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Our network's approach to climate action

He Kaupapa Hononga is a network of researchers committed to climate action including assessment, mitigation, adaptation and restoration. We are also committed to supporting collaborations between mātauranga Māori  / mātauranga Kāi Tahu and western scientific knowledge. Our network also works collaboratively with established research groups, Research Themes and Centres.
More about our people

He Kaupapa Hononga also supports postgraduate students studying climate change and the Otago Climate Change Postgraduate Network (OCCPN):
More about OCCPN

He Kaupapa Hononga researchers feature in He Kitenga

Meet some of our researchers whose work has been featured in He Kitenga, the University of Otago's prestigious research highlights publication.

He Kaupapa Hononga works closely with University of Otago Research Themes

He Kaupapa Hononga works closely with the following Research Themes. Research Themes are research groups formally recognised by the University of Otago as "an area of developing or potential for research excellence".

The Climate and Energy Finance Group (CEFGroup)

CEFGroup undertakes high-quality, rigorous, quantitative and independent research in the areas of climate finance, sustainable investing, energy markets and carbon markets. The group is a founding member of the Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investing (GRASFI). CEFGroup is based in the Department of Accountancy and Finance which is a CFA® Program Partner.

Climate Health Aotearoa

Climate Health Aotearoa is a consortium of professionals and stakeholders across Aotearoa dedicated to researching and addressing the public health consequences of climate change. Climate Health Aotearoa is hosted by the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine at Dunedin School of Medicine, and operates under a Te Tiriti-based partnership model.

Ocean Acidification (Future Oceans) Research Theme

Ocean Acidification Research Theme brings together University of Otago researchers across disciplines who are passionate about understanding anthropogenic impacts and change on our marine ecosystem and physical environment.

The Ocean Acidification Research Theme supports multi-disciplinary and collaborative research focused primarily upon the Otago shelf region but that is also applicable to New Zealand and the wider South Pacific region. We use the development of biological and physical time series, controlled experiments, and modelling to establish the interactions between chemical, physical, and biological processes and the broader implications of change in the ocean around New Zealand.

Further centres and themes working in climate change

A number of University of Otago Themes and Centres work with different aspects of climate change:
Visit more University of Otago Research Centres and Research Themes

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