Get in touch
Email enquiries:
- General enquiries: AskOtago general enquiry form
- Graduate Research School general enquiries:
- Manager of the Graduate Research School:
- Dean of the Graduate Research School:
Student Administration email enquiries:
- Matters related to the PhD:
- Matters related to research Masters degrees:
- Scholarships:
- GPA checks on transcripts of prospective PhD students:
- Postgraduate Publishing Bursaries:
Telephone enquiries in Dunedin
- Graduate Research School +64 3 479 5737, or see Our People for extensions for School staff
- All enquiries regarding Doctoral and Master's administration, and administration of postgraduate scholarships, prizes and awards should be made via AskOtago on 0800 80 80 98 or +64 3 479 7000
- Enquiries for specific senior administrators in the Doctoral, Master's and Scholarships teams can be made via AskOtago on 0800 80 80 98 or +64 3 479 7000
Face-to-face enquiries in Dunedin
Appointments can be made with Graduate Research School staff to discuss queries or issues. Please contact the Graduate Research School administrator (+64 3 479 5737) to make appointments or email
All general administrative enquiries should be made via the main AskOtago hub in the Central Library.
Thesis submission:
Submission of theses for examination is now a digital process.
Physical address:
103 St David Street
North Dunedin
Postal address:
Graduate Research School
University of Otago
P O Box 56
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Courier address:
Graduate Research School
University of Otago
362 Leith Street
North Dunedin
Dunedin 9016
New Zealand