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Necessary clothing

Some projects and afternoon activities take place in the outdoors and in mildly rugged conditions. Some of the projects and 'tasters' take place in University of Otago laboratories where you are required to wear closed-toe shoes, and tie back long hair at all times.

List of things to bring to Hands-On

  • Bring clothing suitable for summery days and outdoor activities, but also come well prepared with warm protective clothing and footwear in case of rain or wind (or both) and cool temperatures
  • Bring sportswear that can get dirty! If you would like to go swimming, pack your togs
  • If you play a musical instrument, then feel free to bring it
  • Bring a waterproof jacket, sports shoes, backpack, drink bottle
  • Personal toiletry items, sunglasses, sunblock, and hat
  • You will need extra money for snack foods, free-time activities such as swimming or shopping trips to town
  • Meals from Sunday lunch or dinner to Friday lunch are covered by your fees

Please do not bring any unnecessary valuables or surplus clothing.

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