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Melanie Coker

Thesis title: The role of reactive chlorine species in bacterial killing by neutrophils
Primary Supervisor: Professor Anthony Kettle

Please email the Department of Pathology, University of Otago, Christchurch at [email protected] for more information about Melanie's work.

Kajsa Igelstrom

Thesis title: Anticonvulsant actions of antidepressants in a novel model of acute seizures in vitro
Primary Supervisor: Dr Philip Heyward

Please email the Department of Physiology at [email protected] for more information about Kajsa's work.

Carissa Murrell

Thesis title: Effects of age, fitness, and exercise on the control of cerebral blood flow
Primary Supervisor: Dr Phil Ainslie

Please email the Department of Physiology at [email protected] for more information about Carissa's work.

Amy Osborne

Thesis title: Assessment of genetic variation in the threatened New Zealand sea lion, Phocarctos hookeri, and its association with fitness
Primary Supervisor: Professor Neil Gemmell

Please email the Anatomy Department at [email protected] for more information about Amy's work.

Margriet van Kogelenberg

Thesis title: Studies into the underlying aetiology of periventricular heterotopia
Primary Supervisor: Professor Stephen Robertson

Please email the Department of Women's and Children's Health at [email protected] for more information about Margriet's work.

Dr Ian Winburn

Thesis title: Carbon monoxide and hypothermic pulsatile perfusion in renal transplantation
Primary Supervisor: Dr Ivan Sammut

Please email the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at [email protected] for more information about Ian's work.

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