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Hamish BowmanComputing and Numerical Simulation Technician

  • High performance computing support
  • Numerical modelling and programming
  • Electronics and scientific instrumentation design and fabrication

Google Scholar M. Hamish Bowman
Tel +64 3 479 7517

Current research

  • Physical parameters driving the underwater habitats of NZ's fjords
  • Storm surge and coastal wave exposure modelling

Employment and academic history

Other interests

  • GRASS GIS core development team and various roles in the OSGeo Foundation


Unland, E., Gorman, A., Wilson, G., Bowman, H., Dagg, B., Riesselman, C., Gilmer, G., … Moy, C., … Hillman, J. (2024). Assessing carbon storage capacities in Fiordland fjords: Insights from high-resolution seismic imaging. In F. Nelson, H. Jack & S. Chanony (Eds.), Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication: Mountains to Sea. 167A, (pp. 256). Wellington, New Zealand: Geoscience Society of New Zealand. [Abstract] Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Still, H., Hulbe, C., Bowman, H., Odolinski, R., & Prior, D. (2024). Monitoring ice dynamics with low-cost GNSS positioning in Antarctica. In F. Nelson, H. Jack & S. Chanony (Eds.), Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication: Mountains to Sea. 167A, (pp. 237). Wellington, New Zealand: Geoscience Society of New Zealand. [Abstract] Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Hansen, O., Gorman, A., Bowman, H., Keller, E., & Carter, C. (2024). High-resolution seismic imaging and stratigraphic analysis of the Discovery Deep Basin: Implications for climate records and basin geodynamics beneath the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. In F. Nelson, H. Jack & S. Chanony (Eds.), Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication: Mountains to Sea. 167A, (pp. 90). Wellington, New Zealand: Geoscience Society of New Zealand. [Abstract] Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Still, H., Bowman, H., Odolinski, R., Hulbe, C., & Prior, D. (2024). Precise GNSS positioning with low-cost technology: Case studies from Antarctica. Proceedings of the XI Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Open Science Conference. 909. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Hulbe, C. L., Still, H., Odolinski, R., Bowman, M. H., & Prior, D. J. (2023). Precise positioning for everybody. Proceedings of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting: Wide. Open. Science. C11C-1052. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

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