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Any projects received from potential supervisors will be listed as they arise. Please note that only a few supervisors choose to list their projects here.

Dunedin projects 2024/2025

Projects will be posted on this page as they become available.

Advanced automated technologies for people with type 1 diabetes

Our Diabetes Research Group is looking for a summer student to join our energetic and fun team. You will have the opportunity to conduct cutting-edge clinical research and receive hands-on training and guidance throughout your project, where you will learn how advanced diabetes technology works to improve health outcomes in people with type 1 diabetes. Specifically, you will support the team in conducting various clinical study activities (e.g. inserting glucose sensors, conducting study visits), and be involved in assessing glycaemic outcomes. You will also learn academic writing and other clinical research skills. We have had many research students over the years and we are sure you will enjoy the work and the team atmosphere.

Ethics and locality approvals for the studies described here have already been obtained, or will be obtained before the summer research project commences.


Professor Ben Wheeler
Department of Women’s and Children’s Health
Dunedin School of Medicine

Dr Alisa Boucsein
Department of Women’s and Children’s Health
Dunedin School of Medicine

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