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Marketing: The art of creating value

Most people only ever see a small part of the fascinating process that is marketing – usually just the adverts and the products themselves. Marketing is so much more than this. Marketers are ‘value capturers’. They have to find out what people want, and what they are prepared to pay for. This is harder than it seems, as very often people don’t always know that themselves, especially the ‘how much ‘ bit.

In order to find value, a marketer has to evaluate human pleasure – and pain.  From this knowledge of human desires, needs and fears they create a solution that is better than any other.  Then they bring that solution into existence and deliver it to those who need it and that will value it.  It’s a fast moving and unpredictable process in which success and failure can be separated from one another by the finest of degree – One little thing overlooked, one small mistake…

In this project we conduct three highly applied exercises that will put you through your paces in this environment.

  • Can you design a new product from scratch to address a specific consumer need?
  • Can you look at a non-productive asset and turn it into a product that will generate revenue?
  • Can take product that is failing and turn it into on that will succeed, just changing the way that it is presented?

These capabilities, more than anything else, determine marketing success and failure. We show you how to tackle all three of them in a hands-on and collaborative environment.

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