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Medicines and the pharmacist

Pharmacists are qualified to dispense prescription medications as well as giving advice on over-the-counter medicines, they are also involved in almost every stage of the development and supply of medicines. Pharmacists are employed in industry as research scientists; others are involved in quality control of drugs or drug information.

Pharmacists are also pivotal in running clinical trials of potential drugs to evaluate their effectiveness and whether or not they are suitable to be used in the treatment of human or animal conditions.

Hospital and community pharmacists advise other health professionals and patients on the best use of drugs, as well as being involved in the dispensing and sometimes manufacture of medicines.

This project includes an Introduction to what pharmacist do and will cover as many aspects of pharmacy as possible: Dispensing, formulation, quality control of medicines and pharmacist patient care process. You will have the opportunity to manufacture various creams and medicines, and then to analyse the quality of the medicines that you made.

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