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Equity Group Selection attributes
  1. Understanding of the reasons for the Māori equity group of admission to health professional programmes.
  2. Aspirations and commitment to make a positive contribution to Māori health now and in the future
  3. Engagement with the Division of Health Science, Māori Health Workforce Development Unit (MHWDU), including participation in MHWDU programmes, events, and initiatives.*
New Zealand Resident of Indigenous Pacific Origins
  1. Understanding of the reasons for the NZRIPO equity group of admission to health professional programmes.
  2. Aspirations and commitment to make a positive contribution to Pacific health now and in the future.
  3. Engagement with the Pacific Islands Research & Student Support Unit (PIRSSU), Va’a o Tautai – Centre for Pacific Health (VOT), including participation in PIRSSU and VOT programmes, events and initiatives, as possible.*
Socioeconomic Equity (not applicable in the Alternative category)
  1. Understanding of the reasons for the Socioeconomic Equity group of admission to health professional programmes
  2. Explanation of how their socioeconomic background will impact their practice as a health professional
  3. Commitment to the health needs of those with lower socioeconomic backgrounds
  4. Engagement with the EQ Project team; and participation in programme events and initiatives.*
Refugee Background
  1. Understanding of the reasons for the Refugee Background sub-category of admission to health professional programmes
  2. Explanation of how their refugee background will impact their practice as a health professional
  3. Commitment to the health of former refugees and those with refugee backgrounds
  4. Disruptions to education journey through displacement
  5. Impacts of English as additional language
  6. Connection with refugee background communities
  7. Engagement with relevant University supports.*
New Zealand Rural Origins
  1. Academic ranking

* These attributes will only be applied to existing Otago students who have had the chance to take up the opportunities or support offered to their respective Equity groups.

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