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Rachel Sizemore

RachelSizemore thumbnail

Rachel Sizemore (Ngāi Tahu) is the Māori Postgraduate Support Adviser within the Graduate Research School supporting Māori postgraduate students.

Ko Hikaroroa te māunga, ko Waikouaiti te awa, ko Takitimu te waka, ko Ngāi Tahu tōku iwi, nō Ōtepoti ahau. Ko Rachel Sizemore tōku ingoa.

Kia ora. I am Rachel Sizemore, the Māori Postgraduate Support Adviser with the Graduate Research School. I come from a scientific research background. I have a BSc (Otago) in Zoology and Anatomy, an MSc (Otago) in Anatomy and a PhD (Otago) in Neuroscience. I am passionate about making sure you have a successful tertiary experience.

Rachel is able to assist you with some of the challenges you may face as a postgraduate student by:

  • acting as a link to the resources offered by the University;
  • offering workshops, regular research hui and seminars;
  • acting in an advocacy capacity;
  • offering support to individual students;
  • offering advice on scholarships; and
  • providing opportunities for you to meet other Māori postgraduate students and staff at Otago and nationally.

If you are struggling and would like someone to talk ideas over with, please feel to contact Rachel:

Tel +64 3 479 8082
Office: G.02, 103 St David Street

Office  hours 
Wednesday8:30am to 12:00pm
Thursday8:30am to 5:00pm
Friday8:30am to 5:00pm

Events, services and opportunities

The purpose of the Māori post graduate support programme is to encourage the development of excellent scholars, researchers and future leaders through various support mechanisms, including seminars, workshops and training. As part of this programme, there are regular writing days, retreats, hui and workshops.

Ngā Rā Tuhutuhi (Māori Writing Days)

There are regular Writing Days for Māori postgraduate candidates, enrolled in a thesis, who wish to get together for a chance to write in a group setting. Many candidates find this process extremely useful. Lunch is provided, and there are guest speakers over the lunch break.

If you would like to know more about these writing days, please contact Rachel at

Ngā Rā Tuhutuhi dates and registration

Multi-day writing retreats

Writing retreats are an opportunity for Māori postgraduate candidates to work together in a quiet, peaceful location and realise writing goals.

Writing is done either in solitude or in a group setting with timed blocks of writing and regular breaks. Meals are provided. Distance students may be assisted with travel costs.

For more details contact Rachel at

ZOOM Writing Sessions for Māori and Pacific Postgraduate Students

These monthly Zoom writing sessions, specifically for Māori and Pacific Island postgraduate candidates enrolled to write a thesis, offer an opportunity to write in an online group setting. These are perfect for those studying at distance or for students on campus who would like a shorter session in which to write. In these sessions there is a chance to meet others and share about what you are writing.

Zoom Writing dates and registration

Postgraduate workshops

Few students arrive at a thesis knowing exactly what to do and how to do it. Most find it beneficial to attend some of the many courses offered.

These courses help you to work smarter, understand the process and expectations and give you helpful practical advice on everything from software, to the research process to writing and publishing.

Graduate Research School

To find out about all the workshops and events offered to Doctoral and Master's Thesis candidates by the Graduate Research School.

Visit the Graduate Research School Workshops and Events page

The Library

Every semester the library runs workshops specifically for Postgraduate students.

ITS Training

ITS run numerous courses on using the computer software that may be of use to your research, including EndNote for bibliographies, Word for long documents and conference poster preparation.

Visit the ITS training page for more about courses that might help you

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