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Heart Otago has received funding support for our research from a number of prestigious providers.

Health Research Council of New Zealand

HRC logo 186The Health Research Council invests in research that improves the quality, cost-effectiveness and sustainability of New Zealand's health system, and contributes to disease prevention and living well. This calls for ongoing and robust testing of standard practices and for researchers to compare the effectiveness of different standards of care. It also calls for researchers to be innovative and often transformative in their thinking, and to work collaboratively for greater results and impact.

New Zealand research is respected internationally, and findings published by HRC-funded teams are quoted 44% more than the average for health research publications worldwide.

As well as addressing the needs of New Zealand's diverse population, our researchers are tackling global issues of urgency here in New Zealand and in collaboration with scientists around the world.

Heart Foundation of New Zealand

Heart Foundation logo 2020The Heart Foundation is New Zealand's heart charity, leading the fight against our country's single biggest killer – heart disease.

With more than 170,000 people in New Zealand living with heart disease, we will continue to fund life-saving heart research and maintain our vital work in local communities.
Life-saving heart research

Our vision: Hearts fit for life.

Our purpose: To stop all people in New Zealand dying prematurely from heart disease and enable people with heart disease to live full lives.

Lottery Grants Board (Health Research Committee)

Lottery Grands Board CM logoThe Lottery Grants Board distributes the profits made from New Zealand state lotteries, such as Lotto and Instant Kiwi, for the benefit of New Zealand communities. The Lottery Health Research Committee considers funding for research projects, shared equipment, Postdoctoral Fellowships and PhD scholarships.
Grants for 2019/20 (Community Matters website)

Marsden Fund

Marsden Fund logoThe Marsden Fund supports excellence in science, engineering, maths, social sciences and the humanities in New Zealand by providing grants for investigator-initiated research.

The Marsden Funds Council's mission is to drive world-class research in New Zealand by supporting and incentivising excellent researchers to work on their best and boldest ideas and to connect internationally, leading to new knowledge and skills with the potential for significant downstream impact for New Zealand.

Otago Medical Research Foundation

OMRF logoThe Otago Medical Research Foundation has provided Otago-based researchers with the opportunity to conduct research into a very wide variety of medical and health-related subjects for over 50 years.

The projects it has supported include many summer studentships which enable our brightest research-minded undergraduates to work with academic staff within the University on 10-week projects during their summer. The Research Foundation also provides grants of up to $40,000 to fund working expenses, staff salaries and small items of equipment. These funds provide much needed boosts to individual researchers and their departments, often enabling them to develop new and exciting lines of investigation.

University of Otago Research Grants

Clocktower against the sky thumbThe University of Otago research grant applications are considered by panels established by the Research Committee, taking into account the excellence of the research proposed, the research record of applicants and the overall research perspectives of the University.

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