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You can easily talk to your colleagues anywhere in the world and work on documents together using a number of desktop technologies. These work best with 1 person on each computer (or, at most, 2 people on each computer).

The Distance Teaching page has information about using these technologies with small groups:

  • Zoom Desktop Videoconferencing—supported by ITS and information available online
  • Skype andGoogle Hangout—these options are free and work well, but are not supported by ITS

How to set up desktop-to-desktop videoconferencing

  • You will need a webcam and headset to use these systems
  • They are straightforward to use, but you may need assistance the first few times
  • Support is available through ITS or your departmental IT/AV support team
  • Please test the systems well before you intend to use them for a meeting

If you intend to use Zoom in a room with more than 2 people, then please get technical advice. Getting good quality sound from a group requires special equipment and set up.

Setting up Zoom is generally very easy. ITS have provided the following information for students and staff:

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