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Generally, fire is the first (and often the only) emergency considered. The Fire and Emergency Evacuation Regulations 2006 require an evacuation procedure for most buildings, and an approved evacuation scheme for buildings where:

  • 100 or more people can gather in a common venue or place of assembly, whether for a commercial, social, cultural, religious or any other purpose, or
  • facilities for employment are provided for 10 or more people, or
  • accommodation is provided for more than 5 people, (unless in 3 or less household units), or
  • whole or part of the building is used for the storage or processing of hazardous substances, or
  • early childcare facilities are provided, (other than in a household unit), or
  • specialist care is provided for people with disability (other than in a household unit), or
  • people in lawful detention are accommodated.

Fire & evacuation procedures

If you see or suspect a fire, remember RACE

  1. Remove anyone from immediate danger.
  2. Activate the nearest fire alarm. Call 111 (1-111 from University phone). State location of fire, giving exact location and type of fire. Speak clearly and stay calm.
  3. Contain fire by closing doors and turning off machinery or processes (only if it is safe to do so)
  4. Extinguish the fire but only if it is safe to do so. DO NOT put yourself at risk. If the fire is uncontrollable - EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY.

Contact Campus Watch on 0800 479 5000 (ext 5000) if the Fire Services has been called.

On the sounding of a fire alarm:

  • Leave the building immediately by the nearest escape route.
  • Report to your designated assembly area.
  • Remain until the 'ALL CLEAR' is given by either the Fire Service or Building Warden.

Fire & building wardens

The Fire Safety & Evacuation of Buildings regulations 2006 require an evacuation procedure for the majority of the University buildings on site.

For each building, there must be a Building Warden and a Fire Warden:

  • Building Warden: co-ordinates the communication with the Fire Service
  • Fire Wardens: check specific areas during an evacuation

Ask your DHSO who the Fire Warden is in your area, and check the signs for the evacuation and alternative routes and assembly areas.

In the event of an emergency evacuation, Fire Wardens will direct people out of the building. Do not use the lifts. Please stop what you are doing, leave the building and do not return until the all clear has been given.

Key contacts

Andrea McMillan
Head, Health & Safety Compliance

64 3 479 7380

Nevan Trotter
Health & Safety Advisor
64 3 479 5389

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