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Join us for a week of fun, creativity and learning as you undertake daily workshops in a vibrant and supportive environment, in theatre and dance.

Highly skilled and enthusiastic theatre and dance professionals will teach you a variety of technical and artistic skills in these distinct disciplines and will inspire you to discover your inner performer.

Each morning, you will have one session in theatre and one in dance, where you will develop solo and group works and explore different modes of expression, creative processes and the art of rehearsing.

The theatre session will include devising a short theatrical script from material generated through improvisational techniques in a playful and sophisticated manner. In the dance session, you will expand your artistic and aesthetic skills and learn how to compose an original contemporary dance choreography.

The week’s programme will give you a glimpse of being in the spotlight as it will culminate in a showcase performance in front of other Hands-On students.

Learn more about Theatre and Dance

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