60 Brabant Drive
Mapua 7005, Tasman District
New Zealand
Tel +64 3 540 3713
Current research
- Structural analysis of the 2010-2012 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence.
- Seismotectonics of active compressional inversion in NE Honshu and the physical conditions of seismogenesis along subduction megathrusts.
- Working with researchers from DPRI in the University of Kyoto and Tohoku University (Sendai) establishing a 50 instrument seismic array in the northern South Island to investigate conditions of seismogenesis in the Buller region of active compressional inversion. A particular focus of this research is establishing the extent to which earthquake rupturing occurs in fluid-overpressured crust
- Convenor (with D. Healy, Z. Shipton, and R. Butler) of 'Stress Controls on Faulting, Fracturing and Igneous Intrusion in the Crust' – a meeting commemorating the contributions of Ernest Masson Anderson - held at the University of Glasgow, September 6-8, 2010, now published as 'Faulting, Fracturing, and Igneous Intrusion in the Earth's Crust' (2012), Geol. Soc. Lond Spec. Publ. 367.
- Investigations into the role of overpressured fluids in earthquake source processes.
- Role of earthquake rupture processes in development of fault-hosted mineralization.
Selected awards and accolades
- 1993 – Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand
- 2003 – Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society
- 2010 - Awarded the Wollaston Medal of the Geological Society
- 2010 – Elected Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG)
- 2015 - Appointed 2015 Umbgrove Lecturer in Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands
- 2019 – Awarded the R.A.F. Penrose Gold Medal for 2020 from the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) in Whistler, Canada
Recent publications
- Sibson, R.H. 2007: An episode of fault-valve behaviour during compressional inversion? – the 2004 MJ6.8 Mid-Niigata Prefecture, Japan, earthquake sequence. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 257, 188-199.
- Ghisetti, F., Gorman, A. & Sibson, R.H. 2007: Surface break-through of a basement fault by repeated seismic slip episodes: the Ostler Fault, South Island, New Zealand. Tectonics, doi:10.1029/2007TC002146.
- Sibson, R.H. 2008: Geoviolence - Earthquakes as Drivers of Geological Processes, in A Continent on the Move: New Zealand Geoscience into the 21st Century, Graham, I. (ed.), GSNZ Misc. Publ. 24, 377pp.
- Sibson, R.H. 2009: Rupturing in overpressured crust during compressional inversion: the case from NE Honshu, Japan. Tectonophysics 473, 404-416.
- Sibson, R.H. 2009: Rupturing in the overpressured crust of NE Honshu – Mesozonal mineralization in the making. 10th Biennial Meeting of SGA (Townsville, Australia), August 16-20, 2009.
- Barker, S.L.L., Sibson, R.H., Palin, J.M., Fitzgerald, J.D., Reddy, S., Warr, L.N., and van der Pluijm, B.A. 2010: Cretaceous age, composition, and microstructure of pseudotachylyte in the Otago Schist, New Zealand. N.Z. J. Geol. Geophys., 53, 15-29.
- Fagereng, A, Remitti, F., and Sibson, R.H. 2010: Shear veins observed within anisotropic fabric at high angles to the maximum compressive stress. Nature Geoscience 3, 482-485.
- Fagereng, A. and Sibson, R.H. 2010: Mélange rheology and seismic style. Geology 38, 751-754.
- Sibson, R.H. 2011. Megathrusts, megavalving, and mineralization: Perturbation of hydrothermal and magmatic flow systems by subduction thrust rupturing. Proceedings 8th International Mining Geology Conference, Queenstown NZ, August 22-24, 2011.
- Sibson, R.H., Ghisetti, F.C., and Ristau, J. 2011. Stress control of an evolving strike-slip fault system during the 2010-2011 Canterbury, New Zealand, earthquake sequence. Seismological Research Letters 82, 824-832
- Fagereng, A, Remitti, F., and Sibson, R.H. 2011: Incrementally developed slickenfibers – geological record of repeating low stress-drop seismic events. Tectonophysics 510, 381-386.
- Sibson, R.H. 2011: The scope of earthquake geology. In Geology of the Earthquake Source: A Volume in Honour of Rick Sibson, ed. A. Fagereng, V. Toy, and J. Rowland, Geological Society of London Special Publication 359, 319-331.
- Sibson, R.H. 2012: Reverse fault rupturing: competition between 'Andersonian' and 'Non-Andersonian' orientations. In: Faulting, Fracturing and Igneous Intrusion in the Earth's Crust, ed. D. Healy, R.W.H. Butler, Z.K. Shipton, and R.H. Sibson, Geological Society, London, Special Publication 367, 39-50.
- Sibson, R.H., Ghisetti, F.C., and Crookbain, R.A. 2012: 'Andersonian' wrench faulting in a regional stress field during the 2010-2011 Canterbury, New Zealand, earthquake sequence. In: Faulting, Fracturing and Igneous Intrusion in the Earth's Crust, ed. D. Healy, R.W.H. Butler, Z.K. Shipton, and R.H. Sibson, Geological Society, London, Special Publication 367, 7-18.
- Healy, D., Sibson, R.H., Shipton, Z.K., and Butler, R.W.H. 2012: Stress, faulting, fracturing, and seismicity: the legacy of Ernest Masson Anderson. In: Faulting, Fracturing and Igneous Intrusion in the Earth's Crust, ed. D. Healy, R.W.H. Butler, Z.K. Shipton, and R.H. Sibson, Geological Society, London, Special Publication 367, 1-6.
- Sibson, R.H. 2013: Stress switching in subduction fore-arcs: Implications for overpressure containment and strength cycling on megathrusts. Tectonophysics – under review.
- Ghisetti, F.C., Barnes, P.M. and Sibson, R.H. 2014: Deformation of the top basement unconformity west of the Alpine Fault, (South Island, New Zealand): seismotectonic implications. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 57, 271-294.
- Sibson, R.H. 2014: Earthquake rupturing in fluid-overpressured crust: how common? Pure & Applied Geophysics 171, 2867-2885.
- Ghisetti, F.C., Sibson, R.H. and Hamling, I. 2016: Deformed Neogene basins, active faulting and topography in Westland: Distributed crustal mobility west of the Alpine Fault transpressive plate boundary (South Island, New Zealand). Tectonophysics 693, 340-362.
- Mitchell, T.M., Toy, V., Di Toro, G., Renner, J. and Sibson, R. 2017: Fault welding by pseudotachylyte formation. Geology 44, 1059-1062.
- Sibson, R.H. 2017. The edge of failure – critical stress-overpressure states in different tectonic regimes. In: Geomechanics and Geology, ed. J.P. Turner, D. Healy, R.R Hillis, M.J. Welch, Geological Society London Special Publication 458. - Sibson, R.H. 2017. Tensile overpressure compartments on low-angle thrust faults: Earth, Planets and Space 69:113, 1-15. doi 10.1186/s40623-017-0699-y.
- Iio, Y., Sibson, R.H., Takeshita, T., Sagiya, T., Shibazaki, B., and Nakajima, T.J. 2018. Crustal dynamics: unified understanding of geodynamic processes at different time and length scales: Earth, Planets and Space 70, 97 DOI 10.1186/s40623-018-0869-6.
- Sibson, R.H. and Ghisetti, F. C. 2018. Review: Factors affecting the assessment of earthquake hazard from compressional inversion structures. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 108, 1819-1836.
- Ghisetti, F.C., Johnston, M.R., Wopereis, P. & Sibson, R.H. 2018: Structural and morpho-tectonic evidence of Quaternary faulting within the Moutere Depression, South Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal Geology Geophysics. - Sibson, R.H. 2019: Arterial faults and their role in mineralizing systems. Geoscience Frontiers 10, 2093-2100.
- Okada, T., Iio, Y., Matsumoto, S., Bannister, S., Ohmi, S., Horiuchi, S., Sato, T., Miura, T., Pettinga, J., Ghisetti, F., and Sibson, R.H. 2019. Comparative tomography of reverse-slip and strike-slip seismotectonic provinces in the northern South Island, New Zealand. Tectonophysics 765, 172-186.
- Sibson, R.H. 2020: Dual-driven fault failure in the lower seismogenic zone. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America – in press.