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Most items are stored behind the counter at the main University Book Shop store on 378 Great King Street (one way north).

Items for sale by University Bookshop (UBS)

To purchase any of these items, please visit University Book Shop

ItemDescriptionPrice (as of July 2019)Image (click to enlarge)
Hand lens metal (10x) $29.50Hand Lens
Hand lens plastic (10x/20x)With 10x and 20x lens$13.50Hand lens plastic
Estwing Geological Hammer E322P $115.50 
Notebooks, waterproof hard cover $49.50Notebook Hard cover
Notebooks, waterproof soft cover $11.50Notebook Softcover
Geology Map of New Zealand 1:1 000 000 2 sheets
North + South Island
in folder
Various QMAP sheets (1:250,000): Aoraki, Dunedin, Haast, Mirihiku, Waitaki, Wakatipu~A1 map with booklet.$36.50Qmap

Free items/free to borrow

ItemWho has them
Large plastic bags for fieldwork (600mm by 900mm)Ray Marx
A4 Backing boards for mapsField store
Field stereonet overlayField store
GPS unitField store
Personal Locator Beacons (PLB)Health and Safety
Grainsize comparatorField store

We have a variety of other items, not listed here.

Printable resources

Note: all resources should be printed at 100 per cent (not fit to printable area) on A4 or A3 paper. All the stereonets have been generated using output from OSXstereonet.

a4_grid.pdfA4 grid paper with 1mm, 1cm and 10cm subdivisions

A3 grid paper with 1mm, 1cm and 10cm subdivisions

Otago-Logging-Sheet-v03.pdfOtago logging sheet (by Dave Prior)
EA_stereonet.pdfEqual area stereonet with 2° and 10° subdivisions
EA_stereonet_labelled.pdfEqual area stereonet with 2° and 10° subdivisions and degrees labelled across the horizontal
EA_stereonet_overlay.pdfOverlay for equal area stereonets. Has labels around the perimeter. Should be printed on A4 tracing paper.
polar_net.pdfPolar stereonet with 2° and 10° subdivisions
EA_stereonet_labelled_2x_10cm(notebook).pdfNotebook sized stereonet x2. Should be printed on card (200gsm or more)
EA_stereonet_labelled_3x_10cm(notebook)_overlay.pdf3x overlay of notebook sized stereonet. Should be printed on A4 tracing paper.
poles-to-plane-and-lineation-guide-tiled.pdfA guide used to quickly plot lineation and poles to plane measurements. Should be printed on card (200gsm or more). Designed by Dave Craw.
ternary_diagram.pdfA ternary diagram with 1 per cent and 10 per cent intervals.
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