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A summary of all sources of funding and scholarships is available on the web at:

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University of Otago Postgraduate Scholarships and Awards

Each year the University offers a number of its own Postgraduate Scholarships for Master's study at thesis level. See details about what is available and how to apply at
Scholarships for Master's research degrees are tenable for the thesis year only and provide for payment of tuition fees in addition to an annual emolument.

University Guidelines for the Acceptance of External Research Grants

Prospective Masters' students should be familiar with the University's Procedures for Externally Sponsored Graduate Research (

These guidelines seek to protect the integrity of the University and the interests of the students involved in externally-funded or externally-supported projects. External funding of a research project can raise issues relating to the ownership of the research findings. The University's general policy is that researchers must be able to publish and make presentations of the results of their research, including externally sponsored research. In some cases, a delay in the publication of the results may be required, or special arrangements for the secure examination of a thesis may have to be made, to ensure that the commercial interests of the Sponsor and the University are protected. This being the case, various procedures should be followed:

• The student(s) should be fully informed in writing prior to their acceptance of the thesis topic of any agreement into which the University has entered and which may restrict their publication rights.

• If the student is an employee of an organisation which, by virtue of this relationship, may claim ownership of some or all of the research findings, there shall be a formal agreement between the University and the Employer to the effect that the student will have the right to present his or her thesis with their personal interpretation and use of the data and results. The conditions allowing secure examination may apply.

• Only in exceptional circumstances will the normal thesis examination procedures be modified. In these exceptional circumstances the University will arrange for commercial-in-confidence agreements to be completed by all prospective examiners before receiving the thesis for examination.

• The delay in publication will be formally agreed in the following or similar manner.

• Access to the thesis in the University Library may be restricted for a period of time to persons designated by the University supervisor in agreement with the Head of Department.

University Research Funding

Further information concerning other funding sources is obtained from the staff of the Department concerned.

Postgraduate Publishing Bursaries

These are bursaries awarded to Master's candidates whose theses are under examination so as to continue with their student research by preparing papers to the submission stage for publication in journals of international standing. Further details are available at:

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