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There are heaps of resources out there to get you started, support you along the way, or give you a few ideas you might not have thought about before

Academic support
Disability Information and SupportStudent support service that is proud to work in an environment that values diversity and respects your individuality.
Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)Learn from students who have been where you are and succeeded. Free weekly 50-minute interactive workshops.
Student Learning Development Free academic development, essay writing, study skills, workshops.
UnipolA huge choice of recreational activities: cardio and weights, sports halls, group fitness, outdoor rental, social sport and outdoor adventures, fitness programmes, and small group fitness training.
Clubs and SocietiesProvides a variety of campus clubs and societies, a renowned recreation programme, and a variety of services and has a wicked line up of rooms and spaces for students to book free of charge.
Healthy eating out about New Zealand grown produce and when they are in season. alcohol has both short and long term effects on both your body and mind. It is important to be sensible when drinking and especially important as students to look out for your mates.
FoodSwitchAn app that helps you make healthier food choices.
Heart FoundationAre you eating right to support the health of your heart?
Sidechef The app gives you step by step recipes which you can filter based on ingredients and diet.
Student HealthProvides a comprehensive range of primary health care services for students including doctor, nurse, mental health and wellbeing, and psychiatry appointments.
Student Support Academic, tenancy and flatting, finances, your wellbeing, safety, or something else, even if you just need to chat, Student Support are here to help and we'll be with you every step of the way.
Sleep Health FoundationEverything you need to know about sleep and plenty of ideas to help you get more shut-eye.
Wellbeing Zealand's new national mental health and addictions helpline. of resources about how you can improve New Zealand's mental health.
HeadspaceMeditation made simple.
International Student Support International Student Advisers (ISA) are here to assist and the Otago International Friendship Network (OIFN) connects new incoming international students with friendly returning Otago students to help them settle into Dunedin and adjust to life at the University of Otago.
Locals programmeThe Locals programme provides academic support, social and volunteering opportunities to first-year Otago students who are living at home, flatting, or boarding.
Māori CentreTe Huka Mātauraka offers a home away from home for students of Māori descent. There is an Associate Dean (Māori) for every division and in most instances departments.
OUSA Student SupportAcademic, tenancy and flatting, finances, your wellbeing, safety, or something else, even if you just need to chat Student Support are here to help and we'll be with you every step of the way.
Pacific Islands CentreCome home to the Pacific Islands Centre. Support is available to all divisions across the University.
Queer Support Peer support and advocacy.
Residential college supportIf you live in a University residential college or a university flat, there are many support services available your academic and wellbeing.
Social Impact StudioHome of the UniCrew volunteers and heaps of other programmes geared toward helping you "find your why" and make a difference in our world.
Smiling MindFree mindfulness app.
Student Health CounsellingShort-term mental health counselling and support.
Te Whare Tāwharau Sexual violence support and prevention centre. free 24/7 helpline. Call, text, email or chat. Whatever's going on you'll find ideas and people who can help you get unstuck.
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