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Grant writing training

Opportunities 1-3 below are advertised in the Health Sciences seminar calendar and in the Pro-Vice-Chancellor's newsletter.

Visit the Health Sciences seminar calendar

1. Grant writing workshops

During the year the Division runs a series of workshops providing guidance on applying for particular awards and fellowships. These include:

  • Marsden Fast Starts
  • HRC Emerging Researcher Awards
  • Hercus Fellowships
  • Rutherford Fellowships

Recordings of previous workshops are available upon request.


2. Māori Health

Our Māori Health Advancement staff provide seminars and one to one coaching on Health Research Council (HRC) proposals and other aspects of engagement with Māori.

Visit here for more information on Māori Health training

3. Impact

Support for writing the impact sections of your HRC grant or on proactively developing the impact of your research is available to you.

Find out more about impact training and suppport

4. MBIE programme

The Division is currently running a programme to develop future MBIE and commercial proposals. This is a pilot programme and information on how to get involved in 2023 will be posted here.


Early and Mid-Career academic development planning guide

There are a range of activities and areas in the University that can contribute to your career development. We have collated some of the key resources into a document under the headings of Research, Service and Teaching.

Higher Education Development Centre (HEDC), Learning and Development, and Academic Leadership Development Programme (ALDP) all run relevant workshops.

We update this document each semester to include current workshops and dates.

If you have a question about what is available or a topic you want to learn about then please email us ALDP.



All university research staff will shortly be able to access on-line career training courses developed by the University of Oxford. Epigeum will allow staff to work through modules at their own pace and as they need to upskill in particular areas. The courses will be managed by HEDC who may run complementary in-person workshops. Watch this space.

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