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QualificationsPei Jun See image

Master of Training and Development, Griffith University, Australia
Postgraduate Diploma in Education, National Institute of Education, Singapore
Bachelor of Science (Applied Mathematics), National University of Singapore, Singapore

About Pei Jun

I graduated with a mathematics degree and taught at a high school for about five years before moving on to a role at the Ministry of Home Affairs. During my stint at the Ministry, I was part of the team that developed a simulation system to train officers in incident management and decision-making skills through scenario-based simulation exercises. Subsequently, I conceptualised the training curriculum masterplan and articulated the competencies expected of Home Team Trainers and Curriculum Developers.

My PhD topic looks at hybrid learning with a particular focus on student motivations. Covid has changed students’ learning through online mediums. Teachers now find it challenging to gauge students’ engagement through a small screen. I hope my research will reveal teaching strategies for effective teaching and learning in a hybrid setting. I think online learning has the ability to shrink the world, bringing people from diverse backgrounds together.

Research title

Hybrid as an emerging modality for teaching and learning in Higher Education

Research interests

  • Hybrid teaching and learning in Higher Education
  • Use of Learning Analytics in Higher Education
  • Scenario-based simulation training for law-enforcement officers

Scholarships, awards, and honours

  • Ministry of Home Affairs Study Award (2020)
  • Griffith Award for Academic Excellence (2019)
  • Griffith Award for Academic Excellence (2018)

Publications and conference presentations

Affordances and Challenges of Hybrid learning, Otago Graduate Research Student Symposium – 29/30 November 2023

The future of scenario-based simulation training for law enforcement in the AI driven world, Australasian Simulation Congress, 2023

Identify Necessary Features for Effective Scenario-based Simulation Training: A study on optimal learning, Australasian Simulation Congress, 2023

Activities and roles

  • Coordinator for Accelerated Math Programme, Student Learning Development
  • Postgraduate Representative for HEDC, 2024
  • Chaired session stream for Otago Graduate Research Student Symposium – 29/30 November 2023


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