Employment requirements
You cannot work at the University unless you have one of the following:
- NZ or Australian citizenship
- NZ or Australian permanent residency
- A current student or work visa that allows you to work in NZ
- An IRD number
If you don't have an IRD number you must apply for one, which can take a few weeks to process.
Step by step guide to casual and demonstrator employment
- You are offered a position by the Geology Administrator for demonstrating (or by another staff member for other jobs)
- The Geology Administrator will create a job contract in Casper (note: separate jobs are required for 100 level vs. 200/300 as the pay is different)
- Accept the job in Casper (you will get an email notification)
- More steps are required in Casper that you must complete within one week or you will have to start the process over again
Other things you should know
- Please make sure you have a contract prior to starting your job
- Time period for processing contracts is 1 week and requires that you do things. No contract = no pay
- There is generally no pay for preparation time for labs. The exception is the 100 level demonstrating meeting or occasionally setting up a lab under the direction of a staff member.
- In order to demonstrate during field trips you must hold a current first aid certificate. We will provide access to first aid and disclosure training.