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Start your own business

Do you want to start your own business? Core competencies of researchers, such as problem solving, creativity, analysing, and communication, are useful if you want to start a business and be self-employed. You can create a company from your research idea or a societal need you have identified and become the CEO of your own company.

Lead science in a business

Collaborate with a business to allow them to commercialise your ideas. You can establish collaborations with an existing company and become their scientific expert without creating or leading your own company. This gives you the possibility to continue doing research while commercialising your ideas. Another option is to pitch your research idea to a team or company that wishes to commercialise it. You may need to look internationally for this.

Position types

  • Chief Executive Offier
  • Chief Scientific or Medical Officer
  • Advisor or consultant

Main competencies for this pathway

  • Opportunity recognition
  • Subject specific expertise
  • Project management skills
  • Learning from mistakes
  • Communication skills
  • Self-management skills
  • Drive and motivation

Training courses to support this pathway

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