context of industrial decline in Zambia’s Copperbelt region. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society with IBG (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference. Retrieved from http://conference.rgs.org/AC2013/293
McLachlan, S., & Binns, T. (2013). Evaluating the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on community-based development: An examination of the growing tourist industry in Livingstone, Zambia. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society with IBG (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference. Retrieved from http://conference.rgs.org/AC2013/257
Authored Book - Research
Binns, T., Dixon, A., & Nel, E. (2012). Africa: Diversity and development. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 414p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Bek, D., McEwan, C., & Binns, T. (2012). The South African wine industry: Meeting the challenges of structural and ethical transformation. In P. H. Dougherty (Ed.), The geography of wine: Regions, terroir and techniques. (pp. 137-157). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Journal - Research Article
Simatele, D., Binns, T., & Simatele, M. (2012). Urban livelihoods under a changing climate*: Perspectives on urban agriculture and planning in Lusaka, Zambia. Journal of Human Development & Capabilities, 13(2), 269-293. doi: 10.1080/19452829.2011.645029
Simatele, D., Binns, T., & Simatele, M. (2012). Sustaining livelihoods under a changing climate: The case of urban agriculture in Lusaka, Zambia. Journal of Environmental Planning & Management, 55(9), 1175-1191. doi: 10.1080/09640568.2011.637688
Lynch, K., Maconachie, R., Binns, T., Tengbe, P., & Bangura, K. (2012). Meeting the urban challenge? Urban agriculture and food security in post-conflict Freetown, Sierra Leone. Applied Geography, 36, 31-39. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2012.06.007
Daskon, C., & Binns, T. (2012). Practising Buddhism in a development context: Sri Lanka's Sarvódaya movement. Development in Practice, 22(5-6), 867-874. doi: 10.1080/09614524.2012.686601
McKibbin, J., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2012). Uplifting small towns in post-apartheid South Africa: The experience of the Amathole Regional Economic Development Agency (Aspire). Local Economy, 27(4), 388-402. doi: 10.1177/0269094212441156
Shen, S., & Binns, T. (2012). Pathways, motivations and challenges: Contemporary Tuvaluan migration to New Zealand. GeoJournal, 77(1), 63-82. doi: 10.1007/s10708-010-9386-2
Maconachie, R., Binns, T., & Tengbe, P. (2012). Urban farming associations, youth and food security in post-war Freetown, Sierra Leone. Cities, 29(3), 192-200. doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2011.09.001
Vista, B. M., Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2012). Land, landlords and sustainable livelihoods: The impact of agrarian reform on a coconut hacienda in the Philippines. Land Use Policy, 29(1), 154-164. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2011.06.002
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
McLachlan, S., & Binns, J. A. (2012). The development and impact of tourism in Livingstone, Zambia. Proceedings of the New Zealand Geographical Society Conference: 'Connecting Landscapes'. (pp. 98). Retrieved from http://www.nzgs.co.nz/
Bateman, J., & Binns, T. (2012). An Indian game invented in England! The development of cricket: Cricket in development. Proceedings of the New Zealand Geographical Society Conference: 'Connecting Landscapes'. (pp. 18). Retrieved from http://www.nzgs.co.nz/
Binns, T., Nel, E., & Smart, J. (2012). Urban agriculture on the Copperbelt in Zambia: An update of on-going research. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Otago International Health Research Network (OIHRN) Conference. Retrieved from http://dnmeds.otago.ac.nz/departments/psm/research/international_hlth/conference/programme.html
Leslie, E., & Binns, T. (2012). Making a living in Vanuatu: Livelihoods and development in peri-urban Port Vila. In C. Matthewson, M. Taumoepeau, G. Burnett & I. Iati (Eds.), Proceedings of the Pacific Postgraduate Symposium: Pacific Voices IX. (pp. 37). Dunedin, New Zealand: Pacific Islands Centre, University of Otago. [Abstract]
Journal - Research Article
McMillan, S. G., & Binns, T. (2011). Environmental education and learning communities: The case of Kaikorai Stream, Dunedin, New Zealand. New Zealand Geographer, 67(3), 199-212. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-7939.2011.01212.x
Iyiani, C., Binns, T., & Shannon, P. (2011). HIV/AIDS prevention: Building on community strengths in Ajegunle, Lagos. Development in Practice, 21(8), 1080-1093. doi: 10.1080/09614524.2011.582082
Iyiani, C., Binns, T., & Shannon, P. (2011). Talking past each other: Towards HIV/AIDS prevention in Nigeria. International Social Work, 54(2), 258-271. doi: 10.1177/0020872810369338
Journal - Research Other
Binns, T. (2011). New Zealand geography: Sharpening the focus, raising the profile. New Zealand Geographer, 67(1), 2-5. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-7939.2011.01191.x
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Binns, T. (2011). Africa: No basket case! Community upliftment and poverty alleviation in sub-Saharan Africa. Africa: A Continent on the Move: Implications for New Zealand. (pp. 127-152). Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Institute of International Affairs. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2011). Learning and empowerment: Participatory methodologies and community-based development in post-apartheid South Africa. Proceedings of the Samoa Conference II: Tracing Footprints of Tomorrow: Past Lessons, Present Stories, Future Lives. (pp. 17). Retrieved from http://www.nus.edu.ws
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
McKibbin, J., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2011, August). Uplifting small towns in post-apartheid South Africa: The experience of the Amathole Economic Development Agency (ASPIRE). Verbal presentation at the Royal Geographical Society with IBG (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference, London, UK.
Smart, J., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2011, August). Economic change and urban agriculture on the Zambian Copperbelt: The cases of Ndola and Kitwe. Verbal presentation at the Royal Geographical Society with IBG (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference, London, UK.
Vista, B., Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2011, August). Can agrarian reform create sustainable livelihoods?: Evidence from Bohol Island, Philippines. Verbal presentation at the Royal Geographical Society with IBG (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference, London, UK.
Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2011, November). Urban agriculture, food security and health: Exploring recent evidence from Africa. Verbal presentation at the 4th Annual Otago International Health Research Network (OIHRN) Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Lee, B., Binns, T., & Dixon, A. B. (2010). The dynamics of urban agriculture in Hanoi,Vietnam. Field Actions Science Reports, (Special Issue 1). Retrieved from http://factsreports.revues.org/464
Daskon, C., & Binns, T. (2010). Culture, tradition and sustainable rural livelihoods: Exploring the culture—development interface in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Community Development Journal, 45(4), 494-517. doi: 10.1093/cdj/bsp019
Thornton, A., Kerslake, M. T., & Binns, T. (2010). Alienation and obligation: Religion and social change in Samoa. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 51(1), 1-16. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8373.2010.01410.x
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Binns, T. (2010). Making development work: Perspectives on community-based development in Africa. In W. Leimgruber, E. Nel, Y. Matsuo, T. Binns, R. Chand, B. Cullen, … P. K. Pradhan (Eds.), Geographical Marginality as a Global Issue: Papers presented during the Meetings of the Commission on Marginalization, Globalization and Local and Regional Response, 2004 - 2007: Development and environment (Vol. 2). (pp. 27-39). Dunedin, New Zealand: International Geographical Union, Department of Geography, University of Otago. [Full Paper]
Lee, B., Binns, T., & Dixon, A. B. (2010). The dynamics of urban agriculture in Hanoi, Vietnam. In W. Leimgruber, E. Nel, Y. Matsuo, T. Binns, R. Chand, B. Cullen, … P. K. Pradhan (Eds.), Geographical Marginality as a Global Issue: Papers presented during the Meetings of the Commission on Marginalization, Globalization and Local and Regional Response, 2004 - 2007: Towns and Cities, Tourism and Recreation (Vol. 5). (pp. 42-52). Dunedin, New Zealand: International Geographical Union, Department of Geography, University of Otago. [Full Paper]
Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2010). Evaluating local economic development initiatives in South Africa: Evidence from the cities. In W. Leimgruber, E. Nel, Y. Matsuo, T. Binns, R. Chand, B. Cullen, … P. K. Pradhan (Eds.), Geographical Marginality as a Global Issue: Papers presented during the Meetings of the Commission on Marginalization, Globalization and Local and Regional Response, 2004 - 2007: Towns and Cities, Tourism and Recreation (Vol. 5). (pp. 53-71). Dunedin, New Zealand: International Geographical Union, Department of Geography, University of Otago. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Smart, J., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2010). Economic change and urban agriculture on the Zambian Copperbelt: The cases of Ndola and Kitwe. In W. Stephenson (Ed.), Proceedings of the Geography Postgraduate Symposium. (pp. 39). Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Geography, University of Otago. [Abstract]
Stielike, J. M., & Binns, T. (2010). Spatial redistribution or endogenous development? New paradigms and approaches for regional policies. In W. Stephenson (Ed.), Proceedings of the Geography Postgraduate Symposium. (pp. 41). Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Geography, University of Otago. [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Edited volume of conference proceedings
Leimgruber, W., Nel, E., Matsuo, Y., Binns, T., Chand, R., Cullen, B., … Pradhan, P. K. (Eds.). (2010). Geographical Marginality as a Global Issue: Papers presented during the Meetings of the Commission on Marginalization, Globalization and Local and Regional Response, 2004 - 2007: Towns and Cities, Tourism and Recreation (Vol. 5). Dunedin, New Zealand: International Geographical Union, Department of Geography, University of Otago. 527p.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Vista, B., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2010, July). Agrarian reform and sustainable livelihoods in the coconut lands of the Philippines: Evaluating the case of Del Rosario in Pilar Municipality, Sorsogon Province. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Geographical Society with the Institute of Australian Geographers (IAG) Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Nel, E., Binns, T., & Bek, D. (2009). Misplaced expectations? The experience of applied local economic development in post-apartheid South Africa. Local Economy, 24(3), 224-237. doi: 10.1080/02690940902895877
Binns, T. (2009). Making development work in Africa (part 2): Enhancing sustainability. Geography, 94(2), 100-107.
Binns, T. (2009). Making development work in Africa (part 1): Uplifting livelihoods. Geography, 94(1), 28-37.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Nel, E., Binns, T., & Bek, D. (2009, July). Responding to marginalization: Alternate food networks and small and medium enterprises in South Africa. Verbal presentation at the International Geographical Union (IGU) Commission on Globalization, Marginalization, and Regional and Local Responses International Conference: Critical Issues of Marginalization in Globalizing World and in the South in Particular, Shah Alam, Malaysia.
Binns, T. (2009, November). Ensuring food security in post-conflict Freetown, Sierra Leone: What role for urban and peri-urban agriculture? Verbal presentation at the 2nd Otago International Health Research Network Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Shannon, P., & Binns, T. (2009, November). How to improve health and manage HIV/AIDS: Lessons from Ajugunle, Lagos, Nigeria. Verbal presentation at the 2nd Otago International Health Research Network Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Authored Book - Research
Potter, R. B., Binns, T., Elliott, J. A., & Smith, D. (2008). Geographies of development: An introduction to development studies (3rd ed.). Harlow, UK: Pearson Education, 545p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Binns, T. (2008). Dualistic and unilinear concepts of development. In V. Desai & R. B. Potter (Eds.), The companion to development studies. (2nd ed.) (pp. 81-85). London: Hodder Education.
Nel, E., & Binns, J. A. (2008). Evolving economic marginality and local economic development responses in selected South African gold and coal mining areas. In M. M. Valenca, E. Nel & W. Leimgruber (Eds.), The global challenge and marginalization. (pp. 197-208). New York: Nova Science.
Journal - Research Article
Simatele, D. M., & Binns, T. (2008). Motivation and marginalization in African urban agriculture: The case of Lusaka, Zambia. Urban Forum, 19(1), 1-21. doi: 10.1007/s12132-008-9021-1
Bek, D., & Binns, T. (2008). Putting ethics on the table: Part 2: Case studies from South Africa. Geography Review, 21(3), 38-41.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Nel, E., Binns, T., & Bek, D. (2008). Fair trade and alternative food networks in the internationalization of small-scale rural entrepreneurs in South Africa. In B. Gray (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference. [CD-ROM], (pp. 616-638). Dunedin, New Zealand: School of Business, University of Otago. [Full Paper]
Maconachie, R., & Binns, T. (2008). Diamonds, governance and post-conflict development in Sierra Leone. In A. Thornton & A. McGregor (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth Biennial Conference of the Aotearoa/New Zealand International Development Studies Network (DEVNET). (pp. 303-326). Dunedin, New Zealand: Univserity of Otago. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Binns, J., & Nel, E. (2008, August). Responding to marginality: Reflections on local development responses in South Island, New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the 31st International Geographical Congress: Building Together our Territories, Tunis, Tunisia.
Thornton, A., & Binns, T. (2008, July). Alienation and obligation: The role of kinship and church obligations on the emergence of landlessness in Samoa. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Geographical Society 24th Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
Authored Book - Research
Binns, T., Dixon, A., & Spellman, G. (2007). Sustainable development. Deddington, UK: Philip Allan Updates, 221p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Binns, T., Bek, D., Nel, E., & Ellison, B. (2007). Sidestepping the mainstream: Fairtrade Rooibos tea production in Wupperthal, South Africa. In D. Maye, L. Holloway & M. Kneafsey (Eds.), Alternative food geographies: Representation and practice. (pp. 331-350). Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Journal - Research Article
Maconachie, R., & Binns, T. (2007). Beyond greed and grievance in Sierra Leone. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 51(3-4), 163-175.
Bek, D., & Binns, T. (2007). Putting ethics on the table: Part 1: Consumption. Geography Review, 21(2), 2-4.
Milligan, S., & Binns, T. (2007). Crisis in policy, policy in crisis: Understanding environmental discourse and resource-use conflict in northern Nigeria. Geographical Journal, 173(2), 143-156. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4959.2007.00231.x
Nel, E., Binns, T., & Bek, D. (2007). 'Alternative foods' and community-based development: Rooibos tea production in South Africa's West Coast Mountains. Applied Geography, 27, 112-129. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2006.11.001
Maconachie, R., & Binns, T. (2007). 'Farming miners' or 'mining farmers'?: Diamond mining and rural development in post-conflict Sierra Leone. Journal of Rural Studies, 23, 367-380. doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2007.01.003
Maconachie, R., & Binns, T. (2007). Beyond the resource curse? Diamond mining, development and post-conflict reconstruction in Sierra Leone. Resources Policy, 32(3), 104-115. doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2007.05.001
Binns, T. (2007). Marginal lands, marginal geographies [Viewpoint]. Progress in Human Geography, 31(5), 587-591. doi: 10.1177/0309132507081489
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2007). Evaluating 'developmental local government' in South Africa's cities. In G. Jones, W. Leimgruber & E. Nel (Eds.), Issues in geographical marginality: Papers presented during the International Geographical Union Commission Meetings 2001-2004. [CD-ROM], (pp. 2-13). Grahamstown, South Africa: international Geographical Union. [Full Paper]
Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2007). Evolving economic marginality and local economic development responses in selected South African gold and coal mining areas. In G. Jones, W. Leimgruber & E. Nel (Eds.), Issues in geographical marginality: Papers presented during the International Geographical Union Commission Meetings 2001-2004. [CD-ROM], (pp. 38-45). Grahamstown, South Africa: Rhodes University. [Full Paper]
Other Research Output
Binns, T. (2007, October). Marginal lands, marginal people, marginal geographies. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Inaugural Professorial Lecture].
Chapter in Book - Research
Binns, T. (2006). E.F. (Fritz) Schumacher (1911-77). In D. Simon (Ed.), Fifty key thinkers on development. (pp. 218-223). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Binns, T. (2006). Doing fieldwork in developing countries: Planning and logistics. In V. Desai & R. B. Potter (Eds.), Doing development research. (pp. 13-24). London, UK: SAGE Publications.
Binns, T., & Maconachie, R. (2006). Re-evaluating people-environment relationships at the rural-urban interface: How sustainable is the peri-urban zone in Kano, Northern Nigeria? In D. McGregor, D. Simon & D. Thompson (Eds.), The peri-urban interface: Approaches to sustainable natural and human resource use. (pp. 211-228). London, UK: Earthscan.
Journal - Research Article
Maconachie, R., Binns, T., Tengbe, P., & Johnson, R. (2006). Temporary labour migration and sustainable post-conflict return in Sierra Leone. GeoJournal, 67(3), 223-240.
Bek, D., Binns, T., Nel, E., & Ellison, B. (2006). Achieving grassroots transformation in post-apartheid South Africa. International Journal of Development Issues, 5(2), 65-92.
Maconachie, R. A., & Binns, T. (2006). Sustainability under threat? The dynamics of environmental change and food production in peri-urban Kano, Northern Nigeria. Land Degradation & Development, 17, 159-171.
Binns, T., & Maconachie, R. (2006). Post-conflict reconstruction and sustainable development: Diamonds, agriculture and rural livelihoods in Sierra Leone. International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability, 2, 205-216.
Chapter in Book - Research
Binns, T., & Maconachie, R. A. (2005). Reconstructing rural livelihoods in post-conflict Sierra Leone. In K. Jackson, N. Lewis, S. Adams & M. Morten (Eds.), Development on the edge. (pp. 100-106). Auckland, New Zealand: University of Auckland.
Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2005). Putting ¨developmental local government¨ into practice: The experience of South Africa's towns and cities. In E. Nel & C. M. Rogerson (Eds.), The experience of Southern Africa: Local economic development in the developing world. (pp. 37-56). New Brunswick, USA: Transaction.
Journal - Research Article
Binns, T., Porter, G., Nel, E., & Kyei, P. (2005). Decentralising poverty? Reflections on the experience of decentralisation and the capacity to achieve local development in Ghana and South Africa. Africa Insight, 35(4), 21-31.
Bek, D., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2005). Regional development in South Africa's west coast: 'Dividends on the process side'? Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 96(2), 168-183.
Binns, T., & Maconachie, R. (2005). 'Going home' in post-conflict Sierra Leone. Geography, 90(1), 67-78.
Authored Book - Research
Potter, R. B., Binns, T., Elliott, J. A., & Smith, D. (2004). Geographies of development: An introduction to development studies (2nd ed.). Harlow, UK: Pearson Education, 509p.
Journal - Research Article
Bek, D., Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2004). 'Catching the development train': Perspectives on 'top-down' and 'bottom-up' development in post-apartheid South Africa. Progress in Development Studies, 4(1), 22-46.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Binns, T., & Maconachie, R. (2004, December). Going home in post-conflict Sierra Leone: Diamonds, agriculture and re-building rural livelihoods in the Eastern Province. Verbal presentation at the Proceedings of the International Development Studies Conference, Auckland.
Journal - Research Article
Binns, J. A., Maconachie, R. A., & Tanko, A. I. (2003). Water, land and health in urban and peri-urban food production: The case of Kano, Nigeria. Land Degradation & Development, 14, 431-444.
Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2003). Putting 'developmental local government' into practice: The experience of South Africa's towns and cities. Urban Forum, 14(2/3), 165-184.
Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2003). Decentralising development in South Africa. Geography, 88(2), 108-116.
Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2003). The village in a game park: Local response to the demise of coal mining in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Economic Geography, 79(1), 41-66.
Other - Edited Journal
Nel, E., Binns, T., & Simon, D. (Eds.). (2003). Urban Forum: Special issue: Local economic development in Africa. [Guest Editor].
Chapter in Book - Research
Binns, T. (2002). Dualistic and unilinear concepts of development. In V. Desai & R. B. Potter (Eds.), The companion to development studies. (pp. 75-79). London: Arnold.
Journal - Research Article
Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2002). Decline and response in South Africa's Free State goldfields. International Development Planning Review, 24(3), 249-269.
Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2002). Supporting local economic development in post-apartheid South Africa. Local Economy, 17(1), 8-24.
Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2002). Tourism as a local development strategy in South Africa. Geographical Journal, 168(3), 235-247.
Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2002). Place marketing, tourism promotion, and community-based local economic development in post-apartheid South Africa: The case of Still Bay: The ″Bay of Sleeping Beauty″. Urban Affairs Review, 38(2), 184-208.
Binns, T., & Robinson, R. (2002). Sustaining democracy in the 'new' South Africa. Geography, 87(1), 25-37.
Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2002). Devolving development: Integrated development planning and developmental local government in post-apartheid South Africa. Regional Studies, 36(8), 921-945.
Authored Book - Other
Bowden, R., & Binns, T. (2001). The changing face of South Africa, 88. Lewes, England: White-Thomson.
Journal - Research Article
Nel, E., Binns, T., & Motteux, N. (2001). Community-based development, non-governmental organizations and social capital in post-apartheid South Africa. Geografiska Annaler Series B, 83B(1), 3-13.
Lynch, K., Binns, T., & Olofin, E. (2001). Urban agriculture under threat: The land security question in Kano, Nigeria. Cities, 18(3), 159-171.
Binns, T., Illgner, P. M., & Nel, E. L. (2001). Water shortage, deforestation and development: South Africa's working for water programme. Land Degradation & Development, 12, 341-355.
Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2001). Initiating 'developmental local government' in South Africa: Evolving local economic development policy. Regional Studies, 35(4), 355-362.
Binns, T., & Nel, E. (2001). Gold loses its shine: Decline and response in the South African goldfields. Geography, 86(3), 255-260.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Binns, T., & Bek, D. (2001). Making development work in South Africa. Geography Review, 15(1), 30-35.
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Nel, E., Binns, T., & Fox, R. (2001, July). Local economic development responses to mine closures in selected South African gold and coal mining areas in the 1990s. Poster session presented at the Fourth Biennial International Conference of the Society of South African Geographers: A space odyssey, Rawsonville, South Africa.
Authored Book - Research
Lester, A., Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2000). South Africa, past, present and future: Gold at the end of the rainbow? Harlow, England: Pearson Education, 374p.
Authored Book - Other
Binns, T., Clark, D., & Matthews, H. (2000). Regional development and change, 88. Deddington, England: Philip Allan Updates.
Edited Book - Research
Fisher, C., & Binns, T. (Eds.). (2000). Issues in geography teaching, 88. London: RoutledgeFalmer.
Chapter in Book - Research
Binns, T. (2000). Learning about development: An 'entitlement' for all. In C. Fisher & T. Binns (Eds.), Issues in geography teaching. (pp. 190-204). London: RoutledgeFalmer.
Journal - Research Article
Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2000). Rural self-reliance strategies in South Africa: Community initiatives and external support in the former black homelands. Journal of Rural Studies, 16, 367-377.
Lester, A., Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2000). South Africa's current transition in temporal and spatial context. Antipode, 32(2), 135-151.