Rachael Baxter
New Zealand
PhD topic: Magma system response to crustal loading and unloading
Supervisor: James White
Jack Beagley
New Zealand
PhD topic: Observations and modelling of New Zealand fjord circulation to better understand carbon burial
Supervisors: Rob Smith (Marine Science), Chris Moy, Gary Wilson (GNS Science), Gael Arnaud (MetOcean)
Wendel Broek
New Zealand / Netherlands
PhD topic: Otago volcanism during Oligocene submergence: Controls on submarine volcanism and intrusions
Supervisors:James White, Marco Brenna
Solen Chanony
PhD topic: Source physics of big and small earthquakes in New Zealand
Supervisors:Mark Stirling, Andrew Gorman, Bill Fry ( GNS Science)
Nadine Cooper
New Zealand
PhD topic: The ultra-refractory mantle beneath the Southern Alps
Supervisor:James Scott
Megha Devakumar
PhD topic: Metal Isotope Tracing of Heavy Metal Pollutants
Supervisor:Claudine Stirling, Matthew Druce, Jennifer Gadd (NIWA), Michael Ellwood (ANU)
Meghan Duffy
PhD topic: Linking East Antarctic temperature with Southern Ocean productivity
Supervisors:Christina Riesselman, Chris Moy
Julian Eschenröder
PhD topic: High-resolution reconstruction of past water quality using non-destructive core scanning techniques in New Zealand lake sediments.
Supervisors: Chris Moy, Sebastian Naeher (GNS Science), Christina Riesselman and Marcus Vandergoes (GNS Science)
Michelle Fitzgerald
New Zealand
PhD topic: Lithic fragment populations in a cluster of closely spaced volcanoes in central Hopi Buttes Volcanic Field, Navajo Nation, Arizona
Supervisors:James White, Mike Palin
Luisa Fontanot
PhD topic: Holocene geomagnetic field and oceanographic reconstructions for the Ross Sea
Supervisors: Catherine Beltran, Christian Ohneiser, Richard Levy (GNS) and Ester Colizza (Trieste, Italy)
Luce Lacoua
PhD topic: Ground motion modelling of New Zealand
Supervisors: Andrew Gorman, Bill Fry (GNS Science)
Govinda Niroula
PhD topic: Testing and evaluation of earthquake rupture simulations for New Zealand
Supervisors:Mark Stirling, Dr Matt Gerstenberger (GNS Science)
Javiera Ruz Ginouves
PhD topic: Understanding the early evolution of fissure eruptions through experiments
Supervisors: James White
Ayla Stenning
PhD topic: An intraplate volcanism project studying the Dunedin Volcano
Supervisors:Marco Brenna, James White
Emeline Wavelet
PhD topic: Tsunami early warning system
Supervisors:Andrew Gorman, Bill Fry (GNS), Sarah-Jayne McCurrah (EQC)
Master of Science (MSc)
Luke Carrington
New Zealand
MSc topic: Seismic characteristics and extreme hazards of faulting around Dunedin
Supervisors:Andrew Gorman, Steve Smith
Clare Gorman
New Zealand
MSc topic: Constructing paleoclimate records using sediment core from the Chilean continental margin
Supervisors:Chris Moy, Christina Riesselman
Josie Frazer
New Zealand
MSc topic: Reconstructing Pleistocene oceanic front positions using diatom species assemblages and organic geochemistry from Southern Ocean sediment cores
Supervisors: Christina Riesselman, Catherine Beltran
Tabitha German
New Zealand
MSc topic: Understanding the relationships between air bubble deformation and glacial strain using Priestley glacier ice
Supervisor: Dave Prior
Nicholas Hobiagi
Papua New Guinea
Msc topic: An investigation of core from Surtsey volcano (Iceland) including microtextures, particle shapes and thermal indicators. The aim is to understand the processes that excavated the vent, the timing of excavation, and the effects of excavation on the eruption
Supervisors: James White
Sarah Macindoe-Baker
New Zealand
MSc topic: Geochemical analysis of Motupore Island pottery, from Papua New Guinea, to determine source materials
Supervisor:Sophie Briggs, Anne Ford (Archaeology)
Zoe MacClure
New Zealand
MSc topic: Characterising the microstructural responses to shear localisation in the lateral margin of the Tasman and Priestley glaciers to improve models of ice sheet breakup and paleoclimate reconstructions
Supervisor:Dave Prior
Alicia McKean
New Zealand
MSc topic: Orogenic Gold and Arsenic in the Capburn Fault? Exploring gold and arsenic deposits throughout Otago
Supervisors:Doug MacKenzie, Mike Palin
Holly Meyer
New Zealand
MSc topic: Using Offshore NZ Seismic Data to Conduct Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Analysis in the Great South Basin
Supervisors:Andrew Gorman, Christina Riesselman
Amelia Morris 
New Zealand
MSc topic: Using sediment cores to provide a Southern Ocean reference section for key intervals of the geologic timescale between 4-8 Ma.
Supervisor:Christina Riesselman
Dan Muir
New Zealand
MSc topic: Reconstructing the climate of the last millennium using lacustrine sediment cores from Southland, New Zealand
Supervisor:Chris Moy
Will Oliver
MSc topic: A comparison of conventional “land” seismic and streamer array methods conducted at Discovery Deep, Western Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica.
Supervisor:Andrew Gorman
Jordan Riddell
New Zealand
MSc topic: Paleoclimatology in Central Otago, New Zealand
Supervisors:Chris Moy, Christina Riesselman
Jorgee Robb
New Zealand
MSc topic: Geochemistry of Surface Sediments in Fiordland
Supervisor:Chris Moy
Clarissa Ross
New Zealand
MSc topic: The influence of clay mineral properties on expansion in Southland soils, New Zealand
Supervisor:Candace Martin
Aleisha Savage
New Zealand
MSc topic: Construction of a Holocene-Pleistocene paleoceanographic record in the Adare Trough, Ross Sea, Antarctica
Supervisor:Christina Riesselman
Thomas Stevenson
New Zealand
MSc topic: 3D lithological reconstruction of the Heyward Promontory section of Dunedin Volcano
Supervisor:Marco Brenna
Ash Vause
New Zealand
MSc topic: Upper Clutha River terrace chronology, and Late Quaternary activity of the Pisa Fault, Central Otago
Supervisor:Mark Stirling
Luke Whibley
New Zealand
MSc topic: Carbon cycling and burial in the waters and surface sediments of Fiordland
Supervisor:Christina Riesselman, Chris Moy
Rachel Worthington
New Zealand
MSc topic: Mechanical properties of ice within shear margins and implications for ice shelf mechanics
Supervisor:Dave Prior
Yutong (Mike) Wu
New Zealand / China
MSc topic: Paleontology and Paleoecology of the Cosy Dell Rocky Shore Fauna, Southland, New Zealand
Supervisors:Jeffrey Robinson, Daphne Lee
Bachelor of Science with Honours (BSc(Hons))
Liam Criglington
New Zealand
BSc(Hons) topic: Using U-Pb dating of detrital zircons to better understand the tectonostratigraphy of the Otago schist
Supervisor:Mike Palin, Nick Mortimer (GNS Science)
Lucy Davidson
New Zealand
BSc(Hons) topic: Viscoelastic deformation and ultrasonic analysis of natural ice; implications of tides on ice shelf characteristics
Supervisor:Dave Prior
Dante Frean
New Zealand
BSc(Hons) topic: The eruptive history and environment of the Warrington-Karitane coastal belt of evolved volcanics; and the relationship of this evolved eruptive belt to the main Dunedin Volcano
Supervisor:James White
Madi Fleming
New Zealand
BSc(Hons) topic: Effect of grain size and sample size on ice rheology
Supervisor:Dave Prior
Students co-supervised by Geology staff
These are students that have primary supervisors and office spaces in other departments. They have secondary supervisors in the Department of Geology.
Peter Batson
PhD (Marine Science) topic: Aspects of the biology of Hornerid bryozoans
Supervisors:Abby Smith (Marine Science) and Daphne Lee
Uru-Manuka Ming-Cheung (Ming) Williams
MSc(Marine Science) topic: The effects of sedimentation on the physiology of living New Zealand brachiopods
Supervisors: Miles Lamare (Marine Science), Daphne Lee (Geology), Jeffrey Robinson (Geology)
Shaun Wilson
MSc (Zoology) topic: Ecotypic varation and sexual dimorphism in the orca (Orcinus orca) skull
Supervisors:Liz Slooten (Zoology), Ewan Fordyce