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The University of Otago has a range of staff and student wellbeing initiatives implemented to create healthy work and study places.  These initiatives support staff and students to stay well, both physically and mentally.

Give Nothing to Racism

The national Give Nothing to Racism ( GNTR ) campaign, launched by the Human Rights Commission in 2017,  launched on the University of Otago campus in March 2019. GNTR challenges us all to speak up and stand up when we see racism in whatever form.

Why we should give nothing to racism

Health Yourself

Launched in May 2019, the Health Yourself campaign is a coordinated approach to improve student and staff health and wellbeing through increasing awareness and understanding of what a healthy lifestyle looks like.

Find out more about Health Yourself

Learning and Development

Human Resources run a Learning and Development programme comprising of interactive workshops and information sessions. They also provide an array of professional development booklets you may find useful.

Human Resources Learning and Development programme

Mental Health First Aiders

The Health and Safety team facilitates workshops for staff. These are 2-day workshops that are accredited via Te Pou. There is a cost to cover course materials, venue and catering. The Wellington and Christchurch campuses are included in the programme as well.

Find out more about Mental Health First Aiders

Book a place in a Mental Health First Aiders workshop

Rainbow Tick

Rainbow Tick is a certification mark awarded to organisations that complete a diversity and inclusion certification process.

The University of Otago was recognised as a Rainbow Tick certified employer in 2018.

LGBTTIQA+ staff support and resources

Staff equity at Otago

The University recognises that our staff are our most important asset, and is committed to encouraging a diverse and talented university community.

Staff equity information

Sustainability champions

With Green Impact you have the opportunity to become a sustainability champion and receive appropriate training and support.

Visit sustainability at Otago and find out how to become a champion

University of Otago staff values

University of Otago staff share four core values, which were created to shape the culture of the workplace and launched in November 2020.

Kā Mātāpono | Our staff values

Wellbeing Champion

You have the opportunity to become a wellbeing champion for your area. In this role you are championing physical, emotional and social wellbeing and act as a guide for people learning more about services and resources. You receive appropriate training and ongoing support from the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Team.

To find out more details, who are our existing wellbeing champions and how to apply:

Visit our or


Work and Family Support 12-month webinar series 2024

At Otago we want to help working parents and carers succeed at home and at work, so to help reduce family stress and support family wellbeing, you’ll have access to the Win Win Parenting Work and Family Support Program (in partnership with Telus Health) from January 2024 to the end of December 2024.

Find out more and register for the webinar series

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