Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Unland, E., Gorman, A., Wilson, G., Bowman, H., Dagg, B., Riesselman, C., Gilmer, G., … Moy, C., … Hillman, J. (2024). Assessing carbon storage capacities in Fiordland fjords: Insights from high-resolution seismic imaging. In F. Nelson, H. Jack & S. Chanony (Eds.), Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication: Mountains to Sea. 167A, (pp. 256). Wellington, New Zealand: Geoscience Society of New Zealand. [Abstract]
Still, H., Hulbe, C., Bowman, H., Odolinski, R., & Prior, D. (2024). Monitoring ice dynamics with low-cost GNSS positioning in Antarctica. In F. Nelson, H. Jack & S. Chanony (Eds.), Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication: Mountains to Sea. 167A, (pp. 237). Wellington, New Zealand: Geoscience Society of New Zealand. [Abstract]
Hansen, O., Gorman, A., Bowman, H., Keller, E., & Carter, C. (2024). High-resolution seismic imaging and stratigraphic analysis of the Discovery Deep Basin: Implications for climate records and basin geodynamics beneath the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. In F. Nelson, H. Jack & S. Chanony (Eds.), Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication: Mountains to Sea. 167A, (pp. 90). Wellington, New Zealand: Geoscience Society of New Zealand. [Abstract]
Still, H., Bowman, H., Odolinski, R., Hulbe, C., & Prior, D. (2024). Precise GNSS positioning with low-cost technology: Case studies from Antarctica. Proceedings of the XI Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Open Science Conference. 909. Retrieved from http://www.scar2024.org
Journal - Research Article
Still, H., Odolinski, R., Bowman, M. H., Hulbe, C., & Prior, D. J. (2023). Observing glacier dynamics with low-cost, multi-GNSS positioning in Victoria Land, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1017/jog.2023.101
Carome, W., Rayment, W., Slooten, E., Bowman, M. H., Martinez, E., & Dawson, S. M. (2023). Snapshots in time: Quantifying dynamics of coastal vessel traffic in a dolphin hotspot. New Zealand Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/00288330.2023.2261872
Fan, S., Prior, D. J., Pooley, B., Bowman, H., Davidson, L., Wallis, D., … Hager, T. F. (2023). Grain growth of natural and synthetic ice at 0 °c. Cryosphere, 17, 3443-3459. doi: 10.5194/tc-17-3443-2023
Cole, R. P., White, J. D. L., Baxter, R. J. M., Bowman, M. H., Dürig, T., Fleming, M., Pooley, B., … Ruz-Ginouves, J., … Valentine, G. A. (2023). A model volcanic fissure with adjustable geometry and wall temperature. Bulletin of Volcanology, 85, 15. doi: 10.1007/s00445-023-01627-2
Carome, W., Rayment, W., Slooten, E., Bowman, M. H., & Dawson, S. M. (2023). Vessel traffic influences distribution of Aotearoa New Zealand's endemic dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori). Marine Mammal Science, 39, 626-647. doi: 10.1111/mms.12995
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Hulbe, C. L., Still, H., Odolinski, R., Bowman, M. H., & Prior, D. J. (2023). Precise positioning for everybody. Proceedings of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting: Wide. Open. Science. C11C-1052. Retrieved from https://www.agu.org
Ruz Ginouves, J. A., White, J. D. L., Baxter, R. J. M., Pooley, B., & Bowman, H. (2023). Where will it flow? The relative effects of temperature, cross sectional area and wall defects on flow focusing in artificial fissure eruptions. In G. E. Frontin-Rollett & S. D. Nodder (Eds.), Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. 164A, (pp. 215). Wellington, New Zealand: Geoscience Society of New Zealand. [Abstract]
Oliver, W., Gorman, A. R., Black, J. A., Bowman, M. H., Stagpoole, V., & Tankersley, M. (2023). Discovery Deep, Antarctica, characterised by seismic and gravity surveys. In G. E. Frontin-Rollett & S. D. Nodder (Eds.), Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. 164A, (pp. 182). Wellington, New Zealand: Geoscience Society of New Zealand. [Abstract]
Gorman, A., Wilson, G. S., Moy, C. M., Riesselman, C. R., Beagley, J. E., Gilmer, G., Dagg, B., & Bowman, H. (2023). High-resolution imaging of post-glacial sedimentation in New Zealand's fjords reveals regional history of deglaciation. In G. E. Frontin-Rollett & S. D. Nodder (Eds.), Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. 164A, (pp. 88). Wellington, New Zealand: Geoscience Society of New Zealand. [Abstract]
Fleming, M., Prior, D., Fan, S., Worthington, R., Pooley, B., & Bowman, H. (2023). Ice deformation mechanisms: Effect of grain size and sample size on ice rheology. Proceedings of the New Zealand-Australia Antarctic Science Conference (NZAASC): Latitudes of Change. (pp. 98-99). Retrieved from https://www.nzaasc.org
Oliver, W., Gorman, A., Bowman, H., Black, J., & Tankersley, M. (2023). Discovery Deep, Antarctica, characterised by seismic and gravity surveys. Proceedings of the New Zealand-Australia Antarctic Science Conference (NZAASC): Latitudes of Change. (pp. 98). Retrieved from https://www.nzaasc.org
Still, H., Hulbe, C., Forbes, M., Prior, D., & Bowman, H. (2023). The mechanical response of a shear margin to tidal forcing: Priestley Glacier, Antarctica. Proceedings of the New Zealand-Australia Antarctic Science Conference (NZAASC): Latitudes of Change. (pp. 97). Retrieved from https://www.nzaasc.org
Gorman, A., Bowman, H., Black, J., Oliver, W., & Tankersley, M. (2023). Speeding up seismic reflection surveying of the seafloor below the Ross Ice Shelf with a towed streamer and surface detonations. Proceedings of the New Zealand-Australia Antarctic Science Conference (NZAASC): Latitudes of Change. (pp. 90). Retrieved from https://www.nzaasc.org
Prior, D., Bowman, M. H., Craw, L., Drews, R., Ershadi, R., Fan, S., Forbes, M., German, T., Gyde, J., … Hulbe, C., … Lutz, F., … Still, H., … Worthington, R. (2023). Kinematics and dynamics of the lateral shear margin of the Priestley Glacier: Implications for understanding ice sheets. Proceedings of the New Zealand-Australia Antarctic Science Conference (NZAASC): Latitudes of Change. (pp. 89). Retrieved from https://www.nzaasc.org
Still, H., Bowman, H., Odolinski, R., Hulbe, C., & Prior, D. (2023). Performance evaluation of low-cost GNSS receivers for glacier monitoring in Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica. Proceedings of the New Zealand-Australia Antarctic Science Conference (NZAASC): Latitudes of Change. (pp. 69). Retrieved from https://www.nzaasc.org
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Still, H., Hulbe, C., Forbes, M., Prior, D., & Bowman, H. (2022). Tidal flexure of a shear margin: Field observations and elastodynamic modelling of Priestley Glacier, Antarctica. Proceedings of the XXXVII Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) 10th Open Science Conference: Antarctica in a Changing World. (pp. 206). Retrieved from https://www.scar2022.org
Ruz-Ginouves, J., Baxter, R., White, J., Bowman, H., Pooley, B., & Cole, R. (2022). Understanding flow localization using waxy fissures. In A. V. Zernack & J. Palmer (Eds.), Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. 161A, (pp. 233). Wellington, New Zealand: Geoscience Society of New Zealand. [Abstract]
Oliver, W. J., Gorman, A. R., Bowman, M. H., Black, J. A., & Tankersley, M. (2022). Seismic and gravity surveys characterise Discovery Deep, Antarctica. In A. V. Zernack & J. Palmer (Eds.), Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. 161A, (pp. 200). Wellington, New Zealand: Geoscience Society of New Zealand. [Abstract]
Gorman, A. R., Cooper, J., & Bowman, M. H. (2022). Oceanic near-surface temperatures derived from seismic reflection data: Enhancing the interpretability of water-column seismic images in the absence of direct oceanographic measurements. Proceedings of the Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM). Retrieved from https://www.aslo.org/osm2022
Journal - Research Article
Cooper, J. K., Gorman, A. R., Bowman, M. H., & Smith, R. O. (2021). Temporal variability of thermohaline fine-structure associated with the subtropical front off the southeast coast of New Zealand in high-frequency short-streamer multi-channel seismic data. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 751385. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.751385
Cole, R. P., White, J. D. L., Dürig, T., Büttner, R., Zimanowski, B., Bowman, M. H., … Townsend, D. B. (2021). Controls on andesitic glaciovolcanism at ice-capped volcanoes from field and experimental studies. Geology, 49(9), 1069-1073. doi: 10.1130/g48735.1
King, A., Lepine, P., Gorman, A. R., Prior, D. J., Lukács, A., Bowman, M. H., Fan, S., Robertson, A., Lutz, F., … Schjins, H. (2021). Shallow seismic reflection imaging of the Alpine Fault through late Quaternary sedimentary units at Whataroa, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology & Geophysics, 64(4), 505-517. doi: 10.1080/00288306.2020.1823433
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Baxter, R. J. M., Cole, R. P., White, J. D. L., Bowman, M. H., Dürig, T., Pooley, B., … Valentine, G. A. (2021). Fishing for answers from artificial volcanic fissures. In A. V. Zernack & J. Palmer (Eds.), Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. 158, (pp. 9). Wellington, New Zealand: Geoscience Society of New Zealand. [Abstract]
Still, H., Bowman, H., Prior, D., Hulbe, C., Boucinhas, B., Craw, L., … Thomas, R., Tidey, C., & Denham, M. (2021). Ice velocity and strain rate across the shear margin of Priestley Glacier, Antarctica. Proceedings of the New Zealand Antarctic Science Conference: Connecting through change. (pp. 72-73). Retrieved from https://www.antarcticanz.govt.nz/nzasc21
Prior, D., Bowman, M. H., Craw, L., Ershadi, M. R., Drews, R., Fan, S., … Hulbe, C., … Still, H., Thomas, R., … Wild, C. (2021). The Priestley Glacier deformation experiment. Proceedings of the New Zealand Antarctic Science Conference: Connecting through change. (pp. 67). Retrieved from https://www.antarcticanz.govt.nz/nzasc21
Journal - Research Article
Dürig, T., Schmidt, L. S., White, J. D. L., & Bowman, M. H. (2020). DendroScan: An open source tool to conduct comparative statistical tests and dendrogrammatic analyses on particle morphometry. Scientific Reports, 10, 21682. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-78698-0
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Cole, R., White, J., Bowman, H., Dürig, T., Pooley, B., Cronin, S., … Leonard, G., & Valentine, G. (2020). Constructing a model volcanic fissure for erupting a ton of wax. In K. N. Bassett, A. R. L. Nichols & C. H. Fenton (Eds.), Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. 157A, (pp. 63). Wellington, New Zealand: Geoscience Society of New Zealand. [Abstract]
Gorman, A., Riesselman, C., Fletcher, P., Rees, O., & Bowman, H. (2020). Why so deep? Seismic imaging of the sedimentary infill of Otago Harbour reveals a >150-m-deep record of Quaternary environmental change. In K. N. Bassett, A. R. L. Nichols & C. H. Fenton (Eds.), Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. 157A, (pp. 115). Wellington, New Zealand: Geoscience Society of New Zealand. [Abstract]
Cole, R., White, J., Bowman, H., Dürig, T., Pooley, B., Cronin, S., … Leonard, G., & Valentine, G. (2020). Testing the influence of dyke wall properties on flow localisation during fissure eruptions. In K. N. Bassett, A. R. L. Nichols & C. H. Fenton (Eds.), Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. 157A, (pp. 62). Wellington, New Zealand: Geoscience Society of New Zealand. [Abstract]
Prior, D., Bowman, M. H., Craw, L., Ershadi, M. R., Drews, R., Fan, S., … Hulbe, C., … Still, H., Thomas, R., … Wild, C. (2020). The Priestley Gacier deformation experiment. In K. N. Bassett, A. R. L. Nichols & C. H. Fenton (Eds.), Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. 157A, (pp. 229). Wellington, New Zealand: Geoscience Society of New Zealand. [Abstract]
Prior, D., Bowman, H., Craw, L., Fan, S., Forbes, M., Horgan, H., … Hulbe, C., … Still, H., Thomas, R., … Wild, C. (2020). The priestly glacier deformation experiment. Proceedings of the XXXVI Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) 9th Open Science Conference: Antarctic Science: Global Connections. 1377. Retrieved from https://www.scar2020.org
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Cole, R., White, J., Durig, T., Buettner, R., Zimanowski, B., & Bowman, H. (2019). Dynamic interaction of molten andesite and ice raises heat transfer and meltwater production rates compared to static. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21, EGU2019-11180. [Abstract]
Fan, S., Prior, D., Bowman, H., Craw, L., Kim, D., King, A., Forbes, M., … Gorman, A., & Hulbe, C. (2019). Constraining the large-scale crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of a fast-shearing Antarctic ice glacier from seismic anisotropy. Proceedings of the New Zealand Antarctic Science Conference: Our future in focus. (pp. 82). New Zealand Antarctic Research Institute. Retrieved from https://www.antarcticanz.govt.nz/science/new-zealand-antarctic-science-conference-2019
Prior, D., Bowman, H., Craw, L., Fan, S., & Kim, D. (2019). Seismology of an active shear margin: Priestley Glacier, Antarctica. Proceedings of the New Zealand Snow and Ice Research Group (SIRG) Workshop. (pp. 16). Retrieved from https://sirg.org.nz
Journal - Research Article
Dürig, T., Bowman, M. H., White, J., Murch, A., Mele, D., Verolino, A., & Dellino, P. (2018). PARTIcle Shape ANalyzer PARTISAN: An open source tool for multi-standard two-dimensional particle morphometry analysis. Annals of Geophysics, 61, AC31. doi: 10.4401/ag-7865
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Gorman, A., Cooper, J., Clar, S., Smith, R., & Bowman, H. (2018). Imaging of water masses SE of New Zealand using high-, medium-, and low-resolution seismic reflection data. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, EGU2018-11472. [Abstract]
Journal - Research Article
Dawson, S. M., Bowman, M. H., Leunissen, E., & Sirguey, P. (2017). Inexpensive aerial photogrammetry for studies of whales and large marine animals. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4, 366. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00366
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Prior, D., Eccles, J., Cooper, J., Craw, L., van Haastrecht, L., Bowman, M. H., … Hulbe, C., Gorman, A., … Pyne, A. (2017). Initial observations from seismometers frozen into a borehole through the McMurdo Ice Shelf. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19, EGU2017-5862. [Abstract]
Prior, D., Vaughan, M., Banjan, M., Bowman, M. H., Craw, L., Tooley, L., & Wongpan, P. (2017). Making ice creep in the classroom. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19, EGU2017-6023. [Abstract]
Parsons, N., Prior, D., Wongpan, P., Langhorne, P., & Bowman, H. (2017). Developing the ability to measure in situ sea ice density using CT and ultrasound. Proceedings of the New Zealand Antarctic Science Conference: Challenging science in a challenging environment. (pp. 53). New Zealand Antarctic Research Institute. Retrieved from https://antarctic2017.org
Eccles, J., Prior, D., Cooper, J., Craw, L., van Haastrecht, L., Bowman, H., … Hulbe, C., Gorman, A., … Pyne, A. (2017). Borehole cryoseismology on the McMurdo Ice Shelf. Proceedings of the New Zealand Antarctic Science Conference: Challenging science in a challenging environment. (pp. 39). New Zealand Antarctic Research Institute. Retrieved from https://antarctic2017.org
Journal - Research Article
Vaughan, M. J., van Wijk, K., Prior, D. J., & Bowman, M. H. (2016). Monitoring the temperature-dependent elastic and anelastic properties in isotropic polycrystalline ice using resonant ultrasound spectroscopy. Cryosphere, 10(6), 2821-2829. doi: 10.5194/tc-10-2821-2016
Journal - Research Other
Vaughan, M. J., van Wijk, K., Prior, D. J., & Bowman, M. H. (2016). Monitoring the temperature-dependent elastic and anelastic properties in isotropic polycrystalline ice using resonant ultrasound spectroscopy. Cryosphere Discussions. doi: 10.5194/tc-2016-127
Journal - Research Article
Korotenko, K. A., Bowman, M. J., Dietrich, D. E., & Bowman, M. H. (2013). Modeling 3-D transport and dispersal of oil plume released during BP/Horizon accident in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. Journal of Sustainable Energy Engineering, 1(1), 85-104. doi: 10.7569/jsee.2012.629504
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Bowman, M. J., & Bowman, M. H. (2013). Hydrologic feasibility of storm surge barriers. In D. Hill, M. J. Bowman & J. S. Khinda (Eds.), Storm surge barriers to protect New York City: Against the deluge. (pp. 71-98). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers. doi: 10.1061/9780784412527.006
Journal - Research Article
Neteler, M., Bowman, M. H., Landa, M., & Metz, M. (2012). GRASS GIS: A multi-purpose open source GIS. Environmental Modelling & Software, 31, 124-130. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2011.11.014
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Gorman, A. R., Cooper, J. K., Smillie, M. W., Vennell, R., & Bowman, M. H. (2012). Seismic imaging of water mass mixing processes associated with the subtropical front southeast of New Zealand. Proceedings of the Ocean Sciences Meeting. (pp. 166). Retrieved from http://www.sgmeet.com/osm2012/
Dietrich, D. E., Korotenko, K. A., Bowman, M. J., Abouali, M., & Bowman, H. (2012). Gulf of Mexico blowout scenarios using a coupled circulation-oil transport/dispersion model. Proceedings of the Ocean Sciences Meeting. (pp. 111-112). Retrieved from http://www.sgmeet.com/osm2012/
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Cooper, J. K., Gorman, A. R., & Bowman, M. H. (2011). Imaging the subtropical front using seismic oceanography. Proceedings of the New Zealand Marine Sciences Society (NZMSS) Conference: Understanding, Managing, and Conserving our Marine Environment. (pp. 6). Retrieved from http://nzmss.org/assets/Conference/NZMSS2011AbstractsOralPresentations.pdf
Bowman, H., Bowman, M., Flagg, C., & Colle, B. (2011). A storm surge prediction system for the New York Metropolitan area. Proceedings of the New Zealand Marine Sciences Society (NZMSS) Conference: Understanding, Managing, and Conserving our Marine Environment. (pp. 4). Retrieved from http://nzmss.org/assets/Conference/NZMSS2011AbstractsOralPresentations.pdf
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Gorman, A. R., & Bowman, M. H. (2010). Imaging the Sub-Tropical Front off the southeast coast of New Zealand's South Island using high-frequency seismic methods. Proceedings of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting. Retrieved from http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm10/waisfm10.html
Cooper, J. K., Gorman, A. R., & Bowman, M. H. (2010). Seismic imaging of the Subtropical Front, offshore Otago. In J. D. Eccles, M. R. Grigor, P. W. O. Hoskin & D. C. H. Hikuroa (Eds.), Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. 129A, (pp. 68). [Abstract]
Journal - Research Article
Wing, S. R., Leichter, J. J., Perrin, C., Rutger, S. M., Bowman, M. H., & Cornelisen, C. D. (2007). Topographic shading and wave exposure influence morphology and ecophysiology of Ecklonia radiata (C. Agardh 1817) in Fiordland, New Zealand. Limnology & Oceanography, 52(5), 1853-1864.
Cornelisen, C. D., Wing, S. R., Clark, K. L., Bowman, M. H., Frew, R. D., & Hurd, C. L. (2007). Patterns in the δ13C and δ15N signature of Ulva pertusa: Interaction between physical gradients and nutrient source pools. Limnology & Oceanography, 52(2), 820-832.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Wing, S., Bowman, M. H., Vennell, R., & Jack, L. (2006). Biological monitoring of the Fiordland (Te Moana o Atawhenua) Marine Area and Fiordland's Marine Reserves: 2006 (1 of 2). Commissioned by Department of Conservation. Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Marine Science, University of Otago. 78p.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Lamare, M. D., & Bowman, H. (2001). Physical monitoring of Doubtful and Milford Sounds. Commissioned by Meridian Energy Ltd. Dunedin: Marine Science Department, University of Otago. 57p.