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Will my concerns be kept confidential?


The contact people and the mediator will only talk to someone else if you agree or (and this is very rare) if there is a safety issue.

Will this go on my record?


Only statistical records are kept.

Won’t it escalate things if I go to the mediator?

The aim of mediation is to keep things low-level and informal – and to find solutions.

Isn’t it better to sort it out "in the family", inside our department?

Mediation does keep things "in the family". Someone comes into your department or area to help you work it out. And it stays confidential.

If I raise a concern, will I have to make a formal complaint or will I have to go to mediation?


You decide what actions will be taken.

I don’t know if my concern is the sort of thing I should be bringing to a contact person or the mediator. Should I?

If your issue is about “the University community” and it’s a problem, it’s likely that we can help you talk about it and work out a plan of action.

Can I go to the mediator or the contact people just for advice?

Lots of people don’t want or need mediation. They do want a confidential place to talk through a problem. While the mediator and the contact people don’t give advice, they do provide a framework and information so you can make a decision you’re happy with.

If someone wants me to go to mediation, do I have to?


Mediation is voluntary and you can’t be compelled to take part. It’s a good idea to have a talk to the mediator, to find out more about the process before you make a final decision.

Can I bring any issue to mediation?

Yes, if the issue is about the relationship between members of the University community.

If I agree to talk to the mediator, do I have to go ahead with mediation?


Mediation is voluntary and you make the decision about taking part. And, you can withdraw at any time.

If I go into mediation, will I have to agree to things I don’t like?


Every bit of mediation is voluntary. So you only agree to things you want to agree to.

How confidential is mediation?


The discussion stays with the people in the room, unless you and the other person agree that you want to tell someone else about all or part of it.

Isn’t mediation just for big issues?


It’s better and easier to have mediation for little problems. No issue is too small.

Isn’t mediation just for little issues?


Mediation is about restoring relationships and problems and it’s worth trying it even with very big problems. No issue is too big.

What if mediation doesn’t work?

Most mediation helps in solving problems and improving relationships. If this doesn’t happen you can still choose a formal option if you want to.

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